体验商务英语综合教程2 教案

发布时间 : 星期二 文章体验商务英语综合教程2 教案更新完毕开始阅读

Lesson 3 Skills: Meetings: interrupting and clarifying

Ss listen to a meeting, identify expressions for interrupting and clarifying and use them in a role play.

Lesson 4 Case study: The voice of business

After analysing market research, Ss plan the first programme for a new business radio station.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 9 Title: Managing people

In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor, one of the key thinkers in this area, formulated the now-famous Theory X and Theory Y. Theory X is the idea that people instinctively dislike work and will do anything to avoid it. Theory Y is the more enlightened view that everybody has the potential to find satisfaction in work. (Others have suggested Theory W (for ‘whiplash), the idea that most work since the beginning of human society has been done under condition of total coercion, i.e. slavery.)


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss discuss the qualities and skills needed by good managers. Listening: Good managers

A management consultant talks about the things that managers need to be good at, especially in a cross-cultural context. Vocabulary: Verbs and prepositions

Ss work on the prepositions that follow certain verbs.

Lesson 2 Reading: Managing across cultures

Ss read an article about the problems created by expatriate managers when they behave inappropriately in other cultures.


Language review: Reported speech

Ss look at the structures used when reporting what other people have said.

Lesson 3 Skills: Socialising and entertaining

Ss look at punctuality, dress, gifts, small talk, invitations and other cross-cultural issues when people from different cultures meet.

Lesson 4 Case study: The way we do things

Ss analyse the difficulties following a merger between two companies whose sales teams have different ways of working and propose solutions.


第 次课 学时: 授课时间:第 周

Context: Unit 10 Title: Conflict

Conflict may well be productive in some cases. In any business situation, there are often a number of different ideas about the way to proceed. Usually only one way can be chosen, so conflict is inevitable. Ideally, airing the different ideas in discussion will lead to the best one’s being chosen. But the process may becom political, with an idea being defended by the person or group putting it forward after it has become apparent that it is not the best way to go, and unwillingness to ‘lose face’ by abandoning a loongcherished idea. There may be conflict between different levels in an organisation’s hierarchy or between different departments, with hostility to deas from elsewhere – the not-invented-here syndrome.


Lesson 1 Starting up

Ss do a quiz to find out how good they are at dealing with conflict. Listening: Handling conflicts

A management conslultant describes a conflict which was handled badly and another which was was handled well. Ss then talk about their own experiences in this area.

Lesson 2 Reading: Negotiating across culture

Ss compare four national approaches to negotiating. Vocabulary: Word building

