专题八 副词 三年模拟精选

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专题八 副 词


1.(2015·浙江宁波中考四模)But when I asked for more information about their illnesses,none of them could tell me ________(clear).

解析 句意:当我问及他们的病情时,没有人能很清楚地告诉我相关信息。修饰动词tell,用副词clearly。 答案 clearly

2.(2015·浙江温州中考四模)—Do you consider that money is the most important in your life?

—________ not.Money is important,but it is not everything.

解析 句意:——你认为在你的生活中钱是最重要的吗?——当然不是。钱很重要,但是不能替代一切。由句意可知,Certainly not符合上下文语境问答。 答案 Certainly

3.(2015·浙江台州黄岩区中考一模)On that day,I had a fight with my best friend and it was a hard time with my studies,too.I was ________(real)under much pressure.

解析 句意:??我真的是有压力。由句法可知,用really作状语。 答案 really

4.(2015·浙江宁波江北区中考模拟)Since they had the new rule,Liu has been taking notes more ________(care)in every class and has always been prepared for the writing test.

解析 修饰动词短语take notes,用副词形式carefully。句意:??小刘每节课都细心地记笔记,准备笔试。 答案 carefully

5.(2015·浙江永康中考一模)A woman stopped him and shouted ________(angry),“Don't run after my chicken,please leave my house immediately.”

解析 句意:一个女人阻止他并生气地喊道??。修饰动词shout,用副词angrily。 答案 angrily

6.(2015·浙江宁波江北区中考模拟)When Li Yang got home after school on April 9,she chatted and listened to music,but didn't do her homework.________?The 14-year-old had her homework-free card that day.

解析 由上下文可知,下文解释了李阳不做作业的原因。因此此处用疑问副词why。 答案 Why

7.(2015·浙江锦绣育才教育集团中考二模)Sunday lunch is ________(usual)the best meal of the week and many of the meals which are considered real British food are eaten for Sunday lunch,such as roast beef and pudding.

解析 句意:周日的午餐总是一周中最好的??。usually副词作状语,符合句法。 答案 usually

8.(2015·浙江台州赤城中学中考三模)Above all,we should try to work hard and live ________(happy),which is a good pay for them.

解析 live happily“生活得幸福”,副词happily修饰live。 答案 happily

9.(2015·浙江衢州菁才中学中考四模)The flowers in the garden are taken good care of ________(careful)by him every day.

解析 句意:花园里的花每天被他很细心地照顾。修饰动词短语take care of,因此用副词carefully。 答案 carefully

10.(2015·浙江杭州西湖区五校中考二模)Back in London,she spent a whole day on the London subway,getting ________ the train at different stations to taste the coffee.

解析 句意:回到伦敦后,她一整天都在伦敦的地铁上,在各个站点下车品尝咖啡。get off下车。

答案 off

11.(2015·浙江杭州十三中中考一模)________,so far we haven't found any cases that show this kind of virus can spread from people to people.

解析 句意:幸运地是,至今我们还没发现有情况表明这种病毒通过人之间来扩散。作状语,修饰整个句子。 答案 Luckily

12.(2015·浙江杭州四季青中考二模)—What do you think of your English teacher? —Great!No one teaches ________(well)in our school.

解析 句意:——你认为英语老师怎么样?——很棒。学校里没人比她教得好。由句意可知,用副词well的比较级形式。 答案 better

13.(2014·浙江衢州中考三模)She always does her homework ________(careful)than her brother.

解析 修饰实义动词does要用副词形式;由than可知,用副词的比较级形式。 答案 more carefully

14.(2014·浙江温州中考模拟)—Do you know the first shop for left-handed people in Dalian?

—Sure,the shop offers products made________(special)for left-handers. 解析 句意:——你知道大连左撇子第一店吗?——知道,这家商店提供了专为左撇子生产的产品。根据句意可知,用副词,修饰made。 答案 specially

15.(2014·浙江宁波中考二模)—________ do you take exercise? —Twice a week.

解析 通过答语“Twice a week.”可知,问句是询问频度的。 答案 How often

16.(2014·浙江温州中考二模)Helen was so shocked at the crash that she could ________ say a word.

解析 句意:听到这个撞车事故,海伦是如此的震惊,以至于几乎一句话都说不出来了。hardly“几乎不”符合语境。

答案 hardly

17.(2014·江苏南通)Every time we perform well,our teacher will say ________ (happy),“You've done a good job!”

解析 由上句“每次我们表现的很好的时候,老师都会高兴地说:‘你们真棒!’”修饰say,用副词happily,意为“欢快地;愉快地”。 答案 happily

18.(2013·浙江丽水)—The electric fan can ________ blow away the terrible smell in the room,can it?

—It's hard to say,but you may have a try.

解析 问句是一个反意疑问句,后一部分用了肯定语气,前一部分要用否定语气,hardly“几乎不”,表示否定。 答案 hardly

19.(2013·浙江湖州吴兴区中考一模)—I don't know the English word. —Sorry,I don't.Why not look it ________ in the dictionary?

解析 句意:??为什么不在词典里查一下呢?look up“查单词”。 答案 up

20.(2013·浙江义乌中考一模)It's twelve o'clock at night,but he is ________ working.

解析 由上文“现在已是晚上12点了”可推知下文意思为“但他仍然(still)在工作”。 答案 still
