
发布时间 : 星期一 文章(16份试卷合集)湖北省孝感市名校高中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读



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第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A

Since the introduction of the two-child policy in 2018, an increasing number of well-educated women have quit their jobs and are staying home to take care of their babies. But is it waste of talent for a highly educated woman to bee a housewife? Forum readers share their opinion. Tenith (Malaysia)

Never a waste. Her children will enjoy mother’s love . pared to other women’s children, her children will grow into better persons and bee more confident, if she grooms them properly instead of pampering(纵容) them . Ratfink (Australia)

It’s up to the woman to make a decision based on her circumstances. Education is never wasted by a woman who wants to bee a housewife as she will use her education to enhance the learning experiences of her children and also around the house.It’s no one’s business but the woman as to what she does with her education. Seneca (Expat in China)

She just needs to bear in mind that a mother has no right to regret her motherhood. Motherhood is destiny; if you bee mother, then you must accept it unconditionally, whether as full-time housewife- and-mother or as a part-timer who makes extra bucks during part of her week. TedM (UK)

Caring for your children by staying at home with them, or following a career...or maybe both

if the work involves Internet work from home, or running a business from home...all are lifestyle choices. Often choices are limited by money or by the expectations of others. As for \fathers\this has been a growing situation in England for many years. Sometimes this is a choice made because today a woman can earn far more than her partner. Sometimes it is because the man is considered a better option to be the \

21. Who takes the view that the housewife is a waste for a well-educated woman? A. Tenith and Ratfink B. Ratfink and Seneca C. Seneca and TedM D.None.

22. Which is the advantage of the well-educated housewives? A. They have more life style choice.

B. They can enhance their own learning experience. C. They can educate their children better.

D. They can both care for children at home and follow a career. 23.Why is “stay-at-home fathers ” a growing situation in England? A. Because they will not be laughed at like Chinese men. B. Because today a woman can earn far more than her partner. C. Because they love to stay at home and look after the family.

D. Because they want to change the situation and lead a different lifestyle. 24. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Well-educated housewives contribute to educating better children. B. Is it waste for well-educated women to be housewives? C. Motherhood is destiny you cannot regret. D. Nowadays a woman earns more than a man. B

Hurricane Harvey struck Texas in July 2018.It caused flood, deaths and great damage to many cities. But in the hurricane we saw many good deeds.

A Texas Pizza Hut manager was making sure her neighbors did not go hungry during the hurricane . Shayda Habib ,manager at the Pizza Hut called her husband and asked him to gather up kayaks(皮艇) and met her at the restaurant. They loaded the pizzas on kayaks and delivered them to as

many flood zone homes as they could. Habib and her husband planned to keep making and deliveries until they ran out of ingredients.

Two brothers from San Antonio Brad Morris and Adam Morris purchased a 21,000 pound truck so they could help people in Houston .They drove the 5-ton truck to Houston to help with citizen rescues along with their brother-in-law. The brothers rescued dozens of people.

A group of Mexican bakers who were trapped in their Houston bakery made hundreds of loaves of bread to give to flood victims. The four bakers had been working on a night shift when they realized they could not leave because of the level of water on the streets. They decided to continue to bake for those affected by the hurricane. The workers used up 4,400 pounds of flour to bake throughout the night and day.

J.J. Watt of the Houston Texas started a Hurricane Harvey relief fund that has collected more than 10 million dollars . Watt began his efforts after posting a video on Twitter which has now persuaded over 100,000 people to pitch in. He continued to post video updates on the donations daily, asking for the public’s help. Watt made a personal donation of $ 100,000. Make your contribution here.

25. When would Habib and her husband stop delivering pizzas?

A. When the Hurricane was over. B. When ingredients were used up. C. When everything recovered. D. When they were tired. 26. How many people took part in the truck rescue?

A. 1. B. 2 . C. 3. D.4. 27.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Habib and her husband used truck to deliver pizzas. B.Watt raised money to buy the truck and help people. C. The four bakers were trapped in the day.

D. Over 100,000 people have given donations to the fund Watt set.

28. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. Free pizzas offered by kind-hearted pizza Hut owner. B. Good deeds appeared in Hurricane Harvey. C. Two brothers bought a truck to help.

D. Fund was raised to help people in the disaster.


There is a mon , usually round object that you can see ever day and it appears in many expressions—buttons! Buttons , which are made of mental or plastic, are found on all sorts of clothing .They fasten or connect one piece of clothing to another to make sure your clothes don’t fall off.

To be cute as a button is an old saying , which means to be attractive or sweet, but in a small way. Babies are often described as cute as a button. Language experts don’t know why . But they do say the expression dates from the late 1860s.

Here is another expression associated with button: button-down. People often wear button-down shirts to the office. Button-down as an adjective means to be conservative .People described as button-down stay as close as possible to the normal way of dressing and behaving. When buttoning a button, you slip it into a buttonhole. A buttonhole traps the button . So, to buttonhole someone means you have trapped him in a spoken conversation .Now , let’s say you find yourself buttonholed in a conversation at a party. Someone just keeps talking and talking and talking ! Finally , you can’t stand it any longer. You tell him to button it! This is a direct, but a little rude way of saying “Stop talking!” “Button your lip” is another equally rude way to stop a person who talks too much.

Another kind of difficult person is someone who pushes one’s buttons. To push one’s buttons means to know how to get that person annoyed or upset . People who like to push other people’s buttons usually do it for selfish reasons. 29. What is the function of buttons?

A. They can make clothes look more beautiful. B. They can link a part of clothes to another. C. They can make people enjoy a better life. D. They can make clothes more durable(耐用的).

30. If you think someone’s clothing is traditional ,what will you say?

A. You are cute as a button. B. You are button--down. C. Buttonhole you ! D. Push your buttons. 31. How does the passage mainly develop?
