
发布时间 : 星期四 文章检验美国高中生英文水平的100个单词更新完毕开始阅读

n. [U] the right to vote in political elections 选举权;投票权 universal suffrage (= the right of all adults to vote) 普选权

84. suffragist/'s?fr?d??st/(suf- 下,frag打破→嘈杂声,suffrag就是suffrage在

下边发出嘈杂声→喊出赞同即选举→选举权,投票权,-ist 表示人) n. A suffragist is a person who is in favour of women having the right to vote, especially in societies where women are not allowed to vote. (mainly AM) 主张妇女参政权或选举权的人;主张扩大参政权(或选举权)者(尤指主张妇女参政权或选举权)

Suffragist is a more general term for members of suffrage movements, whether radical or conservative, male or female.

American abolitionist and suffragist who refused to pay taxes on her family's farm because she, not having the right to vote, was not represented politically.

rapid 里的词根是 rap“抓,抢”,抢时间的自然是“快的,迅速的”。rape 字面意思是“用力抓住”。

Toronto Raptors 是多伦多猛龙队,raptor 字面意思是抢夺者——猛禽,肉食鸟。 拉丁语 rapare 意思为 “抓住;抢劫;勾引;侵占,据为己有”。

85. usurp/ju:?z?:p; NAmE -?z?:rp /(usu 来自拉丁语 usus=use,rp=rap抓,抢;


vt. (formal) to take sb's position and/or power without having the right to do this 篡夺;侵权

The powers of local councils are being usurped by central government.

The Congress wants to reverse the reforms and usurp the power of the presidency.



86. winnow/?w?n??; NAmE -no? / (词源上winn相当于wind,即winn风


vt. to blow air through grain in order to remove its outer covering (called the chaff ) 簸,扬,风选(以去掉谷壳)

A list of 12 candidates has been winnowed down to a shortlist of three.

87. yeoman/?j??m?n; NAmE ?jo?- /(pl. -men /-m?n /)(有可能来自中古英语

yongman 即 young man →仆人,侍者→)

n. 1. (in Britain in the past) a farmer who owned and worked on his land (英国旧时的)自耕农,自由民

2. an officer in the US Navy who does mainly office work (美国海军的)文书军士 另外的观点认为可能来自古英语geaman,gea 表示district, village (区,村),与德语Gau(区)同源。

The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement. Her uncle spend two years on a warship as a yeoman.

thermos 是“保温瓶,热水瓶”,直接借自希腊语thermos热的,是1904年由德国慕尼黑的一位居民想出来的,他赢得了为Reinhold Burger研制出的一种新型家用真空瓶命名的比赛,1907年Thermos有限责任公司成立,1907年3月20日登记为商标名,1963年在美国变成普通名。 thermo- 表示:1. 热;2. 热电的 其实warm 与 thermo- 是同源的。


dynasty 是“王朝,朝代”,而dynast 是“君主,统治者”——拥有绝对“权力”,与自希腊语dynamis(力量,体力,能力,权力)有关。


希腊语dynamis “力量,体力,能力,权力”。 dyna-, dynamo- 表示“力,动力”。

88. thermodynamics /?θ?:m??da??n?m?ks; NAmE ?θ?:rmo?- /(thermo- 热,


n. [U] the science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms of energy 热力学

What light does this discussion throw on the second law of thermodynamics? In thermodynamics we usually deal with functions of two or more variables. infrared 是“红外线的”,infra- 其实与under同源。

89. infrastructure/??nfr?str?kt??(r) /(infra-下,structure结构;处于下部的结


n. [C, U] the basic systems and services that are necessary for a country or an organization to run smoothly, for example buildings, transport and water and power supplies (国家或机构的)基础设施,基础建设 The war has badly damaged the country's infrastructure. The infrastructure, from hotels to transport, is old and decrepit. dine,dinner,dinning room都不难吧?


了解dine的构词对理解jejune至关重要! 看看dine的“演变史”吧:

俗拉丁语disjejunare → desjejuner→缩写为desjuner→古法语disner → 中古英语dinen (法语diner)→ dine dine里的ne相当于jejune。

dine/da?n/(最终来自俗拉丁语disjejunare, di对应 dis- 除去,不,否定,ne对应jejunare ?fast?禁食,斋戒,即to break one's fast,与breakfast是一个意思,即一天中的第一餐——吃早餐→) vt. 进餐

来看看与dine相关的印欧词根: *yag- 崇拜,崇敬,尊敬

带后缀的形式*yag-yu- 对应拉丁语的iaiunus

古英语g/y 对应拉丁语i ,而在中世纪,字母J作为I的变体出现了,也就是说,y可与j,i 对应。

现在再来看 dine 里的第二个成分:

90. jejune/d???d?u:n / (je 相当于*yag崇拜,崇敬 →带后缀的形式*yag-yu-

对应拉丁语的iaiunus 即jejune很虔诚地崇拜家神→罗马的一家之主在吃早饭前先要给罗马家神Penates(珀那忒斯)供奉上一餐的食物,即自己先禁食→禁食的,饥饿的,空肠的→贫乏的→)

a. (formal) 1. too simple 太幼稚的;不成熟的;头脑简单的

