新视野大学英语读写教程第三版-第一册-Unit7-When honesty disappears教案

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第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 5 页

教学的基本内容 Typical patterns: 1. Travelers ripped off so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain $3 million to replace them. Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world. 去年一年,一家大型连锁酒店的大量毛巾被游客偷走,酒店因此花费了300万美元来添置新毛巾。尤其令人担忧的是,世界范围内有关学生不诚实行为的报道越来越多。 Sb. did sth.. / sth. happened. Especially troubling / surprising/annoying are the reports / facts that…用于表达“表述一种更令人担忧/吃惊/烦恼的现象或者事实感受”。 应用: 投币坐车本来是给市民提供方便,然而仅一个月公交公司收就收到很多的残币,更令人气愤的是仅假钞的数额就多达三万元。 The use of slot machine was aimed at facilitating the citizens, but within one month alone the public bus company received lots of incomplete coins. Especially irritating is the fact that fake money alone amounted to 30,000 Yuan. 2. Some people worry that the Internet, once hailed as the ultimate learning tool, could become the best aid yet for cheating. 有些人担心,曾经被奉为最棒的学习工具的互联网会成为作弊者最得力的帮手。 Sth., once hailed as sth., could become sth. 用于表达“表述一种事物或者一个人今昔境况的对比”。 应用:曾经是一位美国警察,被称赞为英雄,现被控告有强奸等几项罪名,已被抓捕。 A former US police officer, once hailed as a hero, has been arrested and charged with rape and other crimes. 3. Whether discovered or not, dishonesty has an undesirable effect on anyone who practices it. 不管是否会被发现,不诚实都会给任何一个作弊者带来不利影响。 5

第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 6 页

教学的基本内容 Whether discovered or not (whether conscious or unconscious), sth. will have an effect on sb.用于表达“表述不管在什么情况下某事都可能产生影响”。 应用1:不管是否被查出,剽窃他人的思想会对一个人的名声造成坏的影响,甚至会毁了前程。 Whether checked out or not, presenting another person’s ideas as one’s own may have bad effect on his name or even damage his future. 应用2:不管承认与否,今天,我们学会了追赶时间,却没有学会耐心等待;我们拥有的财富越来越多,道德品质却日益沦丧。 Whether admit it or not, today we’ve learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals. Step7. Consolidation Retell the passage according to the topic sentences. Purpose: To know if the students understand the whole text. At the same time, To show the text structure on the screen, so that they can retell it easily. Method: Read the text structure together; Use task-based language teaching method, reading approach, communicative approach and total physical response method. Step 8. Discussion 1. In some universities, students are asked to sign an Honesty Declaration in the exam. Do you think this is an effective way to prevent cheating? Why or why not? 2. Sometimes people tell white lies to avoid hurting others’ feelings. Should these people be considered honest or dishonest? 3. Sometimes doctors do not tell the truth to their patients about their conditions. Do you approve of this practice? Why or why not?


第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 7 页

教学的基本内容 Step 9. Assignments Review the key points of Section A; Finish the exercises after class; Finish online homework; Preview Section B. Write a speech or essay entitled with What Steals Our Leisure Time. You may apply as many expressions from the text as possible to your writing.

