
发布时间 : 星期二 文章大学英语2(1~5单元)更新完毕开始阅读


Phrases and Expressions

in front of 在什么前面 take delight in 以??为乐 take steps 采取步骤 by now 到现在 be ashamed of oneself 为自己感到羞愧 go by 过去 take pains (to do sth.) 费力地(做某事)

pay attention to 留心 come alive 活跃起来 at times 有时候 a couple of 两个 believe in 信任 make a difference 很重要


assure确信 constantly始终 excellent卓越的 exclaim大声说 require要求 reserve保留 respond回应 review复习 struggle挣扎 unpleasant不高兴的 whisper耳语 wrap包装

1) There is no secret to being a(n) excellent student. It is not just about working hard; it is much more about working effectively.

作为一个优秀的学生,没有秘密。它不仅仅是努力工作,更是有效地工作。 2) There is a saying that good medicine may taste bitter to the mouth and good advice may sound unpleasant to the car.

有一种说法说,好的药可能尝到苦的嘴和好的建议可能听起来不愉快的车。 3) For many working parents, organizing childcare over the summer holidays is a real struggle.


4) Should college students be required to attend classes? Some say it should be up to the students to decide. What do you think?


5) We constantly give presents all the time, for plenty of reasons; knowing how to wrap a present well is a useful skill to have -- you'll use it over and over again.


6) When Jessica opened her birthday gift, she was overjoyed.\beautiful!\exclaimed.

当杰西卡打开她的生日礼物,她喜出望外。“多么美丽!”她大声说道。 7) Amanda hasn't responded to my emails yet. I can't tell if she is just lazy or has never received them.

阿曼达还没有回复我的电子邮件。我不能告诉她是懒惰,还是从未接受过他们。 8) The article lists three reasons why we should take the time to regularly review our credit card statements(信用卡账单).

本文列出了三个理由为什么我们应该花时间去定期审查我们的信用卡对账单 9) I want to write a letter addressed to the hotel, to reserve a room for my guest who will stay two nights there.


10) The doctor assured me that my shortness of breath was nothing to worry about, that I was just overweight(超重的) and needed to exercise.


11) As Rick prepared to leave, Jenny whispered something in his car that we could not hear.


12) Fashion(时尚) is constantly changing from one day to the next: what is in(时兴的) one day may be out(不时兴的) the next.



1.My father used to smoke,

but he gave it up a couple of years ago.(过去常常抽烟)


2.We are used to the traffic noise now.(对交通噪音已感到习惯)


3.Don't worry—you'll soon get used to his had temper.


4.I used to enjoy gardening,but I don't have time for it now.(过去喜欢园艺)


5.Where did you use to live before you moved here?(过去曾住哪里)


6.I didn't think I could ever get used to after living in the city,but I have.(习惯在大城市生活)



1) 文章交上来之前,务必仔细检查一遍。(make sure, review,hand/turn in) Make sure you review your paper carefully before you hand/turn it in.

2) 自从我最后一次见到他,5年过去了。他已长成一个高大的小伙子了(go by,grow into)

Five years have gone by since I last saw him. He has grown into a tall young man.

3) 老师要求学生们详细描述他们在展览会(exhibition)上看到的一切。(require,in detail)

The teacher required the students to describe in detail what they saw at the exhibition.

4) 坐在我前面的两个学生窃窃私语,我很难把注意力集中在老师身上。(whisper, pay attention to)

It’s hard to pay attention to the teacher when the two students sitting of me are whispering to each other.


Phrases and Expressions

vote on 投票表决 sure enough 果然 take notes 做笔记 jot down 匆匆记下 back and forth 来回地 come up with 找到(答案) cool down 变凉


Allergic对?过敏的 blame责备 carefully小心翼翼的 complaint抱怨 crazy疯狂 data数据 effort努力 executive经理 latter后者 observe观察 obviously显然地 separate分开的 sincere真诚的 skeptical怀疑的 solution解决 sort种类 tradition传统 vary相异 vote投票 whenever无论何时
