
发布时间 : 星期二 文章2013高考数学新课标分类汇编:解析几何更新完毕开始阅读


3.首段首句没有读懂就不要做下去 完形应试技巧与思路:

1. 紧邻填空出现的并列、解释说明、补充说明能够提供足够线索。 2. 找对应关系(文首文末,隔开数行,与中心一致) 3. 根据文章逻辑的发展方向寻找连词


1. 时态、语态(动作是否已完结;判断意愿)过程、状态、还是结果? 2. 基调(肯定、消极)+ 还是 - ? 3. 连词或其他还有逻辑关系的短语

4. 学会从个别词来判断情形(副词、形容词)


◆Have you ever shouted at a teacher, told someone you were lonely, or said you were in love, and then 23 later you had kept your mouth shut? It isn‘t always 24 to express your feelings freely.

Does this mean that it‘s smarter always to 25 our feelings? No! If you 26 feelings of anger, sadness, and bitterness hidden away or bottled up inside, your body stays 27 . 24. A. useful B. right C. easy D. wise

高考英语阅读理解教案一擒贼先擒王 先抓文章的中心思想


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表转折和因果处:but, yet, however, today, this day, so, therefore;

情态动词must, should, ought to, 连词although, though; I, We, My, our;

There is/there was 后接抽象名词;

It shows/suggests/turns out/proves…等表示结论意思的动词,在如:find out,research was proved that…, his study is told that…;



It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more. But in order to work up the desire to rewrite, it is important to learn to like what you write at the early stage. I am surprised at the number of famous writers I know who say that they so dislike reading their own writing later that they even hate to look over the publishers‘ opinions. One reason we may dislike reading our own work is that we‘re often disappointed that the rich ideas in our minds seem very thin and plain when first written down .Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker suggest that this fact may be a result of how our minds work .

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Different from popular belief, we do not usually think in the words and sentences of ordinary language but in symbols for ideas (known as ―mentalese‖), and writing our ideas down is an act of translation from that symbolic language. But while mentalese contains our thoughts in the form of a complex tapestry (织锦),writing can only be composed one thread at a time .Therefore it should not be surprising that our first attempt at expressing ideas should look so simple. It is only by repeatedly rewriting that we produce new threads and connect them to get closer to the ideas formed in our minds.

When people write as if some strict critics (批评家) are looking over their shoulder , they are so worried about what this critic might say that they get stuck before they even start. Peter Elbow makes an excellent suggestion to deal with this problem .When writing we should have two different minds. At the first stage, we should see every idea, as well as the words we use to express it, as wonderful and worth putting down. It is only during rewrites that we should examine what we excitedly wrote in the first stage and check for weaknesses.

What do we learn from the text about those famous writers? A They often regret writing poor works B Some of them write surprisingly much . C Many of them hate reading their own works D They are happy to review the publishers‘ opinions.





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请注意 !


如果你习惯于按照传统思路做题,不希望有思维上的突破,请你立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你现在的成绩已接近满分,甚至已是满分,请你立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你患有心理疾病或心脏病,请您立即将您的眼睛离开; 如果你选择留下来,那么接下来的事,很可能让你目瞪口呆!


请先看下面的例子,它是辽宁卷2010年真题的第36题,是一个完形填空题. 在此我只列出它的四个选项,试试看,只是比较选项,你是否能够在3秒之内选出正确答案?

36. A. worried B. sad C. surprised D. nervous

正确答案是C, ABD都是一个人状态不好的倾向词,而C则为中性词,表述态度不一致者是答案。.如果你知道了这个秘诀,可以解决很多类似的完型填空题!


52. A. Largely B. Generally C. Gradually D. Probably

正确答案是C, ABD都是含义不肯定的副词,排除表述不明确的选项,答案就水落石出了. 如果你知道了这个秘诀,你更是可以解决很多类似的完型填空题! 试想一下,知道了全部36个完形秘诀之后,您的分数会怎么样呢?


56. From Paragragh 1 we learn that the villagers . A.worked very hard for centuries B.dreamed of having a better life

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