十大词性 句子成分及基本句型讲解及练习(附答案)

发布时间 : 星期二 文章十大词性 句子成分及基本句型讲解及练习(附答案)更新完毕开始阅读




集体名词 可数名词 普通名词 物质名词 1.名词 抽象名词 不可数名词 专有名词


人称代词: 主格 宾格 (注意it 的用法) 物主代词: 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 指示代词:this, that, these, those

单数:myself`, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself


复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves 2.代词

疑问代词:who, whom, whose, what, which.

简单不定代词:One/ones, Either/neither, both/all, each/ every another, other, the other, others, the others

复合不定代词: somebody, anybody, nobody 不定代词 someone, anyone, no one something, anything, nothing everybody, everyone, everything 功能:用来代替名词、形容词或数词等

3.数词: 基数词 序数词 功能:表数量或顺序

4.冠词: 定冠词 不定冠词 零冠词 //功能:用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物 表地点:at/ in/ on/ to, above/ over/ on, below/ under/ underneath…. 表时间: in/ on/ at, in/ after, from/since from, after/ behind, 5.介词: 表运动: across/ through/ over/ pass…





6. 形容词: 平级、比较级、最高级


7. 副词:平级、比较级、最高级


并列连词:and/ both/ or/ not only…but also, but/however/ yet/ still/ while…

8. 连词:

从属连词: if/ unless, because/as/ since, although/though… 功能:用来连接词、短语或句子 实义动词 (vi./vt.) 系动词 助动词 9. 动词: 情态动词

不定式(to do)

非谓语动词 分词: 现在分词(-ing)和 过去分词(-ed) 动名词(-ing)

功能:表示人或事物的动作或状态 10. 感叹词: oh ah well…

功能:表示说话时的感情或口气 2


1. 句子成分摸底测试:

(1) 指出下列句子划线部分是句子的什么成分?

1) The students got on the school bus. 2) He handed me the newspaper.

3) I shall answer your questions after class. 4) What a beautiful Chinese painting!

5) They went hunting together early in the morning.

(2) 判断下列句子是简单句并列句还是复合句?

1) We often study Chinese history on Friday afternoon. 2) The boy who offered me his seat is called Tom. 3) There is a chair in this room, isn’t there?

4) My brother and I go to school at half past seven in the morning. 5) He is in Class One and I am in Class Two.



七种句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语(直接宾语、间接宾语)、定语、状语、补语、表语等。 句子的主要部分是主语和谓语。表语、宾语和补足语是谓语的组成部分。 其他成分如定语、状语、同位语是句子的次要成分。

1. 主语(话题/主心骨)

一句话的主体。 英语句子不可或缺的成分, 是全句述说的主题。


George is a born leader. (名词)

Nobody knew what had happened. (代词)

Two of us will attend the conference tomorrow. (数词)

The young are always willing to accept new things. (名词化的形容词) To go the bed early and to get up early is a good habit. (不定式短语) Losing his new MP4 made Tom very sad. (动名词短语)


What we can’t get seems better than what we have. (名词性从句) It is necessary to master a foreign language. (不定式做主语)


2. 谓语(动作/状态):

说明主语做了什么动作,干了啥事。位于主语之后。 谓语动词有人称、数、时态和语态等的变化。 简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。 Father cooks very well.

He practices running every morning.

复合谓语:由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。 My sister has worked in the company for five years. You may keep the book for two weeks.

总结: 谓语部分由动词,动词短语 或 系表结构 构成。

3. 宾语(被K 的对象——主语发出的各种动作都落在宾语身上)



(1) 单宾语(宾语)


I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please turn it up? (名词、代词) If you put 5 and 7 together, you’ll get 12, little Tom. (代词) We should help the poor. (名词化的形容词) Remember to tell him to come. (不定式) Please stop making noise. (动名词)

Do you understand what I mean? (名词性从句)

(2) 双宾语(直接宾语&间接宾语)

双宾语指动词后面接指人和物的两个宾语。指人的宾语叫间接宾语,指物的宾语叫直接宾语。其结构为:主语 + 及物动词(短语) + sb. + sth. Please tell me how the accident came about. The teacher asked me a question too difficult to answer.

