
发布时间 : 星期六 文章我国内部审计存在的问题及对策研究更新完毕开始阅读



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结 论




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参 考 文 献

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附 录

Risk Management and Ethical Environment: Effects on Internal Audit and

Accounting Control Procedures


This study examines the impact of the scope of risk management and ethical environment on internal audit activities and the quality of accounting control procedures(ACPQ).The conceptual

framework for the study is guided by COSO?s frameworks on internal controls and enterprise risk management and data from a questionnaire survey of 64 Australian firms are analysed using a structural equation model.The results of the study support that(1)internal audit activities have a significant intervening effect on the relationship between the scope of risk management and ACPQ,and(2)a direct and positive relationship exists between ethical environment and ACPQ. Our findings suggest that widening the scope of risk management activities do not directly improve ACPQ,but that it leads to more extensive internal audit activities and in turn such activities promote better ACPQ.Further,the results indicate that fostering a more ethical environment directly leads to higher ACPQ.These results have implications for the design of internal controls,namely with respect to the role of internal audit activities and ethical environment in enhancing ACPQ. Introduction

The internal control system is a key corporate governance facet that has attracted considerable attention in recent years.The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations?(COSO)1 Internal Control–

Integrated Framework conceptualises an internal control system to comprise of several components,including the control environment,risk assessment,monitoring of controls,information and communication,and control activities (COSO,1992).See Figure One. These components are derived from the way management runs a business,and are seen to be integrated with the management process and the internal control.More recently,COSO?s(2004)Enterprise Risk Management–Integrated Framework (hereon referred to as the ERM framework) expanded on the previous internal control framework by integrating the entirety of an enterprise?s risk management processes with the organisational objectives classified under four categories:strategic,operational, reporting and compliance(which may be analysed from differing organizational levels i.e.divisional to sub-entity levels). The responsibility of implementing an effective ERM framework lies with managers,of which the design of the internal control system and adherence to set policies and procedures are vital aspects. The current study,guided by COSO?s Internal Control–Integrated Framework, and the ERM Framework,focuses specifically on four key components of an internal control system.

Background:COSO?s Internal Control–Integrated Framework The main objectives of COSO?s Internal

Control–Integrated Framework are to provide a common definition of internal control,and to provide a standard to assess the effectiveness of internal controls.The

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