GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板施工工艺及质量控制 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期一 文章GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板施工工艺及质量控制 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读



院 (系) 土木工程学院 专 业 工程管理 届 别 2013届 学 号 0912212012 姓 名 韦文凯 指导老师 黄奕辉 教授





专 业:工程管理 姓 名:韦文凯

指导教师:黄奕辉 教授

摘 要


关键词:GBF蜂巢芯 施工工艺 质量控制 PDCA循环


The construction techniques and quality control of ribbed

slab of GBF comby core

Major: Construction Management Candidate: Wei Wenkai Supervisor: Professor Huang Yihui


The ribbed slab of GBF comby core as a new structural system,its construction techniques are not perfect.This paper sums up the construction techniques of ribbed slab of GBF comby core which based on current relevant methods, specifications and practical experiences.And on the basis of the construction techniques,focusing on the key links in the construction process,first of all,executing active control in advance on the construction preparation stage ;Then researching in the quality problems that arising on the construction process,analyzing its reasons ,putting forward control measures as quality control in the event;Last,citing part of quality problems which came out after constructing and proposing treatments as passive control after the event.The construction of the ribbed slab of GBF comby core is the most important point in the installation of the comby core,so using PDCA cycle theory to exhaustive control the quality of GBF comby core on the construction process.Thereby enhancing the construction quality of the ribbed slab of the GBF comby core .

Keywords: The GBF Comby Core ;Construction Techniques ;Quality Control; PDCA Cycle


目 录

1 绪论.............................................................. 1

1.1 研究背景 .................................................... 1 1.2 研究目的及意义 .............................................. 1 1.3 研究内容与方法 .............................................. 2 2 GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板施工工艺 ........................................ 2

2.1 GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板........................................... 2 2.2 GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板施工工艺流程............................... 3

2.2.1 施工工艺流程........................................... 3 2.2.2 施工工艺流程中应注意的问题............................. 4 2.3 GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板施工工艺................................... 4

2.3.1 模板工程施工........................................... 4 2.3.2 钢筋工程施工及预留预埋设施安装......................... 6 2.3.3 GBF蜂巢芯安装 ......................................... 7 2.3.4 混凝土工程施工........................................ 10

3 GBF蜂巢芯密肋楼板的质量控制 ..................................... 11

3.1 事前、事中、事后控制理论 ................................... 11 3.2 施工质量的事前控制 ......................................... 11

3.2.1 模板施工阶段的事前控制................................ 12 3.2.2 钢筋施工及水电线管预埋阶段的事前控制.................. 12 3.2.3 GBF蜂巢芯安装阶段的事前控制 .......................... 12 3.2.4 混凝土施工阶段的事前控制.............................. 13 3.3 施工质量的事中控制 ......................................... 13

3.3.1 模板施工质量的事中控制................................ 13 3.3.2 钢筋施工及水电线管预埋质量的事中控制.................. 14 3.3.3 GBF蜂巢芯安装质量的事中控制 .......................... 14 3.3.4 混凝土施工质量的事中控制.............................. 15 3.4 施工质量的事后控制 ......................................... 16

3.4.1 模板施工质量的事后控制................................ 16 3.4.2 钢筋施工及水电线管预埋质量的事后控制.................. 16 3.4.3 GBF蜂巢芯安装质量的事后控制 .......................... 17 3.4.4 混凝土施工质量的事后控制.............................. 17

4 运用PDCA循环理论控制蜂巢芯施工质量.............................. 18

4.1 PDCA循环理论............................................... 18

4.1.1 PDCA循环理论的发展历史 ............................... 18 4.1.2 PDCA循环理论的基本环节 ............................... 18 4.1.3 PDCA循环理论的作用 ................................... 18 4.2 PDCA循环理论控制GBF蜂巢芯施工质量......................... 19

4.2.1 第一次循环控制........................................ 19 4.2.2 第二次循环的持续改进控制.............................. 22

5 结语............................................................. 22 致 谢............................................................. 23 参考文献........................................................... 24 附件:实习报告
