
发布时间 : 星期日 文章(共19套)山东省中考英语复习课本知识梳理全套练习(七上至九全)所有知识点练习汇总更新完毕开始阅读

Ⅰ. 选择填空 1. — ?

—I love it very much. A. What do you like it B. What is it C. What's it

D. What do you think of it

2. All these talent shows have one thing common. A. on B. in C. at D. for 3. —What are you going to do during the summer vacation?

—I am going to a new hobby like swimming or dancing. A. take off B. take up C. take after D. take in

4. —The scarves are all beautiful, and I can't decide which one to choose. —Oh, look at this red one. I think it is . A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. less beautiful 5. —Could I use your bike? Mine is broken.

—Certainly. But please it back soon. I need it this afternoon. A. give B. lend C. borrow D. keep

6. I think coffee tastes good, but not likes drinking it. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

7. I don't like action movies. I think they're . A. difficult B. boring C. interesting D. exciting

8. I can't find my English book. Could you help who took it by mistake? A. find B. look for C. find out D. look at

9. Mickey was and had many problems such as losing his house and girlfriend. A. successful B. unlucky C. famous D. lucky

10. What can you to learn from the news? A. mind B. enjoy C. expect D. stand Ⅱ. 完形填空

Vincent got up at half past six in the morning. He hurriedly put on his clothes and finished the 1 prepared by grandma. His grandparents were the only two people 2 with him.

As soon as he waved goodbye to them, Vincent 3 out to the small car park(停车场). Dad's car was already there.

“Good morning, Dad. You are earlier than I expected,” said Vincent. And he got 4 the car happily.

“I 5 you,” Dad smiled and drove off.

“Me too. 6 can I live with Mom and you again?” asked Vincent.

“I've told you hundreds of times. Mom will be back in two months. We will live together

again then. Mom always loves her 7 and she wants to take the chance to meet more clients(客户),” Dad explained, “And her boss told her that she might become the manager. Are you 8 ?”

“Not at all. Is work more important than me?” asked Vincent.

“No, of course not. You are the most important to Mom and Dad, 9 we have to work. You will understand us when you grow up,” said Dad as he 10 at the school gate.

Vincent got out of the car. Dad drove off, going back to his office. 1. A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper D. dinner 2. A. working B. climbing C. living D. separating 3. A. kept B. rushed C. pointed D. found 4. A. on B. off C. out D. into 5. A. beat B. ask C. hate D. miss 6. A. Why B. Who C. When D. Where

7. A. housework B. garden C. job D. trousers 8. A. happy B. healthy C. honest D. strict 9. A. or B. because C. after D. but 10. A. moved B. stopped C. met D. shouted

Ⅲ. 补全对话

阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。 Miss Wu: Can I help you?

Li Gang: Yes, I'd like to return this book, please. Miss Wu: 1

Li Gang: No, I couldn't read it. I had a hard time reading a few pages, and then I decided to give up.

Miss Wu: 2

Li Gang: It wasn't the language. It was the words. They are too small for me. Miss Wu: 3 What can I do for you then?

Li Gang: Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book. Miss Wu: 4

Li Gang: Yes, but one with bigger words. Miss Wu: 5

Li Gang: Oh, Oliver Twist. This one is fine. And the words are much bigger. Thank you very much. Miss Wu: You're welcome.

1. A. Did he enjoy the movie? B. Did you enjoy the book? C. Were you late last night? D. Do you like the movie?

2. A. Oh? But I know you are good at English. B. Yes? Where can I find the book? C. OK. I will find it in the library. D. I think you will like the movie. 3. A. No, they are not small. B. Yes, they are big.

C. Yes, they are really small. D. No, they are my favourite. 4. A. Another French storybook?

B. Another Russian book?

C. Another English storybook? D. Another Indian storybook? 5. A. What about this one? B. What about the pen?

C. How about going shopping? D. Why not go to the library? Ⅳ. 选词填空

A. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的单词填空(每词限用一次)。

realize loudly experiment pollution plastic The scientist was in a hurry. She had to get some water for her (1) before darkness fell. She was testing the water in the rivers that went into the ocean. Her job was to find out the cause of (2) in the sea at nearby beaches. She lifted out the water and looked angrily at the rubbish in it. Old clothes, (3) bags and pieces of paper were in the dirty water. “Don't people (4) that everything they throw onto the street gets washed into rivers? And they lead right into the ocean!” she said (5) . “How many years will it take to make it clean again?”

B. 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的动词,并用其适当形式填空。有的需要加助动词或不定式符号(每词限用一次)。

help be practice call play

When I (6) in the sixth grade, I joined a piano competition. I (7) for four hours every day and my piano teacher came three times a week (8) me. Then the big day finally arrived. I was so nervous when they (9) me. I went up and started to play. While I (10) , everyone sat still and listened. I played the song without any mistakes. I got the first. It was the happiest day of my life. Ⅴ. 书面表达


现象 利弊 观点 广场舞是一个热议的话题 奶奶参加广场舞后变化很大(更加健康,有了更多的朋友);广场舞成为了影响都市人们生活的噪音之一 …… 要求:1. 词数:80~100;

2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

My Opinion on Square Dancing


Ⅰ. 1~5 DBBCA 6~10 DBCBC Ⅱ. 1~5 ACBDD 6~10 CCADB Ⅲ. BACCA

Ⅳ. 1. experiment 2. pollution 3. plastic 4. realize 5. loudly 6. was 7. practiced 8. to help 9. called 10. was playing

Ⅵ. My Opinion on Square Dancing

The discussion about square dancing is very hot these years. Let me take my grandma as an example to talk about my opinion on it.

A few months ago, my grandma went to do square dancing after supper. Since then, she has been in love with square dancing. Now, she is much healthier than before. What's more, she has a lot of friends. However, some neighbors have a complaint about the people who do square dancing. They think that the music is so loud that they can't fall asleep at night.

In my opinion, people can do square dancing because it is a good way to keep healthy. But they should think about the feelings of others and they shouldn't make too much noise.

第7课时 八年级上册 Units 7~10

Ⅰ. 选择填空

1. —Has Jane done the washing yet?

—You cannot her to do such a thing.

A. want B. hope C. expect D. wish

2. a basketball player he wants to be a person Yao Ming. A. Like; like B. As; as C. As; like D. Like; as

3. There a sports meeting next week if it . A. is going to have; doesn't rain B. is going to be; doesn't rain C. is going to be; won't rain D. is going to have; won't rain

4. They usually go shopping their lunch break.

A. against B. among C. between D. during 5. —Tom, let's hang out after school.

—Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him. A. advised B. expected C. promised D. made

6. a light when necessary. You will bring light to other people and yourself. A. Try on B. Get on C. Turn on D. Put on

7. —The water in glass is sweet. Did you put any in it?
