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unable to come after accepting the invitation, be sure to tell those who invite you in advance£¨ÌáÇ°£©that you will not be there.

When you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner, it is polite to bring small gifts with you, such as bottles of drink, flowers and chocolate. Sometimes Westerners may take you out to dinner in a restaurant and it does not necessarily mean that he is going to pay the bill at the end of the meal. He might want you to ¡°go Dutch¡±, which means each person pays his own bill.

41. When Westerners say ¡° Drop in anytime¡± or ¡°Come and see me soon¡± , it means ________.

A. you are welcome to visit them anytime

B£®you are welcome to visit them, but you still need to call them before going to their house.

C. they don¡¯t want you to visit them.

42. If a westerner invites you to go to his house, ________. A. you may refuse if you don¡¯t plan to go. B. you can¡¯t accept the invitation. C. you must go if you accept the invitation.

43. What kind of gifts will you bring if you have accepted the invitation to a party or a dinner? ________ A. Clothes.

B. Televisions

C. Flowers

44.The underlined part ¡°go Dutch¡± means ¡°________¡± in Chinese. A. È¥ºÉÀ¼

B. È¥DutchÕâ¼Ò²ÍÌü


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45. The best title of this passage is ________ A. Drop in anytime. B. Come and see me soon. C. Invitation in western countries.


Weather can influence (Ó°Ïì) people¡¯s intelligence(ÖÇÁ¦). A report in 1983 showed that IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. That wind could help people have higher intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. A recent report shows that students in many schools of the US often get low marks in exams in the hot months of the year( July and August).

Weather also has a strong influence on people¡¯s feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They might feel unhappy during cold days. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer.

Low air pressure (Æøѹ) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18¡ãC.

Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weather¡¯s problem.

46.What influences people¡¯s intelligence according to the first paragraph? A. Food B. Health

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C. Weather

47. Student s in many schools of America get lower marks in exams because they take exams ____________. A. in hot months B. in cold months C. with bad feelings

48.How may a thin person feel during cold days? A. Happy B. Sad C. Angry 49.At a temperature of about 18¡ãC, people________. A. leaves more bags on buses B. feel best C. are forgetful

50.Which of the following is not true?

A. A report in 1983 showed that weather influence people¡¯s intelligence. B. on low-pressure days, people can¡¯t remember things well C. Weather has nothing to do with people¡¯s feelings.

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Hot pot£¨»ð¹ø£© is many Chinese people's favorite and Liu Yang is one of


Three days ago£¬Liu Yang arrived in England. ___51___Yesterday he was

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very excited when he heard that there was going to be a meal of hotpot to welcome the new students£®

He went into the room and sat next to an American girl£®___52__ Where was

the hot pot£¿

____53____She told him that hotpot is NOT hot pot£®China has hot pot in

two words but English hotpot is written in one word£®

_____54_____People put it in the oven£¨¿¾Ï䣩 all day in a heavy pot and

on a low heat£®It is easy to cook£®

Hotpot tastes fine£®But Liu Yang still misses hot pot£¬two words!

A. Hotpot is made from meat£¬potatoes and onions£®

B. To his surprise£¬he saw potatoes and bread in front of him£® C. The girl saw Liu Yang was very surprised. D. They both like Chinese hot pot very much.

E. There he had three days of hamburgers£¬sandwiches and potatoes£®

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Good study habits (Ï°¹ß) are important for all students. When you have good study habits, you learn faster and you find you have a good memory.

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