
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新版外研社小学英语三起点四年级下册全册教案更新完毕开始阅读


正确运用人称和be动词,使其搭配正确。 教学过程:


1.让学生以小组的形式进行。 2.自我展示

学生拿出事先准备好的人物照片向其他同学进行介绍。 3.Let’s chant

Tall tall tall I am tall Short short short You are short Fat fat fat He is fat Thin thin thin She is thin Naughty naughty naughty It is naughty Old old old They are old Young young young We are young

教师加手势与动作进行示范后学生进行展示,做到有声有色。Step2.Presentant 1.新课呈现

教师让学生拿自己的照片作介绍。 2. new words

①教师拿出自己现在的照片,自问自答。 Who is she? She is me.


②教师出示自己小时候的照片,与现在的照片作对比。 Then(在那时) I was 2. Now I am 34.

Then my hair(头发)was short. Now my hair is long. 学习新单词then和hair。

③教师课件出示易建联小时候现在的照片继续训练新知。 Then he was fat. Now he is thin. Then he was short. Now he is tall. ④出示grandparents年轻时与现在的照片。 T: They are my grandparents.

Then they were young. Now they are old.

Step3.Practice 1.Let’s chant. Then then then I was 2. Now now now I am 10.

Then then then He was short.

Now now now He is tall.

2.小组讨论用was/is, were/are说句子。


Step4.巩固训练,拓展提高 1、细听录音,跟读课文。 2、听录音回答问题

Who is that little girl? How old was she then ? 3、Choise:

(1)Then they young. A.were B.are C.is (2)Now they old. A.were B,are C.is (3)Then he short. A.was B.is C.am (4)Now he tall A.was B.am C.is

1.学生就上一环节练习进行反馈。 2.小记者采访


Step6.Homework 1.熟读单词 2.流利地读懂课文

3.网上搜索明星人物的信息,把他们现在与小时候的对比变化说给父母听。 教学反思:

Unit 2 They were young.




练习使用”was, wasn’t, were, weren’t ”表达过去的一些事情。


Step 1 Warming-up(热身活动) 1、互致问候。

T:Hello, boys and girls. How are you?

Ss: Hello, Mr. Wang. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m fine, too. Thank you. Do you like English? Ss: Yes, I like English.

T: Good. I’m glad you like English. 2、唱一首以前学过的英语歌曲。

T:Can you sing the English song ROW YOUR BOAT? Ss: Yes. T: Now, let’s sing together and do the actions.

3、老师说,学生做;老师做,学生说。练习表示人物的一些形容词。 T: Fat. Ss: 做肥的动作。

Step 2 Revision and leading-in (复习导入) 活动一:(1)复习上节课学过的was和were,学习本课要练习的wasn’t 和weren’t。通过板书对比,简笔画。

Step 3 New test(课文新授)


(2)放录音,学生听音指图。Listen and point. (3)跟读录音.Listen and say.

(4)到大屏幕上指图说图。Point and say.

活动二:(1)指着最后一幅图问学生Was it fat? 引导学生用No, it wasn’t. It was thin.回答。多和学生做几个练习,然后过度到学生问答,然后可以自己练习。

(2)Practice in pairs. (3)检查学生掌握情况。 活动三:歌曲学习

(1)Now, let’s have a rest. Let’s sing an English song.

(2)Now, do you want to learn another English song? If you can sing it well, you can have my sticker.给学生展示小鸡和母鸡的图片,然后表演它们的动作和叫声。再学习歌词。然后听音,让学生学唱。最后比一比,谁唱的最好。发sticker 奖励。

Step 4 task-fulfilling(运用任务)



Step 5 Homework

1、以小组为单位谈论Smart一家的老照片,看看每个人有什么变化。 2、向好朋友、同学、家人讲述过去的自己是什么样子的。 教学反思:

Module 6

Unit 1 were you at home yesterday?


1语言知识目标: 能听、说、认读本课的重点单词:yesterday、out,well,thanks, sun, lesson, village ;全体学生能运用Were you at home yesterday? Was it a big city then? 谈论过去事物或人物的特征和状态。感知一般疑问句的语音语调特质。

2语言能力目标: 能根据课件、图片展示听、说相应的单词;能根据设计的场景运用Were you at home yesterday? Was it a big city then? 询问过去实物或人物的特征和状态。


教学内容: 单词:yesterday、out,well,thanks, sun, lesson, village

句型:Were you at home yesterday? Was it a big city then?


Step 1 创设情境,激发兴趣(Warming-up)

教师与学生一起吟诵上一模块的歌谣,然后比一比哪一组吟诵得最好 师生之间相互问候和自由对话,使学生快速进入学习状态 T: Hello, everyone! How are you?

S: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? T: I’m very well.

Step 2呈现学习新单词 1. Free talk:

T: Boys and girls, just now I said I’m very well, now look at this card how to read this word “well” yeah very good! (呈现单词卡片)反复纠正发音.learn the new words. Take the new words in sentences and to learn 教学生词 “thanks, sun lesson yesterday ” 板书句子: Were you at home yesterday? Then ask and answer.

学生读句子: Were you at home yesterday ? Yes I was / no, I wasn’t.

2. 反馈:Do you like music? Now Let’s have a chant. Show activity1’s chant first listen second follow the tape to read and then ask student to show us.

Were you at home yesterday? Were you at school yesterday? Were you at zoo yesterday? Yes I was yes I was I was out yesterday.

Step 3利用图片向句型和课文过渡(Activity) 2.Listen,point and find “Was/Were……?”
