
发布时间 : 星期一 文章我国金融控股公司法律问题研究更新完毕开始阅读


内 容 摘 要



关键词:控股公司 金融控股公司 风险控制


Mixed operation has been the trend of international financial industry in whole world. Financial industry still holds the policy of separated operation on the basis of national security. But the financial holding companies such as CITIC、Ever Bright and Safe Insurance, emerge and become a choice from separated operation to mixed operation in our country. The financial holding company itself insists on the policy of “the mixed group, the divided legal person”, so it can not only realize the efficiency of mixed operation, but also keep the security of separated operation. But there is no laws and regulations that adjust and standardize the financial holding company at present in China, it is worth further study about how to define the legal status of financial holding company and control its risks.

This thesis is divided into four parts. The first part introduces “the intension and legal characteristics of financial holding company”. Because the financial holding company is one of the forms of holding company, the thesis begins with the definition of holding company, and then explains the definition and characteristics of financial holding company. The second part introduces “financial holding companies in foreign countries and how to use their experiences for reference”. The thesis talks about practice of financial holding company in America、Britain and Japan. Then it gives us some advice about setting up financial holding company in China. The third part introduces “the mode selection of financial holding company in our country”. Though the financial holding company is not clearly defined in our laws and regulations, there are some financial holding companies in our life. According to national conditions, the thesis proposes the set-up mode of our financial holding company from analyzing its advantages and disadvantages. The fourth part

introduces “risk controlling about financial holding company”. The design of financial holding company is not perfect. Although it has advantages, there are more risks, for example insufficient capital and improper inside trade. As to such risks, the thesis puts forward some suggestions about controlling them.

Key words: Holding company Financial holding company Risk controlling


引 言

1999年11月12日,美国《金融服务现代化法案》正式签署生效,允许商业银行、证券公司、保险公司跨业经营,这标志着金融分业的创始者——美国终于在世纪之交废弃了分业经营,实行混业经营。在此之前,实行金融分业经营的几个大国,如英国、日本等都纷纷进行了“大爆炸”(Big Bang)式的金融改革,逐步实现了混业经营。金融业混业经营已成为新世纪全球金融业发展的四大趋势之一。随着我国金融市场的全面开放,国内金融机构无法回避与国外全能化的金融机构激烈的业务竞争。显然,尽早对我国金融机构实施金融控股公司制改革,不失为增强我国金融业竞争力的明智选择。[1]在现阶段,可以借鉴国外混业经营的经验,在规范监管的前提下,通过设立金融控股公司来推动金融业创新,从而提高金融机构的经营效率和竞争力。鉴此,以下本文拟就金融控股公司的有关问题作些探讨。



