
发布时间 : 星期日 文章(全国用)2018年高考英语二轮复习与增分策略专题二七选五第二节方法运用于命题更新完毕开始阅读

judgement.Various activities and experiences become rude or even signs of bad luck when the left hand becomes involved.In some parts of Scotland,it is considered bad luck to meet a left-handed person at the start of a journey. 4 A person giving directions will put their left hand behind them and even physically try to point with their right hand if necessary.In some Asian countries,eating with the left hand is considered impolite.

5 People come to realize that left-handedness is natural.People even noticed that many famous people are left-handed,including Benjamin Franklin,Leonardo Da Vinci,and Charlie Chaplin.Some researchers find out that lefties are more creative and can deal with abstract thinking better.The left-handedness is more easily adaptable to the right-handed world as well.Being left-handed is no longer a sad story now; instead,it is a wonderful gift or maybe it is something you should take pride in.

A.In other words,left-handers are born that way. B.Left-handedness used to be regarded as a disability.

C.The unfavorable associations of the use of the left hand among cultures are varied. D.Why do they prefer to use their left hand rather than their right hand for routine activities?

E.Why do some parents force their left-handed children to become right-handed when writing?

F.In Ghana,pointing,gesturing,giving or receiving items with the left hand is considered rude.

G.Fortunately,nowadays most societies and cultures no longer reject left-handedness like before.

语篇解读 文章介绍了左撇子的成因以及在历史上不同文化的人们对这种情况的看法。随着时代的变化,人们现在对左撇子的看法已发生了改变。 1.答案 D

解析 上下过渡句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤、代入复读等法解答该题。根据上文的问句以及后文的内容可知,此处是以问句引出下文。选D项。 2.答案 A

解析 上下过渡句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤、代入复读等法解答该题。上句提到左撇子的形成有基因的原因,故此处用A项进行同义解释。 3.答案 C

解析 上下过渡句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。结合上句,左撇子在许多文化中被认为是不好的;下文具体叙述在不同文化中,人们对左撇子的看法,故此处应承上启下,选C项。 4.答案 F

解析 细节支撑句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。前文提到“In some parts of Scotland”以及后文的“In some Asian countries”并结合空后的“giving directions”的内容可推知,此处应具体叙述某一国家的人们对左撇子的看法,故选F项。 5.答案 G

解析 主旨概括型。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。本段下文提到现在人们开始意识到左撇子是很正常的行为,且本句作为开头,可以推断出G项符合本段大意。



How to Meet New People

Everybody knows that first impressions count.If you want to know how to meet people,just follow these steps. ?Live in the moment.

To meet new people,the first thing you have to do is enjoy the present moment of the new conversation.Let go of your expectations and fears. 6

When you approach a new person,don’t ask yourself,“How do I look?” or “How do I sound?” Instead,ask,“What would this person like to talk about?” “What matters to this person?” ? 7

If you keep up your confidence,people feel that you’re a person who is worth talking to.You should be confident before you walk into a room with new people in it and build your confidence as the conversation goes along.Just smile,talk about the things that you love,and show everyone that you love who you are,where you are,and what you do.

8 Stand tall,maintain eye contact,and don’t fidget with your hands or look at the floor.When you introduce yourself,speak clearly and loudly enough that you’ll be heard. ?Be positive.

9 You should smile from time to time.Talk about the things you love,the things that make you happy,and your interests to keep people engaged.

Don’t talk about your long-standing hatred for a certain teacher,or classmate.

10 The occasional “That’s so true!” or “I know exactly what you mean!” will be far more positive. A.Stay confident.

B.Don’t nod and agree with what the person is saying every five seconds. C.Body language can help you stay confident.

D.Don’t ask for the person’s number in the middle of the conversation. E.Communicate in a fun and casual way.

F.Maintaining a positive attitude will make people want to talk to you. G.They can prevent a conversation from unfolding smoothly. 语篇解读 本文主要介绍了一些与新结识的人谈话时的建议。 6.答案 G

解析 上下过渡句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤、代入复读等法解答该题。上文提到,在与新结识的人谈话时要享受当前时刻,不要有期望和恐惧;G项意为“它们(即期望和恐惧)会阻碍谈话顺利地展开”,与上文形成因果关系,符合语境。故选G。 7.答案 A

解析 主旨概括型。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。根据下面两段话主要讲的内容可判断出,作者给的第二条建议主要是建议人们要有自信,所以A项“保持自信”适合用作中心句。故选A。 8.答案 C

解析 细节支撑句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。根据后面讲述的内容可判断出,本段主要讲述的是肢体语言方面的建议,所以C项“肢体语言能帮助你保持自信”与下文紧密相连,符合语境。故选C。 9.答案 F

解析 细节支撑句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤等法解答该题。该部分的标题句为“Be positive.”,F项意为“保持积极乐观的态度能让人们想和你谈话”,与标题句相照应,符合语境。故选F。 10.答案 B

解析 上下过渡句。运用语意判断、黄金三步骤、代入复读等法解答该题。下文提到,当赞同对方的看法时最好能说一些表示赞同的话;B项意为“不要点头,每隔五秒说一些表示赞同对方所说的话”,与下文照应,符合语境。故选B。
