
发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏省南京十校2020届高三12月联考英语试题(WORD含答案)更新完毕开始阅读



听力: 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CABCA 11-15 BCBCB 16-20 AABCC

单选: 21-25 BCABA 26-30 CDADA 31-35 CBCCD

完型: 36-40 CBDAB 41-45 ABDCB 46-50 ACDAB 51-56 ACDAD

阅读: 56-57 BC 58-60 CAD 61-64 DBCC 65-70 DBDCBA


71. mind/attention 72. remains 73. subjective 74. Findings/ Results/ Outcome(s) 75. speaking 76. negatively/negativity 77. examples/cases 78. changed 79. Unlike 80. decide/determine


Recently, due to the influence of the popular film Better Days and media reports, school bullying has caught the public’s eyes again. China’s education authorities demanded schools and the departments concerned should make joint efforts.

Several factors give rise to the severe situation of school bullying. Firstly, many media online expose teenagers to negative information, especially concerning violence, which will be rooted in children’s heart and mislead them to bully others. Additionally, children’s lack of proper education is responsible for their ignorance of law and indifference to others’ feelings.

Personally, there is no simple solution to school bullying. Above all, the government should shoulder the responsibility to strengthen supervision and impose severe punishment on such behavior. Meanwhile, teenagers are expected to enhance their awareness of self-protection and never give in to bullying.

If we can put the above into action effectively, chances are that school bullying will be nowhere to be found.





第二段中心句2分;两个原因,每个4分。(如两个以上酌情处理) 第三段中心句2分;两个措施,每个3分;总结句2分。


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5、给分应该总体把握,15分为给分切入分。(特别提醒:优秀作文不能舍不得给高分,这样也可以帮助学生了解好作文的标准。) 各档标准:







Text 1

W:One ticket for tonight's show, please. Here's a five-dollar bill.

M:Sure. One ticket, and here's seventy cents in change. Text 2

M:I've got to get going. I need to be at school in twenty minutes, or I'll be late for Mr Brown's lecture.

W:Okay, bye. Text 3

W:Hey, if you can't enjoy the music at a sensible volume, could you at least use earphones? I'm trying to get ready for the speech contest.

M:Oh, sorry. I didn't realize I'd been bothering you all this time. Text 4

M:Do you still work for the bank?

W:No. I'm an English teacher now. I really love the job. Are you still a nurse? M:Yes. I love it, too. Text 5

M:So Mary, what did you think of the new film?

W:Well, the players' acting was good, and the special effects were impressive, but the plot wasn't very exciting.

M:Hmm. So, would you recommend seeing it?

W:Oh yeah, it's an entertaining film. You should certainly see it. Text 6

W:Hurry up! Mom will be home any minute and we're not done planting. M:Whose idea was it to plant a garden for Mom for her birthday? We've been working under this hot sun all day!

W:It was our idea, remember? We both wanted to give Mom something special this year. Look, we're almost done. We've already loosened the soil. Keep digging!

M:But my arms are so tired. They're about to fall off.

W:Move over. I'll dig for a while. Why don't you water the new flowers?

M:Sure, right after I take a little break. In the meantime, I'll just watch you work. Come on.

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Keep digging. You're almost there ...

Text 7

W:Look, Harry, what a beautiful day! Let's go to the park and play volleyball today.

M: I'd love to, but I'm not feeling good after falling off my bike on the way back home yesterday, and remember, the doctor suggested that I not do any sports until I feel better.

W:Well, how about flying a kite? That would be fun.

M:I'd like to, but my knee hurts, too. I really don't think I can run with a kite. W:Why does your knee hurt? M:I guess it's because ... Ah ...

W:Harry, stop making excuses! You just don't want to go outdoors. You've been sitting here for two hours in front of the TV. You really must stop being such a couch potato.

M:All right. Let's go out and fly a kite ... but I really must be home by 5 p.m. to watch the basketball game.

Text 8

W:Tim, I called you at about 10 this morning but I couldn't get through. M:Yes. I was at a job interview then, so I'd turned off my phone. W:So how did the interview go?

M:I think it went very well. The manager said he'd give me a call tomorrow. The company will pick two out of just five and I'm one of the five.

W:I hope you'll get the job. M: Thanks.

W: So how is the pay?

M:It starts at $11,500 for the first year. Then it goes to $13,500 for the second year. The longer you work there, the more you'll receive.

W:That sounds fair enough. So what will you mainly do if you get the job? M: I'll show Chinese tourists around the city. W:I'm afraid that sounds like a quite tiring job.

M:Yes, but I think I'll love doing it. You know, I love exploring city. W:Well, I do hope you'll get the job. Text 9

M:Donna, can I ask you a question? W:Sure, Jason. What's up?

M:Did you take my gold ring? You know, the one that Grandpa gave me right before he passed away last year.

W:Uh, no. Why would I want to take that? It doesn't even fit me. M:Look, just be honest. Did you take it?

W:No! What's your deal, anyway? All of a sudden, you don't trust your big sister? I've never lied to you about anything before. Why would I start now?

M:You're right. I'm sorry. It's just… that ring is really important to me, and I can't find it anywhere.

W:Maybe the housekeeper took it. M:No, she was there when Grandpa gave it to me. She knows how much it meant to me. She would never do that. Besides, she has been with us for two years.

W:Well, have you looked in your room?

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M:Uh, only for the last two days! I've looked everywhere. W:Hey, what's that on your little finger?

M:What? I can't believe it! Oh, man, I feel so stupid now!

W:Haha, don't worry. The same thing happened to me with my favorite pair of sunglasses. They were on my head for, like, a whole day!

M:I still don't understand why it was on my little finger. You know, I always wear it on my ring finger or middle finger.

Text 10

Hello. This is the Cambridge Sports Centre. We're sorry that nobody is available to speak to you right now. Our centre is open Monday to Friday from eight o'clock in the morning until ten at night and from nine in the morning until seven in the evening on Saturdays and Sundays.

Our basketball, tennis and football teams are all nearly full, so sign up soon. We are still accepting tennis students, since based on the popularity of tennis last year, we have added two more tennis coaches this year. If you don't have your own equipment, you can rent equipment from us—just check the prices on the notice board here at the centre. We do not, however, provide any drinks other than water.

A six-month membership costs fifty pounds and comes with a special gift. Just present your

six-month membership card at our new sports clothes shop for a free T-shirt. Just remember when

you sign up for a membership that we accept payment only with credit card. It'll be more convenient than by check and so you won't have to take too much cash on you.

Thank you for calling the Cambridge Sports Centre. See you soon!

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