
发布时间 : 星期二 文章七年级英语上册同步单元练习题+答案详解更新完毕开始阅读

4. 他每天进行体育运动。

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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?

Ⅰ. 根据句意和汉语或首字母提示补全单词 (每小题1分,共10分) 1. Tony likes ________(梨) very much.

2. It?s good for you to eat some ________(香蕉) before breakfast. 3. You?re so fat. You should eat more ________(水果) and less meat. 4. My sister has ________(午饭) at school. 5. Tom eats eggs and milk for ________(早餐).

6. I like ice cream,but I don?t like h________ in the fast food shop. 7. We all like to eat c________ legs.

8. His brother eats lots of h________ food.

9. For d________, I have an apple and a hamburger.

10. This is the d________. We often have it at the end of dinner. Ⅱ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

1. He has ________ egg and ________ hamburger. A.an; an B.a; a C.an; a D.a; an 2. My friend ________ like salad. A.don?t B.doesn?t C.isn?t D.aren?t 3. Her parents ________ lunch at home. A.have B.haven?t C.has D.doesn?t have 4. We have lots of food ________ dinner. A.in B.at C.on D.for 5. Tom ________ his mother?s dessert, but he doesn?t ________ her cakes. A. like; like B. likes; like C. like; likes D. likes; likes 6. The running star ________ lots of healthy food. A. eat B. have C. haves D. has 7. Jeff eats ice cream every day. He ________ good food every day. A. eat B. doesn?t eat C. don?t eat D. isn?t eat 8. I want ________ meat and ________ apple. A. any; an B. some; a C. some; an D. any; a 9. The food ________ good. A. are B. look C. am D. is 10. —________ does Lucy like? —French fries.

A.How B.What C.Where D.Why 11. Aunt Li likes ________ bananas.

A.eating B. eat C.eats D.eatting 12. We need lots of ________ every day. A.healthy food B.salads C.milks D.vegetable 13. —Do you like apples? —________. A.Yes, I am B.Yes, I do C.No, I?m not D.No, I not 14. —Does your son like carrots? —________.

A.Yes, she does B.Yes, he is C.No, he doesn?t D.No, she doesn?t 15. My favorite fruit is ________. A. salad B. tomato C. broccoli D. apple

Ⅲ. 选词并用其适当形式填空,每空限用一词,每词限用一次 (每小题1分,共5分)

healthy have tomato be fry hamburger strawberry like watch run

1. —Do you like ________? —Yes, I like all vegetables.

2. —Does he like French ________? —Yes, he does.

3. She ________ ice cream for dessert. 4. —What food do you like ?

—I like ________, eggs and milk .

5. Apples, bananas and ________ are fruits.

6. Sandra Clark is a great ________ and she is a running star. 7. Fruits and vegetables are ________ food. 8. His mother ________ salad very much. 9. My brother ________ TV every day. 10. The broccoli ________ on the table. Ⅳ. 句型转换 (每小题2分,共10分) 1. I like chicken. (改为一般疑问句) ________ you ________ chicken?

2. Tony doesn?t like vegetables.(改为肯定句) Tony ________ vegetables.

3. My father has breakfast at home. (变为一般疑问句)

________ ________ father ________ breakfast at home ?

4. Does she like eggs for dinner? (作否定回答)

________, ________ ________.

5. He likes hamburgers for lunch. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ he ________ for lunch ?

Ⅴ. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子 (每小题2分,共10分)

1. Peter eats ________ ________(许多) vegetables .

2. I like ________ ________(冰淇淋),but I don?t like ________(汉堡包). 3. Tom eats eggs and milk for ________(早餐) and ________(晚餐). 4. Make a ________ ________(食物清单).

5. Running star eats ________ ________.(健康食物). Ⅴ. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Joan is 1 American girl . 2 family is in New York. She is 13 . She 3 salad a lot.

Now Joan is 4 China. She likes Chinese food, too. 5 lunch she likes eating chicken and carrots. She studies at No.2 Middle School . She reads Chinese every morning. She likes 6 Chinese 7 class. She usually 8 Chinese after class, too.

She 9 TV on Sunday evening. It?s relaxing at home. She likes helping others (帮助别人). She likes 10 tennis. 1. A. a B. the C. an 2. A. Her B. His C. She 3. A. likes B. like C. liking 4. A. on B. at C. in 5. A. On B. For C. In 6. A. speaking B. speaks C. speak 7. A. on B. of C. in 8. A. reading B. reads C. to read 9. A. watching B. watchs C. watches 10. A. playing B. plays C. doing Ⅵ. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)


Name Like Dislike

Bob salad, broccoli, oranges bananas, pears

Jill salad, bananas, pears Oranges, tomatoes Bill hamburgers, broccoli pears, ice cream

Jenny ice cream, salad, pears tomatoes, French fries


1. ________ like pears but doesn?t like tomatoes or oranges. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill 2. ________ likes salad but doesn?t like pears. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill 3. ________ likes oranges. ________ likes hamburgers. They dislike pears. A. Bob; Jenny B. Bob; Bill C. Jenny; Jill D. Bill; Jill 4. ________ likes broccoli, but doesn?t like ice cream. A. Jill B. Jenny C. Bob D. Bill 5. Bob and the two girls like ________. A. ice cream B. salad C. pears D. broccoli



I have four good friends. Their names are Jenny, Gina, Mark and Bob. Jenny and Gina are girls. Mark and Bob are boys. Jenny likes oranges and strawberries, but she doesn?t like bananas or tomatoes. Gina likes ice cream. But she doesn?t like hamburgers. Mark likes tomatoes, broccoli and French fries, but he doesn?t like salad. Bob likes broccoli and tomatoes, but he doesn?t like French fries or hamburgers. Name Jenny Gina Mark Bob Like oranges, strawberries 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ Dislike(不喜欢) 1. ________ Hamburgers Salad 5. ________ Ⅶ. 书面表达(共15分)新课标第一网

根据表格内容提示,写一篇短文,介绍Jenny的一家对食物的喜好。 Things Name Jenny Jenny?s father Jenny?s mother Salad × √ Hamburger √ × × broccoli √ √ apple √ √

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第Ⅰ卷 选择题部分 笔试部分 (满分100分)

Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1. —What ________ telephone number? —It?s 210-5674762. A. are you C. are your 2. Please call Mary ________ 354-6403. A. in B. at

B. is your

D. your is C. to

D. of D. an; The

3. It?s ________ old photo. ________ photo is on the wall. A. /; a B. a; The C. the; A
