
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新概念英语第一册全册144课练习题(完美打印版)word版本更新完毕开始阅读

1. 卧室 _________________ 3. 通风 _________________ 2. 大衣柜____________________ 4. 扫地______________________

5. 不整齐 _______________ 6. 倒空、清空________________ 7. 削尖、使锋利 _________ 8. 脱掉______________________ 9. 打开 _________________ 10. 关掉_____________________ 二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. You ___ not play in the street. It’s not safe. A. can B. must C. need ( ) 2. The shop ___ at 8 o’clock in the morning. A. open B. to open C. opens ( ) 3. It’s getting dark. Please ____ the light. A. turn off B. turn on C. turn up ( ) 4. Kate, could you ___ the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now. A. turn on B. turn up C. turn down ( ) 5. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it ___. A. clean B. dry C. quiet ( ) 6. What a cold day! Sam, you’d better ___ more clothes. A. put on B. to put on C. to take off ( ) 7. — Dad, must I finish my homework today? — No, you ___ . You ___ do it tomorrow. A. mustn’t/can B. needn’t/can C. mustn’t/must ( ) 8. — I’m going to school now, mum. Bye!

— Bye! It’s cold outside. ___ the door for me, please. A. Shut B. Open C. Air ( ) 9. This TV set is too loud. Will you please ___? A. turn down it B. turn it down C. to turn it down ( ) 10. This is your watch. ___ please. A. Put away B. Put on it C. Put it on ( ) 11. — Mum, may I watch TV now?

— No, you ___ finish your homework first. A. mustn’t B. must C. need

( ) 12. Henry ___ be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.

A. mustn’t B. isn’t able to C. can’t ( ) 13. — Excuse me. Look at the sign ___!

— Sorry, I didn’t see it.

A. NOT SMOKING B. NO SMOKING C. DON’T SMOKE ( ) 14. The last bust has left. We ___ walk home. A. must B. have to C. could

( ) 15. I think I ___ speak English very well when I finish my lessons.

A. can B. am able to C. could 三、阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案.

Everybody needs water. All parts need water. We use water to wash cups, cars, clothes and ourselves.

Where does water come from? It comes from the clouds. The clouds can change in to rain. Some of the rain goes down the ground. Some of the rain water goes down the mountains into streams. The streams come together to make rivers and lakes.

Water can change itself. When water gets very cold, it becomes ice. When water gets very hot, it becomes steam.

( ) 1. ___ need water. A. Only animals B. Only plants C. All living things ( ) 2. We usually clean our clothes with ___. A. steam B. water C. rain ( ) 3. The water in the streams comes from the ___. A. river B. lake C. clouds ( ) 4. When the weather gets very ___, water changes into ice.

A. warm B. cold C. cool ( ) 5. Where does steam come from? ___

A. It comes from the clouds. B. It comes from very hot water C. It comes from very cold water. 四、根据中文意思翻译下面的句子。 1. 这个卧室不太整洁。

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 然后把这些衣服放进衣橱里。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. 然后整理一下床铺。

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 弹掉梳妆台上的灰尘。

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. 近来,艾米。

_____________________________________________________________________ 五、作文。


Lesson 31—Lesson32


1. 花园 _________________ 2. 在…下面___________________ 3. 追赶 _________________ 4. 草地_______________________ 5. 横过 _________________ 6. 攀登_______________________ 7. 喝水 _________________ 8. 牙齿_______________________ 9. 篮子 _________________ 10. 做饭______________________ 二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. — What are you doing? — I ___ some clothes. A. wash B. am washing C. washed ( ) 2. What about ___ to the cinema(电影院) on Sunday?

A. go B. going ( ) 3. Look at the boy. He’s ___ on the desk.

C. to go

A. stand B. is standing C. stands ( ) 4. Look! Jimmy with her mother ___ over the bridge.

A. is walking B. are walking C. walk ( ) 5. — Where’s Tom?

— He ___ his homework at home. A. do B. does C. is doing ( ) 6. Two boys and his mother ___ under the tree. A. are sleeping B. is sleeping C. are sleep ( ) 7. Mary is swimming ___ the river. A. to cross B. crossing C. across ( ) 8. Listen! Someone is ___ in the dark. A. sing B. singing ( ) 9. — Excuse me. Who ___ eating the bones? — The dogs. A. are B. is

( ) 10. Is your brother ___ a book or ___ TV? A. reading/looking B. reading/watching ( ) 11. My family ___ all at home this evening.

A. are B. is

( ) 12. Look! There are some ___ on the table.

C. sings

C. must

C. looking/watching C. am

A. photoes B. photos C. meat ( ) 13. Look! There are some children ___ in the park. A. play B. playing C. plays

( ) 14. Look, here ___ the famous football player. Let’s go and take a picture with him. A. come B. comes C. came ( ) 15. — Where is my mum, Dad? — She ___ in the kitchen. A. cooks B. is cooking C. is going to cook 三、阅读短文。

判断下列五个句子是否符合短文内容,符合的请写“T”, 不符合的写“F”。

This is our classroom. It’s very big. It has very big windows. There are 45 students in our class. Everyone has a desk and a chair. They are all new. We look after them very well. In our classroom there are blackboards, one is for the teacher and one is for the students. The walls are white and bright. On them there are some nice pictures, and there are two maps—a map of China and a map of the world. ( ) 1. The classroom is big, but the windows are small. ( ) 2. There are 45 desks and chairs in the classroom. ( ) 3. There is one big blackboard in the classroom.

( ) 4. There is no blackboard for the students in the classroom. ( ) 5. There are two maps on the wall. 四、根据中文意思翻译下面的句子。

1. 你说什么?


2. 她正坐在树下。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. 那么狗怎么样了?

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 他正在跑过花园。

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. 她正在做什么?

_____________________________________________________________________ 五、作文。




1. 照耀 _________________ 2. 家庭_____________________ 3. 天桥 _________________ 4. 飞机_____________________ 5. 走路 _________________ 6. 河流_____________________ 7. 刮脸 _________________ 8. 睡觉_____________________ 9. 等一下 _______________ 10. 跳______________________

二、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。 ( ) 1. Betty is in China ___ her mum and dad. A. with B. and C. for

( ) 2. A group ___ boys and girls are dancing and singing in the park. A. with B. of C. for ( ) 3. — What ___ the food on the plate? — It seems delicious. A. in B. with C. about ( ) 4. — Shoe me the letter, please.

— Which one? The one ___ your sister. A. in B. with C. from ( ) 5. Linda often helps her mother ___ the housework on weekends. A. with B. to C. of ( ) 6. Look! The boys ___ happily in the river. A. swim B. swam C. are swimming ( ) 7. There are ___ on the hill. A. some sleep B. a little sheep C. little sheep ( ) 8. There is ___ “s” and ___ “u” in the word “use”. A. a/a B. a/an C. an/an ( ) 9. ___ Earth runs around ___ Sun. A. A/the B. An/the C. The/the
