
发布时间 : 星期三 文章河南省安阳市名校2018-2019学年八下英语《8套试卷合集》期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读



1-5 BBACC 6-10 ABCAB 11-15 BCCBA 16-20 ACCBB 二、单项选择

21-25 CBDCC 26-30 BDACD 31-35 ADCDA 三、完形填空

36-40 DCBCA 41-45 AADBC 四、阅读理解

46-49 ADCB 50-52 ABC 53-55 CBD 五、词汇运用

56. successfully 57. protecting 58. to achieve 59. twentieth 60. am allowed 61. purpose 62. carelessly 63. especially 64. proud 65. similar 六、任务型阅读,每空一词

66. popular 67.experiences 68. provides 69. chance 70. opinion(s) 71. meaning 72. decided 73. alive 74. importance 75. Recently 七、短文填空,每空一词

76. supermarkets 77. pay 78. without 79. catching 80.serious 81. against 82. punished 83. turn 84. impolite 85. habit 八、书面表达

One possible version:

With the development of the society, to learn well is not the only thing a student should do. To be a qualified(合格的) middle school student, I think we have a lot of things to do. First, we usually learn to look after ourselves. We should work to high standards and we are modest and easy to work with. Second, we should have good reading habits to improve ourselves. Third, we should pay attention to protecting the environment. We must not drop litter carelessly. We had better go to school on foot or by bicycle. Fourth, we should learn about good table manners and behave politely in public. We should wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table. We should queue, we must not push in before others.

Moreover, in our spare time, we should care about the disabled and give them a chance to show their skills to the public. Also, we should go out to enjoy the beauty of nature in order to understand the importance of protecting nature.

In a word, if we follow the advice, we will make a big difference to ourselves.\\The more

we act, the better we will improve.



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。



一、单项选择 (20分)

( )1. --Do you know the song Where Has the Time Gone?

-- Of course. It ______beautiful. I like it a lot.

A. tastes B sounds C. smells D. feels ( )2. I am not good at English. So I am ______ of speaking in class.

A. happy B. excited C. shy D. afraid ( )3. I have ______ here for two months.

A. came B. been C. gone D. e

( )4. I ______ some of my free time playing basketball for my school team.

A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay

( )5. The children decide ______ their school yard this Friday afternoon.

A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned ( )6. This book ______ last month.

A. e out B. was e out C. came out D. has e out ( )7. I would like to have ______ car this year.

A.my own B. own my C. mine own D. own mine ( )8. Why not finish ______ your homework first?

A. did B. to do C. doing D. does

( )9. Ninety ______ teachers and students plant ______ trees every year.

A. thousands ; million of B. thousand ; millions of C. thousands of ; millions of D. thousand ; million

( )10. ---How long have you studied in Hong Da School? ---______ 2004.

A. Since B. For C. In D. From ( )11.He is the famous ____ of HarryPotter.

A. direct B. director C. act D. reporter
