
发布时间 : 星期一 文章河南省安阳市名校2018-2019学年八下英语《8套试卷合集》期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读


A. is he; Yes, he is C. has he; Yes, he has

B. has he; No, he hasn’t D. is he; No, he isn’t

30. —What do you want to eat for lunch? 1 will prepare earlier today.

—Honey, you . Let’s go out to have something different. A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. don’t have to

31. He told me that he wasn’t used to by plane and he used to sick a lot.

A. travelling; feel B. travel; feeling C. travel; feel

D. travelling; feeling

32. At last, the boy was made puter games and began to do his homework.

A. stop playing playing

33. It’s brave the firemen to the big fire in such a short time.

A. for; put out

B. of; run out

C. of; put out

D. for; run out

—Thanks, I will go to bed

B. to stop to play

C. stop to play D. to stop

34. —You shouldn’t stay up late tonight. earlier. . A. No pain, no gain

C. I believe practice makes perfect

B. Many hands make light work

D. I won’t burn the candle at both sides

35. —Would you mind if I open the window?

— , I’ve got a cold. A. You’d better not. right.



For the past five years, 44-year-old Rami Adham has spent much of his time helping children in Syria (叙利亚) . He keeps sending 36 to them.

Rami Adham was born in Syria, but moved to Finland with his family in 1989. When Syrian civil war (内战) took place in 2018, he 37 to help the children in his hometown. In the beginning, he 38 planned on sending toys. He thought food, medicine and drinking water were more 39 . Once his daughter asked him to send her toys to the children in Syria. When Adham gave the toys to those poor children, he saw the 40 on their faces. From then on, he made toys on the top of his gift list.

Adham soon became known 41 the Father Christmas of Syria. He has travelled from Finland to Syria 28 times. And he won't stop until the war ends. Every time he goes to Syria, he carries

B. Never mind.

C. Of course not. D.


a heavy bag of toys on his back all the way. It's a trip full of 42 . He might get hurt or be killed at any time, but he never 43 . \other possible threats (威胁). I think the toys are really 44 for the children,\\

Adham is having a campaign (活动) at present. He wants to raise 100,000 dollars. If successful, he plans to use the money to build schools in Syria. 36. A. books 37. A. forgot 38. A. usually 39. A. romantic 40. A. joy 41. A. as 42. A.danger 43. A. gets lost 44. A.unknown 45. A.reach

B. clothes B. remembered B. never B. amazing B. sadness B. for

C. stationary C. decided C. sometimes C. important C. anger C. with

D. toys D. refused D. often D. plete D. fear D. after D. patience D. gives up D. useless D. reply

B. happiness C. safety B. carries on

C. gets away

B. meaningful C. expensive B. record

C. receive




It’s not WASTE until it is WASTED! With the World Environment Day ing, our school is now requiring every student to form a habit of sorting(分类)the waste. Here in our schoolyard we lay four different colors of rubbish bins for different kinds of rubbish. The red is for harmful waste; the blue is for waste that can be recycled; the green is for kitchen waste; the yellow is for other waste. The followings are some instructions for you. Glass: Empty bottles without caps can be recycled to make new glass bottles. Warning: Mirrors and light bulbs(电灯泡) must not be included in the glass waste. Paper: Newspapers, magazines, boxes must be clean enough to be recycled. Warning: Paper tissues(餐纸) and wall paper are not recyclable as paper and should be kept separately. PMD waste: Packaging made of Plastic or Metal and Drink boxes are used to make new packaging. Warning: Plastic pots (e.g. yoghurt pots), plastic bags must not be included with the PMD waste. Harmful waste: out-of-date drugs, used batteries, paint and oil… Besides, if you don’t need your old bikes at all, our school volunteers will collect them. We’re going to fix them up and then give them away to kids who don’t have enough money for a bike. To find out more about recycling, you can visit our school website. 46. According to the passage, different colors of rubbish bins are laid in the schoolyard.

A. 4

B. 5

C. 6

D. 7

47. From the passage, we can see that are harmful to the environment. A. paper tissues

B. empty bottles C. drink boxes

D. out-of-date drugs

48. If you give your old bike to the volunteers, it will be . A. sold to collect money for the poor kids for free

C. fixed up and given away to the poor kids poor kids

49. The main purpose of this passage is . A. to look for volunteers for waste sorting B. to introduce waste sorting to the students C. to introduce the World Environment Day D. to advertise glass, paper and plastic products


These days shared bikes are being the center of attention in my WeChat friend circle. Many of my friends are sharing photos of themselves riding bikes, especially during the weekend in natural parks, and I can see people logging in (登录) and out of shared bike apps.

I’m very happy that there are shared bikes on the road. They have saved us a lot of time during special situations, and on beautiful, clear days, people enjoy riding them outside the city.

I tried shared bikes last week, and I didn’t like them very much. I think the first shared bikes without baskets are designed for athletes. They are very hard to ride, and the seats are not fortable. It makes me wonder whether people really like riding shared bikes or are just saying this to agree with others.

A friend secretly told me she tried the bikes to fit in. She doesn’t like bikes and finds Beijing’s roads too hard for bike riding. But recently, the only way to hang out with her friends is riding out of town together. To join in social activities, she had to pick up bike riding again.

D. given away immediately to the B. fixed up and given back to you

Another friend admitted that he started talking about and sharing photos on shared bikes in order just to appear modern and fashionable to friends. He started paying attention when shared bikes first came into use.

These views will give me something new to think about when I ride these bikes again. 50. What does the writer himself think of shared bikes?

A. They are very difficult to ride. B. Their seats are fortable. C. Athletes like shared bikes.

D. They can save us a lot of money.

51. In the passage the underlined word “admitted” may mean .

A. told a lie

B. told the truth C. kept a promise D. kept a secret

52. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. It can save time to use shared bikes at special time. B. Some people only appear to be interested in shared bikes.

C. The writer likes the bikes without baskets because they are for athletes.

D. Some people like to share photos riding bikes because they want to agree with others.


One day the King invited me to watch the regular entertainments, which are greatly enjoyed by him,his family,and his lords and ladies. I was most interested in the rope-dancing. A very thin rope is fixed thirty centimetres above the ground. People who want to bee the King's most important officials jump and dance on this rope, and whoever jumps highest without falling gets the best job. Sometimes the King orders his lords to dance on the rope, to show that they can still do it. There are occasional(happening sometimes but not often)deaths as a result. It seems a strange way of choosing officials.

There was another interesting entertainment. The King holds a stick in front of him, and sometimes moves it up and down. One by one, people e up to him and jump over the stick or crawl under it. They go on jumping and crawling as the King moves the stick. The winner is the one who jumps and crawls for the longest time, and he receives a blue ribbon to wear round his waist. The second best receives a red ribbon, and the third best gets a green one. Many of the Lilliput lords wear their ribbons proudly at all times. I had certainly never seen entertainment like this in any of the countries I had visited before. ------ Gulliver in Lilliput 53. What do you think of the sport rope-dancing?

A. interesting

B. funny

C. dangerous

D. exciting

54. What can we infer according to the passage?

A. Gulliver is very interested the regular entertainment. B. In fact, Rope-dancing is a strange way of choosing officials.

C. Gulliver had certainly seen entertainments like this in any countries he had visited before. D. All of the Lilliput lords wear their ribbons proudly at all times.
