选修9 课文与翻译

发布时间 : 星期六 文章选修9 课文与翻译更新完毕开始阅读

抵达英国,由这些树种长成的树遍布了全欧洲。后来在 1784 年,这个物种又被引进到了北美。

Sir Joseph Banks was a very famous British plant collector, who accompanied James Cook on his first voyage from England to Oceania. The purpose of the trip for Banks was to record the plant and animal life they came across. He and his team collected examples whenever they went onto dry land. In 1769, Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now known as Australia. None of these plants had been recorded by Europeans before. Cook called the bay where the Endeavour had anchored Botany Bay.

约瑟夫·班克斯爵士是一位著名的英国植物收集家、他曾经陪同詹姆斯·库克进行了从英国到大洋洲的首航。班克斯这次出行的目的就是把他们所见到的植物和动物的情况记录下来。他和他的队员们每次进入干燥的土地时都要收集样品. 1769年,班克斯在我们如今所知道的名叫澳大利亚的这块土地上收集到大量的植物,而在欧洲还没有有关这些植物的记载。库克还把“奋进号”(Endeavour)抛锚(anchored)停靠的地方称为植物湾.

Keeping plants alive during long land or sea voyages was an enormous challenge. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages or trips across land between Asia and Europe. One plant explorer lost several years' work when his plants were mined with seawater.



The world of plant exploration was completely changed with Dr Nathaniel Ward's invention of a tightly sealed portable glass container. This invention, called the Wardian case, allowed plants to be transported on long journeys. In 1833, Ward shipped two cases of British plants to Sydney, Australia. All the plants survived the six-month journey. In 1835, the cases made a return trip with some Australian species that had never been successfully transported before. After eight months at sea, they arrived safely in London.

纳撒尼尔·沃德医生所发明的便携式密封玻璃容器彻底改变了植物探索的世界.这项发明被称为沃德箱,可以用来进行远距离的植物运输。l833 年,沃德把两箱英国植物运到了澳大利亚的悉尼。所有这些植物经过六个月的航行都存活了下来。l835 年这些箱子又带着一些过去从来没有被成功运输过的澳洲物种作了回程之旅。在海上历经八个月的航行之后,它们安全抵达了伦敦。

A British man called Robert Fortune was one of the earliest plant collectors to use Wardian cases. He made several trips to China between 1843 and 1859. At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. He experienced many adventures including huge thunderstorms in the Yellow Sea and pirates on the Yangtze River. Not only

did Fortune introduce over 120 species of plants to Western gardens but he also shipped 20,000 tea plants from Shanghai to India, where a successful tea industry was established.

有一位名叫罗伯特·福琼的英国人,是使用沃德箱的最早期的植物收集家之一。在 1843~1859年之间,他曾多次到中国。那时候,欧洲人在中国的活动受到种种限制(restrictions),因此,为了在旅行中不引起别人注意,他努力使自己的汉语讲得很流利(fluency),并且穿着中国人的服装,甚至像中国人一样削发(留辫)。他经历过多次险情, 包括在黄海碰到过巨大的风暴, 以及在长江遭遇海盗(pirates)的袭击。福琼不仅把 120 余种植物引入西方园林,而且还把两万株茶树用船从上海运到了印度,印度的制茶工业就成功地发展起来了 The second half of the nineteenth century was a very important period of plant exploration. During this time many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France. They valued the study of the natural sciences and many of the missionaries knew a lot about plants and animals. Their expeditions resulted in huge plant collections, which were sent back to France. One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. This tree was later called the Dove Tree. He sent the seeds back to France in 1897 but only one seed grew.

19 世纪下半期是植物探索的一个非常重要的时期。在这期间, 许多法国天主教的传教士被派到中国。他们很着重自然科学的研究, 而且许多传教士对动植物都很了解。他们远征的结果是收集了大量的植物, 并把它们运回法国。其中一位叫作法尔热的神父, 从他所喜爱的

一棵树上收集了 37 粒种子。这种树后来被称作鸽子(Dove)树。他于 l897 年把这些种子送回法国,但是只有一粒种子得以生长。 Although the missionaries collected large numbers of soecimens. there was not enough material for growing particular species in Western gardens. However, European botanists were very excited with the knowledge that China had a vast variety of plants, so many plant collectors were sent on collecting trips to China. One of these collectors was E H Wilson who, in 1899, was able to collect a large quantity of seeds of the Dove Tree that Father Farges had discovered. Wilson and other plant collectors introduced many new plants to Western gardens.

虽然传教士收集了大量的物种,但是在西方人的花园里种植特殊物种的材料仍很缺乏。然而欧洲植物学家(botanists)知道中国有着品种繁多的植物,并为此感到兴奋不已。因此,许多植物收集人员被派去中国进行采集工作,其中有一位叫做 E·H·威尔逊的,他在 1899 年收集到大量的法尔热神父所发现的鸽子树种子。威尔逊及其他植物收集者为西方人的花园引进了许多新的植物。

Reading and discussing

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Over time, many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together. The plant needs the animal to pollinate it and the animal
