选修9 课文与翻译

发布时间 : 星期六 文章选修9 课文与翻译更新完毕开始阅读

演,还有品尝世界各地美味佳肴的活动。 Go by plane and see clouds Go by TRAIN and see Australia 乘飞机观云彩 坐火车看澳洲

Enjoy 3 nights on board the Indian-Pacific

On this 4,352-km journey from Sydney to Perth via Adelaide you'll view some ot Australias unique scenery from the superb Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of the Nuliarbor. Along the way you will spot a fascinating variety of wildlife.


从悉尼经(via)阿德莱德到佩思长达 4332 公里的旅途中, 你将看到澳大利亚所特有的美景,既有巍峨秀美的蓝山,也有望不见树木的纳拉伯平原。沿途中,你还将看到各种各样引人入胜的野生动植物. Enjoy 2 nights on board the Ghan

As you travel from Adelaide to Darwin via Alice Springs, you'll observe some of Australia's most spectacular landscapes - from the rolling hills surrounding Adelaide to the rusty reds of Australia's centre and the tropical splendour of Darwin. For more information, timetables and fares go to www.gsr.com.au/trains.htm 乘格安列车二日游


中部的红色(rusty)土地,到达尔文美丽的热带景观(tropical splendour)。

查询详情、时间表与费用等请登陆:www.gsr.com.au/trains.htm Dear Shen Ping,

I wish you could see this amazing rock. It is part of one of Australia's 14 Worm Heritage Sites and rises about 335 metres out of a vast, flat sandy plain. A t different times of the day it appears to change co/our, from grey-red at sunrise, to golden and finally to burning red at dusk. Aboriginal people have lived near Uluru for thousands of years and yout can walk around it with an Aboriainal guide to learn about their customs, art, religion and day-to-day life. It is also possible to climb the rock, but most people don't do this out of respect for the Aboriginal people who consider the rock to be sacred. I’ll be back in Sydney in a fortnight because I've made a reservation on the Indian Pacific train to Perth. love Jack

Tours 亲爱的沈平:

真希望你能够亲眼看到这块令人惊叹的岩石。它是澳大利亚 14 项世界遗产(heritage)之一,矗立在一片广阔的沙地平原上,高达 335 米。在不同时间里,这块岩石会呈现出不同的颜色,从日出时的灰红,到金黄,最后到黄昏时的火红。澳洲土著人(aboriginal)居住在乌卢鲁附近已经有几千年了。你可以找一位土著人向导带你去走一走,了解

那里人们的习俗、艺术、宗教和日常生活。要爬上这个巨石也是可能的,但大多数人们出于对土著人的尊敬(out of respect)而不这么做因为他们认为这块岩石是神圣的。我会在两个星期后返回悉尼,因为我已经预定(reservation)好了印度洋——太平洋号火车票前往佩思。 杰克 outside Hobart

Drive 250 km northwestwards from Hobart along the A10 highway and you'll arrive at the southern end of the magnificent Cradle Mountain National Park and World Heritage area. This park is famous for its mountain peaks, lakes and ancient forests. A popular attraction for active tourists is the 80-km walking track that joins the southern and northern ends of the park. There are also a range of short walks.


从霍巴特沿 A10 号公路朝西北方向行驶 250 公里,你就来到景色壮观的摇篮(Cradle)山国家公园暨世界遗产保护区的南端。这座公园以山峰、湖泊和远古森林而闻名。喜爱运动的旅游者还有个好去处, 那就是贯穿公园南北的一条 80 公里长的徒步旅行路线,此外还有一些短途旅行路线。

Reading and discussing

Before you read the following text, read the title and look at the pictures. Discuss with a partner what you expect to read about in the text.


Australia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous. In fact, Australia has more kinds of venomous snake than any other country in the world. Luckily, the poison of most snakes can kill or paralyze only small creatures.A few varieties, however, can kill humans, so it is just as well that snakes are very shy and usually attack only if they are disturbed and feel threatened.


澳大利亚是170多种蛇的家乡,其中有115种是毒蛇。事实上,澳大利亚比世界上任何其它国家的毒(venomous)蛇品种都多。幸运的是, 多数毒蛇的毒素只能杀死小动物, 或使它们瘫痪(paralyze)。不过, 还是有少数几种蛇能致人于死地。好在蛇都胆小怕事, 通常只在被打扰和感到有威胁时才会出击。

There are also approximately 2,000 different kinds of spider in Australia and, like snakes, most have a poisonous bite. However, the majority have no effect on humans or cause only mild sickness.Only a few have venom that is powerful enough to kill a human being. While a small number of Australians are bitten by spiders each year, most recover without any medical treatment.

在澳大利亚,还有着将近2 000种不同种类的蜘蛛。它们同蛇一样,多数蜘蛛咬起来也有毒。然而, 绝大多数蜘蛛的毒素对人体并没有影响, 或者只能引起轻微病痛。只有少数蜘蛛有剧毒(venom), 足以致人于死地。虽然每年有少数人被蜘蛛咬伤,但多数人不经治疗就能痊愈。
