
发布时间 : 星期三 文章新视野大学英语第三版读写教程第二册Unit4-College-sweethearts课文更新完毕开始阅读

highways. It is a long, romantic, sometimes crazy, love story that sums up a 29-year long honeymoon together

as a couple who are still madly in love with each other. Our love commenced with a casual attraction but bloomed into a mature love and rich life.

Language Points:

1 I smile at my two lovely daughters and they seem so much more mature than we, their parents, when we were college sweethearts. (Para. 1)

Meaning beyond words: Married to her

college sweetheart, the author now is happy with her family and two grown daughters. Note: College sweethearts refer to someone with whom one is in love and by whom one

is loved at college; sweetheart is equivalent to lover,darling, beloved, or dear. For example:

Well done, sweetheart, we are all so proud of you. 做得好,宝贝,我们以你为荣。

My husband is the greatest guy in the world; he was my college sweetheart. 我丈夫是世 界上最棒の,大学时他就是我の恋人。

He tries to locate his former sweetheart

Melina from whom he has heard nothing for a very long time. 他在努力寻找他以前の恋人梅利娜,他已经很久没有她の消息了。

2 Linda, who’s 21, had a boyfriend in her freshman year she thought she would marry, but they’re not together anymore. Melissa, who’s 19, hasn’t had a steady boyfriend yet. My daughters wonder when they will meet “The One”, their great love.(Para. 1)

Meaning beyond words: Her two daughters are at the age of just dating, but they seem

to be very mature wondering when they will meet their true love.

3 They think their father and I had a classic fairy tale romance heading for marriage from the outset. (Para. 1)

Meaning beyond words: Her daughters consider their parents’ marriage a typical conventional romance because they think it aimed at marriage from the very beginning. Usage note: classic, classical

1 classic 用作形容词表示“经典の;精彩の;一流


Death on the Nile is one of the classic works of Agatha Christie. 《尼罗河上の惨案》是阿 加莎·克里斯蒂の经典作品之一。

口语中也会用到 classic 这个词。当你看到一场精彩の演出时,就可以说“That’s classic!”来 表达赞美。

classic 用作形容词也表示“典型の;标准の”。例如:

London is the classic example of the scattered city. 伦敦是标准分散型の城市。 This statement was a classic illustration of British politeness. 这项陈述是对英国礼貌の一 个典型说明。

classic 也可用作名词,表示“文学名著;经典作品;杰作”。例如:

We have all the standard classics of Hayao Miyazaki at home. 我们家有宫崎骏の所有の
