
发布时间 : 星期二 文章土木工程专业英语课后答案更新完毕开始阅读


Unite 2

2、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English .

(1)cross section 截面 (2)bending moment 弯矩

(3)live load 活载 (4)force due to gravity 重力

(5)building code 建筑规范 (6)functional design 功能设计

(7)nonstructural components 非结构构件 (8)Nonprofit organization非赢利组织

(9)the Uniform Building Code统一建筑规范 (10)the Standard Building Code标准建筑规范 3、Translate the following sentence into Chinese.

(1)The structural design of buildings ,whether of structural steel(结构钢) or reinforced concrete(钢筋混凝土),requires the determination of the overall proportions(整体比例) and dimensions of the supporting framework(支撑结构) and the selection of the cross sections of individual members.



(2)The architect decides how the building should look; the engineer must make sure that it doesn’t fall down.

建筑师决定建筑物的外观,结构工程师必须保证它不会倒塌。 (3)A good design requires the evaluation of several framing plans(框架平面图)-that is, different arrangements of members and their connections.


(4)Before any analysis, however, a decision must be made on the building material to be used ;it will usually be reinforced concrete ,structural steel ,or both.


(5)All of the loads mentioned thus far(目前为止) are forces due to gravity and are referred to as gravity loads.


(6)If the load is applied and removed many times over the life of the structure ,fatigue stress(疲劳应力) becomes a problem ,and we must account for its effects.



(7)Since lateral loads(侧向荷载) are most detrimental(对 有害) to tall structures ,wind loads are usually not as important for low buildings, but uplift(浮托力) on light roof systems(屋顶体系) can be critical. 由于侧向荷载对高层建筑物最有害,因此,对于低层建筑物风荷载通常都是不重要的,但是浮托力对屋顶体系却是至关重要的。 (8)A structural analysis of the effects of an earthquake requires an analysis of the structure’s response to the ground motion produced by the earthquake


(9)Other types of live load are often treated as separate categories ,such as hydrostatic pressure(液体静压力) and soil pressure


(10)Although some large cities write their own building codes ,many municipalities(自治市) will adopt a “model” (典型)building code and modify it to suit their particular needs.

虽然有些大城市编写了自己的建筑规范,但是许多自治市仍然采用典型的建筑规范,即修改建筑规范以适应他们的特殊需求。 5、Translate the following sentence into English. (1)作用在结构上的力被称为荷载。


The forces that act on a structure are called loads. (2)恒载就是固定不变的荷载,包括结构自身的重量。

Dead loads are those that are permanent, including the weight of the structure itself,

(3)活载不是恒载那样固定不变的活载,活载也可以是重力荷载。 Live loads, which can also be gravity loads, are those that are not as permanent as dead. loads.


Building codes do not give design procedures, but they do specify the design

requirements and constraints that must be satisfied.


In contrast to building codes, design specifications give more specific guidance for the

design of structural members and their connections. Unite 4

2、Translate the following phrases into Chinese /English .

(1)Sustained load 长期荷载 (2)Cement gel 水泥凝胶体

