国际结算 终极版

发布时间 : 星期四 文章国际结算 终极版更新完毕开始阅读

2. 商业承兑汇票trader’s acceptance draft 3. 需要时的代理人representative in case of need 4.出口押汇 bill purchased 5.物权单据 title documents 6. 以寄售方式on consignment 7. 直接托收direct collection 8. 货运单据shipping documents 9. 付款交单documents against payment 10. 远期付款time draft

1. 汇款通知单remittance notification 2. 汇出汇款outward remittance 3. 国际汇款单international money order 4. 往来账户nostro and vostro account 5. 自动支付系统automated payment system 6. 作为偿付in cover

7. 赔偿保证书letter of indemnity 8. 信汇通知书airmail advice

9. 汇票的不可流通副本non-negotiable copy of the draft 10. 首期付款down payment 1.一般划线支票general crossed check 2.特殊划线支票special crossed check 3.过期支票out of date check 4.未到期支票post-dated check
