
发布时间 : 星期六 文章2010高考英语单词拼写专练(按字母顺序)[1]更新完毕开始阅读


29. He looked the pen every where, but _________(无处) to be found. 30.____________(十一月) is the last but one month of the year. 答案:

natural/necessary/nervous/newspapers/ninth/noisyNowadays/normal/narrowly/nation/nationality /national/native/nature/nearby/navy/neat/noticed/neighbour/nephews,nieces/Never/nights/Ninety /nineties/nobody/nodding/normal/north/nowhere/November


1.There two _______(官方的) languages in Canada, that is, English and French 2.Black is the ______ (相反) of white

3.Why did he give up this job? ----- Because he was ______ (提供)a better position. 4._______(一旦) you grasp the spirit of the language , you will find it easy to learn. 5. Keep the door __________(开着) to let the fresh air in. 6.Tell me who __________-(经营) the company.

7. The doctor performed an ____________(手术) on his leg last week.

8. In their ________(观点) , it is the family gene that is to blame for their obesity. 9. Divide the ___________(橘子) into two please.

10. Though Tom is a(an) __________-looking (相貌平平)man, he is pleasant-looking. 11. The partly was well-___________(组织), so it went smoothly. 12. When you join the ________(组织), you must fill in the form. 13. Do what you have been told;_________(否则) you will be punished.

14. _______--(十月) is the harvest season when the farmers are busy getting in the crops. 15. There are seven ____________(大陆) and four ___________(海洋). 16. She ____________(点) herself two black coffees.

17. Their house is too small, but _________(我们的) is much larger.

18. When the teacher entered the classroom, he found we had seated _______(自己). 19. ----Mum is nowhere to be found, where is she?




----She is __________(在户外). 20. Tom _________(欠) me 500 Yuan.

21. _________(由于) to the terrible management, the shop was closed down. 22. I_________(拥有) the hose-that is to say, it _________(属于) to me. 23. I'm dreaming of having a car of my _________(自己)。 24. _________(公牛) are raised in this area.

25. The rent is high, but __________(在其他方面) the house is satisfactory. 26. I went to the cinema hurriedly _______-(结果) to find the tickets were sold out. 27. I'm very thirsty. Please give a bottle of _____________(橘汁)

official opposite offered operates operation opinion orange ordinary organized organization otherwise October continents oceans ordered ours ourselves outdoor owed own belongs own oxen otherwise only orange


1. With time ________(过) by, he adapted to the environment. 2. The bus can carry 60 ________(乘客). 3.The thief was caught in the _________(走廊).

4. None of the __________(过路人) noticed the girl kneeling on the street. 5. The __________(病人) in the hospital are well taken care of . 6. I like the cloth because of its ________(样式) but I didn't like the color. 7. China is in _________(和平) with neighboring countries. 8.He lives _________(和睦) with his neighbors 9.There are many __________(梨) trees in the village. 10. 75 percent of the population are ________(农民). 11. China has 56 _________(民族)。 12.Practice makes _________(完美).




13. The doctors _________(做) an operation on his heart last Sunday. 14. It is reported that Beyond Band will put on __________(演出) in Tibet. 15. Weather _________(容许), we'll go out for a walk.

16. Without the teacher's _________(容许), none of you can enter the lab. 17. He likes asking others' _________(个人的) affairs. 18. At last we ________(说服) father into giving up smoking. 19. Keep still while I take __________(照片) of you. 20. Our _________(物理) teacher is full of energy. 21. Tom is _________(身体) strong, but mentally weak. 22. Can you tell me some famous ___________(物理学家). 23. There is not enough room left for two such _________(钢琴). 24. ---Last week the Smiths had several __________(野餐).

25. I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the _______(枕头). 26. That flying school graduates a hundred _________(飞行员) per year. 27. Who is the _________(先驱) in the field? 28.Say it in _________(简明) English.

29. These model _________(飞机) can fly high in the sky.

30. There is much difficulty in __________(种植) trees in the desert. 31. ________(塑料) Should not be used. 32.He found it hard to ________(取悦) his wife. 33. ----Thank you for helping me with my English. ----My ________(乐事)

34. ___________(政治) is more difficult than physics.

35. The guard shouted at the naughty boy with his finger ________ (指) at him. 36. Be ________(礼貌) to others! 37. China has a large __________(人口).

38. Measures should be taken to stop the earth from being ________(污染) 39. He applied for the _________(职位) of assistant manager. 40. Who is in _________(拥有) of the property? 41. If __________,(可能)he will pick you up. 42. These ______(土豆) has gone bad.




43. Don't play with fire at a place where gun _________(火药) is stored. 44. When did the president come into ____________(当权)? 45. We've got to be ____________(实际) and buy only what we need. 46. Keep __________(练习) it, and you'll master the spirit of it. 47. Time is _______(宝贵), so we must make full use of it.

48. When he was a small boy, he _________(较喜欢) walking to cycling. 49. The students are well ___________(准备) for the coming NMET. 50. Make good __________(准备) for the coming NMET.

51. The people __________(出席) at the meeting showed great interest in his lecture. 52.____________(总统) Obama came into power. 53. __________(按) the red button in case of fire. 54. The students are under great ____________(压力).

55. Seeing the teacher enter the room, the students _______(假装) to read the books. 56. Mary is such a _________(漂亮) girl as we all love.

57. Measures should be taken to _______(阻止) the earth from being _______(污染). 58. The couple was __________(骄傲) of their son. 59. You should have the book __________(印刷) next week.

60. The _____(囚犯) thrown to ______(监狱) last month are planning to escape. 61. The _______(生产) of crops is increasing year by year.

62. ________(教授) Smith had a strange way of making his lessons lively and interesting. 63. Great ______(进步) has been made in English so far. 64. Heavy snow________(预示) a good harvest. 65. I ________(承诺) myself a quiet weekend.

66. He ________(发音) the word, and I found his _________(发音) was a bit strange. 67. The young plants are well _________(保护) against the weather. 68. What he said _________(证明) right.

69. The library _________(提供) the citizens with various magazines. 70. Don't spit in _________(公众).

71. No one can escape being _________(惩罚). 72. A _________(纯) Negro was looked down upon.

73. You sometimes hurt yourself by accident, but you don't hurt yourself on _____(故意).


