
发布时间 : 星期六 文章仁爱英语八年级下册导学案更新完毕开始阅读

A. land B. fall C. drop D. follow

( )6. The Greens will have a _____ holiday in China.

A. three-week

B. three-weeks C. three week D. three weeks

( )7. —I want to go on a visit to Mount Heng next month, but my parents aren't going to give me any money. —Don't worry. You can _____ money _____.

A. give, yourself

B. raise, yourself C. raise, yourselves D. give, yourselves

( )8. He thought hard, and then he _____ a good idea.

A. got along with B. came up with C. agreed with ( )9. Tom did what he could _____ the girl in the river.

A. save

B. saved C. to save

D. saving

D. talked with

( )10. —We'll go to visit Chengdu next week. —_____

A. It's hard to say. B. Thank you. C. How time flies! D. Have a good trip!


Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling

Topic 2 How about exploring Tian anmen Square?


一、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】 1.学习时间状语从句的用法; 2.讨论探险。

二、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】 一.读1a, 回答问题

1. Where does Darren come from? __________________________________________________ 2. How is Michael going to make a plan for Darren?__________________________________ _ 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语

1.很高兴收到你的贺卡___________________2.享受你的旅行_________________________________ 3.忙着为…做准备_______________________4.在度假_______________________________________ 5.来到中国度假_________________________6.骑着我们的自行车考察北京_____________________ 7.非常有趣_____________________________8.四十分钟后___________________________________ 9.在康康家____________________________ 10.盼望和他见面_________________________________ 11.做一份考察北京的计划_________________12.考察明朝的陵墓______________________________ 13.和我们一起来________________________14.带他去那儿__________________________________ 15.上课_________________________ 16.爬山________________________________________ 17.读仁爱英语报___________________ 18.敲(门,窗…)_________________________________ 19.在对话中____________________________20.仔细算出费用________________________________ 21.当然,的确__________________________________ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译

1. Glad to receive your postcard. 思考: 本句是个省略句,完整形式是:________ glad to receive your postcard.

点拨: receive --- 收到 receive sth. from sb.__________________

区别:She received his present, but she didn’t accept it. 译:_______________________________ 2. While you were enjoying your trip, I was busy preparing for my exams.

译:__________________________________________________________________ 思考一: be busy doing sth._______________________ 链接:be busy with sth.---忙于某事 思考二: prepare for…_______________

链接:prepare sth.for sb.______________为…做好了准备________________


b.这些天他净顾忙英语了。_________________________________________________ c.孩子们都在为生日派对做准备。_____________________________________________


