2020人教版七年级英语下册Unit3 单词讲解与练习(含答案)

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Unit3 How do you get to school 重点单词讲解与练习

1、 train n.火车 train v训练 2、 bus n.公交车

by bus 乘公交车 注意by加交通工具,中间零冠词,交通工具用单数 3、 subway n.地铁

4、 take the subway 乘地铁

同义词by subway 注意 take是动词,可以做谓语;by 是介词,不可作谓语。

He takes the subway to work. = He goes to work by subway. 5、 ride v骑 n旅行

ride a horse 骑马 a bus ride 公交车旅程 6、 bike n.自行车a

7、 ride a bike 骑自行车 同义词 by bike ,on the bike 8、 sixty num.六十 9、 seventy num.七十 10、 eighty num.八十 eighth 第八

11、 ninety num.九十

ninth 第九 nineteen十九 12、 hundred num.一百

口诀:”模糊数字两有,具体数字两无” 两个指的是s和of hundreds of students 数百名学生

three hundred students 三百名学生 13、 minute n.分钟

秒second 小时hour 14、 far adv.&adj远;远的 反义词 near

15、 kilometer n.公里,千米 meter 米 mile 英里

16、 new adj.新的;刚出现的

反义词 old news 新闻,消息 不可数名词 17、 every adj.每一;每个

each 每一个,既可单独使用,也可后接名词,还可后接of短语; every 每一个,后必须接名词,既不能单独使用也不能后接 of 短语: Each is good. 每个都很好。(不能用every)

Each of the students has seen it. 每个学生见过它。(不能用every) 18、 every day 每天 everyday 每天的

19、 by prep.(表示方式)乘(交通工具) 注意by是介词, 20、 by bike 骑自行车

21、 drive v.开车 driver司机

22、 car n.小汽车;轿车 23、 live v.居住;生活

live 是不及物动词,要想跟宾语,必须跟介词 live in China 居住在中国 24、 stop n.车站;V停止 bus stop 公交站,指停车点

Stop doing sth 停止做某事 Stop talking !停止讲话

stop to do sth 停下来去做某事

The students stop to do their homework. 这些学生停下来去写作业。 25、 think of 认为

What do you think of this book? 你认为这本书怎么样? 26、 cross v.横过;越过


through 穿过,指从内部穿过 through the park 穿过公园 27、 river n.河;江

湖泊 lake the Yellow River 黄河 28、 many adj.&pron.许多

many后跟复数名词或代替复数名词 many people 许多人 much后跟不可数名词或代替不可数名词 much water 29、 village n.村庄;村镇

in a small village 在一个小村庄里 villager 村民

30、 between prep.介于…之间

between 表示在两者之间 among表示在三者或三者以上之间 31、 between… and… 在……和……之间

between you and me 你我之间 32、 bridge n.桥 33、 boat n.小船

ship 轮船 by boat 乘小船 34、 ropeway n.索道

rope 绳子,绳索 by ropeway = on a ropeway乘索道 35、 year n.年;岁 day 天 month 月

36、 afraid adj.害怕;惧怕 注意这个词是形容词

be afraid of sth 害怕某物 be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事 I’m afraid so . 我恐怕如此 37、 like prep.像;怎么样

like 喜欢, 动词 like to do sth 或者like doing sth 喜欢做某事

like 像, 介词 He is like a father to me.他像父亲一样对待我。 38、 leave v.离开

leave for +地点 动身去某地 39、 dream n.梦想;睡梦 v.做梦

the Chinese Dream 中国梦 40、 true adj.真的;符合事实的 反义词 false

41、 come true 实现;成为现实

注意考查这个词组时,true不是ture,可以根据true的音标,记准这个单词 重点单词专练

1. S ____ speaking, you have to finish your homework first, Tom! Mom said angrily. 2. A 2-year-old boy sometimes doesn’t know there are s _____ minutes in an hour. 3. After hard work, he finally makes his dream come t ________. 4. —Are you a ________ of snakes(蛇)?

—Yes! They’re so scary.

5. Dick's home is far from school, so he always l ________ early in the morning. 6. We all know eighty and ten is n ________.

7. Everyone knows that a quarter means fifteen m ________. 8. —Excuse me, how far is it from the park to the supermarket?

—Oh, it is very near, about five h ________ meters. I can walk with you. 9. —Excuse me, where is the post office?

—Just over there, b __________ the bank and the bookstore.

10. For the village, it is their dream to have a b _______. Then crossing the river

becomes easy.

11. H ________ of people go shopping at the great sale. 12. How m ________ apples do you have?

13. Sue was born in a v ________ but she works in a city now.

14. I am a _____ to speak in class because I think my classmates might laugh at me. 15. I go to school in my father’s car every day for my home is 5 k ________ away

from the school.

16. I love Ms Clark. She is l ________ a mother to me.

17. I walked to school this morning, because my b ________ was lost yesterday. 18. I'm from the USA, but now I l ________ in London.

19. It’s not easy for the old people to c __________ the busy streets in the city. 20. Shanghai is a big international city with a lot of bikes, buses and t ________.

People can get around easily.


1. Stop 2. sixty 3. true 4. afraid 5. leave

6. ninety 7. minutes 8. hundred 9.between 10.bridge

11. Hundreds 12. many 13. village 14. afraid 15.kilometers 16. like 17. bike 18. live 19. cross 20.trains
