
发布时间 : 星期四 文章联合国大会议题更新完毕开始阅读



的发言时间,代表可在大屏幕上看到发言名单。如果需要追加发言机会,代表可向主席台传意向条(page)要求在发言名单上添加其代表的国家,主席会将该过的名字加在发言名单的最后。主席不阻止追加,但其他代表可用动议来阻止。如果代表已在发言名单上,并且还没有发言,则不能在其发言之前追加发言机会。 一旦发言名单上所有国家已发言,并且没有任何代表追加发言机会,会议直接进入投票表决决议草案阶段。 让渡时间 Yield Time 代表在发言时间内结束发言之后,可将剩余时间让渡(让渡时间仅出现在120秒的发言名单中),让渡对象如下:

——让渡给他国代表(Yield Time to Another Delegate) 这是我们最提倡的一种让渡方式。让渡国A代表和被让渡国B代表私下协商一致后(传意向条,会前游说等),B代表在A代表剩余的时间内进行发言。如果B代表发言结束还有时间剩余,B代表不能将其再次让渡,主席将继续主持会议。

——让渡给问题(Yield Time to Questions) 一旦代表将剩余时间让渡给问题,主席会请需要提问的代表举牌,并随机点出代表进行提问,提问时间不占用剩余时间,提问内容必须根据发言者的意思来问。发言代表可在剩余时间范围内回答任何被提出的问题。这种让渡方式可以体现发言代表的思辩、反应及口语表达能力,但如果代表水平还有一定差距,选择这种让渡方式就是比较不明智的。

——让渡给评论(Yield Time to comments) 一旦代表将剩余时间让渡给评论,主席会请需要评论的代表举牌,并随机点出代表进行评论,让渡时间给评论的代表没有权利再一次进行观点的陈述或者对评论进行反驳。这种让渡方式是比较冒风险的。如果发言代表和盟国交涉成功让盟国进行有利评论,且盟国保证他到时会举牌并让主席点到他,这样会对发言代表比较有利。但如果评论机会落入反对国手中,该国将会对发言代表的立场进行反驳及批判,这样就会使发言代表进入比较被动的劣势状态。所以,请代表们慎重选择。 ——让渡给主席(Yield Time to the Chair) 一旦代表将剩余时间让渡给主席,意味着代表自动放弃剩余时间,主席将继续主持会议。这是我们最不主张的让渡方式,因为这代表发言代表对推动会议的进程起到了消极的作用,没有充分利用好时间阐述各方观点,会使发言代表给大家留下不太好的印象。所以,主席团不推荐这种让渡方式。

4、问题和动议 Points and Motions 当一位代表按照发言名单的顺序发言完毕后,主席会询问场下有无问题和动议,此时代表可根据自身需要举牌提出问题或动议。

动议更改发言时间 Motion to set speaking time 如果代表认为发言时间过长或过短,可动议更改发言时间,然后进行投票表决。简单多数(50%+1) Simple majority 动议暂时中断正式辩论

Motion to suspend the meeting 此动议意味着代表试图使正式辩论阶段过渡到非正式辩论阶段,如进行有主持核心磋商(Moderated Caucus)或自由磋商(Unmoderated Caucus)。提出动议的代表需要明确动议的目的及中断正式辩论的时间。详细说明请见“非正式辩论”部分。 简单多数(50%+1) Simple majority 动议结束辩论 Motion to close debate 结束辩论的动议生效后,会议进入投票阶段。此动议一般在代表认为其立场已经得到充分阐述,并且决议草案已相当完善的情况下提出。一旦有代表动议结束辩论,主席会请出2名代表陈述赞成此动议的理由,2位代表陈述反对此动议的理由,然后全体代表进行投票表决。 三分之二多数(2/3+1) Two-thirds majority 组织性问题

Point of Inquiry 当代表对于会议程序有不明白的地方时,可以举牌向主席咨询。 不需要投票 No vote 个人特权问题



Point of Personal Privilege 当代表觉得在会场上个人有任何不适时,可以提出各人特权问题,以

求得主席团的帮助和解决。 不需要投票 No vote

*意向条 Page 代表有任何问题,或者需要进行游说、沟通,都可以通过传意向条的方式向其他代表或者主席表达。会场有工作人员负责传递。

5、投票表决 Voting 模拟联合国会议绝大多数的步骤都需要全体代表进行表决。表决的对象包括对程序的表决和对会议文件的表决。 对程序的表决(如对某一动议进行表决)中,所有代表需要投票,即不可以弃权。对于决议草案的表决,是一个点名表决的过程,主席依次点名,点到的国家举牌并回答:赞成(Yes)、反对(No)或者弃权(Abstain)。

http://wenku.http://china-audit.com//view/339c48649b6648d7c1c74649.html,这是2009年北京大学 模拟联合国大会稿

想知道怎么样加入可以去百度收索看看,有的. 你现在是高中还是大学. 是高中就很难了 大学一定没有问题 你把模拟联合国的意义. 目的说一遍不信不同意 .在学校方面就跟好说了 向学校申请一个社团 有关的网站也有 http://www.top100zx.cn/DetailArticle.aspx?id=2119 下面是一些资料可以用到的:模拟联合国对青年学生的吸引不仅在于其别具风格的形式更在于其真实的对于联合国规则的模拟。在模拟联合国大会当中,参会学生将会根据特定的会议规则对某一议题进行演讲、辩论、磋商,形成书面文件,寻找解决方案。有组织核心磋商(Moderated Caucus)→自由磋商(Unmoderated Caucus)→演讲(Speech)这样一个循环,不断就某一问题不断深入的进行交流讨论。 通常会经过立场文件(Position Paper)→工作文件(Working Paper)→决议案草案()Draft Resolution)→修正案(Amendment)→决议案(Resolution)的一个单向流程。 立场文件是表明一个国家对某一议题基本立场和看法的文件,要求每个参会代表在会议召开前提交。 工作文件是通过对一个阶段会议的主要成果的整理而成,通常集结了一个或多个国家集团的主要观点。 决议草案是对一个议题的解决方案的初步解决方案。 修正案是对决议草案中的不足之处进行的修正。 模拟联合国活动之所以能够风靡全世界,是因为它是一项极富教育意义的活动 模拟联合国活动关注的问题广泛,大都是当今各国面临的热点问题,在这样一个充满激情和挑战的全球化时代,在我国改革开放继续深化,国际局势依然复杂多变的背景下,积极参与这项活动不仅有助于同学们对联合国的了解,更为同学们打开一扇窗,提供了一个舞台,让大家关心世界,用国际眼光来思考问题,讨论问题 和平与安全 恐怖主义 人权 环境 贫穷与发展 全球化 公共卫生 由于模拟联合国活动源自西方,大部分会议的工作语言是英文。阅读背景资料、会场上书写大量文件、听取发言、阐述观点这些都对学生的英语水平提出了很高的要求。模拟联合国活动是一种体验式的活动,代表们融入了外交情境,需要自觉自主的运用英语进行表达,这样的环境下,大大激发了学生学习英语的热情。代表必须密切关注“自己的国家”,研究和学习一个国家的政治、经济、外交政策等方方面面,只有这样才能充分扮演好外交官的角色。准备的过程实际上是一个多种学科知识的整合过程,代表们需要将政治、经济、历史和地理知识与大会要讨论的问题紧密结合,思考各个要素之间的联系。这样就打破了学科间的壁垒,形成了丰满完整的知识体系。 模拟联合国活动涉及的学科: 历史 地理 数学 文化 经济 军事 自然科学等 4.3锻炼领袖气质与合作精神。 模拟联合国活动是一种互动性极强的学习经历,青年人不仅能够学习和讨论国际事务,还能够通过实践来锻炼自己组织、策划、管理的能力,研究和写作的能力,演讲和辩论的能力,解决冲突、求同存异的能力,与他人沟通交往等多方面能力。这些会让学生受益终身。 其中包括: 研究 写作 演讲 时间管理 危机处理 团队合作 沟通与妥协 联合国秘书长克菲安南在一封致模拟联合国大会的贺信中说:“联合国依靠世界上每个人的努力而存在,尤其是




这样一个活动,让青年人的领袖才能得到锻炼。中国正越来越多地在世界舞台上发挥作用,中国的年轻人也应该为迎接国际化的挑战做好充分的准备。相信在模拟联合国的舞台上,青年学子能够上演精彩而震撼的一幕。 模拟联合国是世界上影响力最广泛的学生活动,如哥伦比亚大学,耶鲁大学,哈佛大学,斯坦福大学等世界知名高校都有每年一度的模拟联合国大会。除此,模拟联合国还分布在美国,日本,英国,瑞士,阿根廷,奥地利,比利时,埃及,荷兰,德国,加拿大等多国的高校中。富于朝气的年轻人在这个舞台上尽情地展现自己的风采!模拟联合国的活动长期受到了联合国总部的支持与帮助,给与许多国家的模拟联合国活动以函电鼓励和赞扬,并在联合国官方网站上建立了关于全世界模拟联合国的专版网页: http://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/modelun/index.asp


Model United Nations Conference on

Want to know how to join can go take a look at Baidu, a cable. You are high school or University. High school is difficult for the University must not issue you the significance of the model United Nations. To say it again or not disagree in schools with kindness to schools to apply for a community related website also has information on http://www.top100zx.cn/detailarticle.aspx?id=2119 here are a few can be used to: model United Nations for young students to attract not only because of its special style of form more lies in its authentic simulation of the United Nations rules. In the model United Nations General Assembly, participating students will be in accordance with the rules of a specific session on a specific question for lectures, debates, discussions, written documents, to find solutions. Organized core consultations (Moderated Caucus) → free consultations

(Unmoderated Caucus) → speech (Speech) in a loop, a constant exchange of in-depth discussions. Usually after a position paper (Position Paper) → work file (Working Paper) → resolution Draft Resolution on the draft ()) → amendment (Amendment) → resolution (Resolution) of a one-way process. The position paper is that a country on a specific question basic positions and views of the file, and require each participants before the meeting. Work files are a stage in the main results of finishing, usually located by the main ideas of groups of countries. The draft resolution was on a question of solutions of the solution. Amendment to the draft resolution of the deficiencies in the conduct of the amendment. Model United Nations activities have swept the world, because it is a very educational activity model United Nations activities concern widely, most of today's hot issues facing the country, in such a passionate and challenges of globalization, in the deepening of reform and opening up in China, the international situation remains complex and ever-changing background, the participation in the activities not only help the students to the United Nations, more students to open a window that provides a stage for you to care about the world, with an international perspective on the issues, discuss the issues of peace and security, terrorism, human rights, environment, poverty and development of global public health as the model United Nations activity originating from the West, most of the meeting of the working language is English. Read the background information, meeting a large number of files, listen to the written statement, these are elaborated views students ' English language proficiency to high demands. Model United Nations activities is an experiential activities, delegates into the diplomatic situation,



the application needs to be consciously independent English expression, such an environment, greatly

aroused the enthusiasm of students learning English. Representative must pay close attention to the \political, economic and diplomatic policy and so on, the only way to fully play the role of diplomats. Preparation of process is actually a variety of subject knowledge consolidation process, representatives need to be political, economic, historical and geographical knowledge of the General Assembly to discuss the problems, thoughts about the links between various elements. This will break the barriers between disciplines, forming a full complete knowledge system. Model United Nations activities involving subjects: history and geography of mathematics, natural science, cultural, economic and military leader and exercise 4.3 spirit of cooperation. Model United Nations activities is a highly interactive learning experiences, young people are not only able to study and discussion of International Affairs, but also through the practice to exercise their own organization, planning, management, research and writing skills, public speaking and debate skills, conflict resolution, while reserving differences in the ability to communicate with others, and many other communication. These will allow students to benefit from life. Including: research writing lecture time management crisis management team communication and compromise the United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan szekffy an model United Nations General Assembly in a congratulatory letter said: \Nations rely on world everyone's efforts exist, especially young people like you. This century, will soon bring you. \people will be the future decision makers. Model United Nations is such an activity, young leaders to get exercise. China is increasingly playing a role on the world stage, the Chinese young people should also be to meet the challenges of internationalization prepared. Believe in the model United Nations of stage, young people can play exciting and shocking scene. Model United Nations is the world's most extensive influence student activities, such as Colombia University, Yale University, Harvard University, Stanford University, and other world famous universities have annual simulation of the United Nations General Assembly. In addition to this, the model United Nations is also distributed in United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Egypt, Netherlands, Germany, Canada and other countries and universities. Vigor of young people at this stage and show your own style! model United Nations activities in the long term by the United Nations Headquarters support and help, and many national model United Nations activities in correspondence to encourage and praise, the official website of the United Nations established on the page of the world model United Nations: a Web pagehttp://www.un.org/cyberschoolbus/modelun/index.asp

您如果你从未参加过模拟联合国会议,而现在想要在你所在的学校或社区开办一个模拟联合国俱乐部,那么我们的以下链接为你提供指引和帮助:如何开始,如何选择一个模拟联合国会议,如何注册会议,如何选择一个国家。 如果你在筹备模拟联合国会议方面需要帮助,你可以利用如下资源: 1.图书馆 如果你可以使用一家图书馆,那是一个理想的资源库。如果你住在一座大城市或大学附近,去看看那里是否有一家图书馆拥有联合国藏书。许多大城市的图书馆和大学图书馆里面的联合国藏书提供有关网页,你可以按

