
发布时间 : 星期四 文章Pocket英语语法(崔荣容)-视频笔记更新完毕开始阅读

完成时 have/has/had been done The room will be cleaned. 将来时 will be done

The computer could have been used by them. 可能已经被用了

情态动词+完成时 情态动词+ have/has been done


The information is needed.(need) The book was read.(read)

The door has been opened.(open) The book was being read.(read) The computer had been used.(use) The computer could have been used.(use) The room will be cleaned.(clean)

第三十二讲 被动语态(2)被动态和情态动词结合 1.被动语态也可以和情态动词结合:

情态动词+be done 应该被……、必须被……等 can/could +be done may/might +be done must/have to +be done should/ought to +be done

had better/would rather +be done used to/would +be done need doing 需要被……


need to be done 需要被……


The food could be taken away. 食品可以被带走 The food might be taken away. 食品可能被带走 The food must be taken away. 食品必须被带走 The food should be taken away. 食品应该被带走 The food needs taking away. 食品需要被带走 The food had better be taken away. 食品最好被带走 Books used to be returned in two days. 书过去常常在2天之内被归还。 练习:

The room may/might/can/could(可能)be cleaned. The door must (必须)be locked. The house should (应该)be furnished. The tree had better (最好)be watered now.

第三十三讲 被动语态(3)(by+行为者)可省略 动作的行为者不明或不重要,或上下文中提到了行为者时,“by sb”可以省略。

The information is needed. The books is being read. The door was opened. 练习:


The door is opened.(open)被打开了 The book is being read.(read)正读着

The computer has been used.(use)已经被用了

The pencil had been sharpened.(sharpen)已经被削尖了

第三十四讲 被动语态(4)被动语态疑问句


Is the information needed by him? Yes,it is./No,it isn't.

Has the computer been used by her? Yes,it has./No,it hasn't.

Will the room be cleaned? Yes,it will./No,it won't.


The information is needed by them. What is needed by them?

The girl is taken to Shanghai. Where is the girl taken?

The book has been read three times.


How many times has the book been read? 练习:

1.Is the book being read(read) by her? 她正在读那本书吗?

2.Has the computer been used(use) by them? 他们用过那台电脑吗?

3.How often is the English class taken(take)? 英语课多长时间上一次?

第三十五讲 非谓语动词(1) “不作谓语成分的动词” to+动词原形VS动词原形+ing

1.动词不定式:由to do构成,可以做主语、宾语、宾补、表语、定语和状语6种。

To get there by bike will take us an hour. 作主语,骑自行车到那,将花掉我们一小时

The driver failed to see the car in time. 作宾语,司机没及时看见那辆小轿车

We believe him to be guilty. 作宾补(对him的补充说明),我们相信他是有罪的

My suggestiong is to put off the meeting.

