
发布时间 : 星期六 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

Hold that still! 好让他...好了

Let him… That's it. 这是真的么?

Can this be true? 我不敢相信我的眼睛

I don’t believe what I see! 您这么大年纪 A man your age 还如此强壮

To be as strong as you are! 似曾相识啊

A memory stirs… 您让我想起一个人

You make me think of a man 多年以前

From years ago 有个人从假释中脱逃

A man who broke his parole… 他消失了

He disappeared. 不要紧 想到什么就说

Say what you must,Don’t leave it there. 请原谅 先生 我冒犯了

Forgive me sir,I would not dare. 借过

Excuse me.


Bonsoir. How much for this? 是用这个做的 - 我出四法郎

It's made of this.– I'll give you four francs for that. - 四法郎,这值十法郎! - 太... – Four,it's worth ten! – Too… 我嗅到了女人的味道

I smell women,Smell’em in the air! 我可要在那海港好好歇息

Think I’ll drop me anchor In that harbour over there! 漂亮女人 香喷喷迷死人

Lovely ladies! I love ‘em till I'm broke! 七个月航海 包你饥渴难耐

Seven months at sea and now I'm Hungry for a poke! 烈火总得遇干柴

Even stokers need a little stoke! 漂亮女人 等你来尝鲜

Lovely ladies waiting for a bite! 等待黑夜里恩客上门来

Waiting for the customers who only come at night. 漂亮女人 随叫随到

Lovely ladies Ready for the call, 能站能躺 姿势任你挑

Standing up or lying down Or any way at all 靠着墙办事还能降价

Bargain prices up against the wall! 多漂亮的头发啊 What pretty hair! 好漂亮一头卷发

What pretty locks you’ve got there! 你运气真不错

What luck you got. 这一点就值一生丁

It’s worth a centime,my dear! 我全买下

I’ll take the lot! 不要碰我 走开

Don’t touch me! Leave me alone! 开个价

Let’s make a price. 我给你整整十法郎

I’ll give you all of ten francs. 好好想想

Just think of that! 这能付上一笔债 It pays a debt… 好好想想

Just think of that. 该怎么办? 得挣钱还债

What can I do? It pays a debt. 十法郎能救我可怜的小珂赛特

Ten francs may save my poor Cosette. 漂亮女人 黑夜里等你来

Lovely ladies waiting in the dark. 等着公园里捞一票 做笔大买卖

Ready for a thick one or a quick one in the park. 要快要慢全由你 宝贝儿

Long time,short time Any time my dear! 多花一点 让你享用一年

Cost a little extra if you want to take all year 速战速决就去码头下边

Quick and cheap is underneath the pier! 过去瞧瞧

Go and see them. 你过来

Come over here, 一颗牙二十法郎

It's twenty francs for a tooth. 过来这亲爱的

Come here my dear. 年轻的牙口儿值更多

I’ll pay well for your youth. 疼痛不会持续太久的 The pain won’t last, 你还能咬东西

You’ll still be able to bite. 我们速战速决 I do it fast, 这的生意全我管

I know my business all right. 可值当了

It’s worth a go. 你先把钱给我

You’ll pay me first what I am due. 给我两颗牙,你会拿到双倍的钱

You’ll get twice If I take two! 老天爷 那小东西是谁?

Gimme the dirt-Who’s that bit over there? 还不是卖头发那个姑娘

A bit of skirt,She’s the one sold her hair. 为养孩子 她已经倾家荡产

She’s got a kid,Sends her all that she can. 怎么不早说 世上又不缺男人

I might’ve known There is always some man. 漂亮女人 快来加入我们

Lovely lady,come along and join us! 漂亮女人

Lovely lady!

来吧 亲爱的 还犹豫什么?

Come on,dearie,why all the fuss? 你又没有高我们一等

You’re no grander than the rest of us. 命运已经把你一脚踢到谷底

Life has dropped you at the bottom of the heap. 跟姐妹们来吧 躺着就能赚钱

Join your sisters – Make money in your sleep! 对啦 亲爱的 给他们点颜色看看

That’s right,dearie,Show him what you’ve got! 对啦 亲爱的

That’s right,dearie, 给他们使点手段

Let him have the lot!

也有老 也有少 来了就照单全收

Old men,young men,take’em as they come! 随你是什么渣滓 阿猫阿狗

Harbour rats and alley cats and every kind of scum! 也有穷 也有富 大人先生更不少

Poor men,rich men,leaders of the land- 裤子一脱,还不是没啥大本事可瞧

See them with their trousers off,they’re never quite as grand! 只要掏钱 一切好商量

All it takes is money in your hand! 漂亮女人 逍遥快活

Lovely ladies going for a song, 前门送旧 后门迎新 恩客数不清

Got a lot of callers but they never stay for long… 来吧 船长 穿着鞋也行

Come on,Captain…you can wear your shoes. 你几时见过这么任人摆布的姑娘?

Don’t it make a change to have a girl who can’t refuse? 挣钱容易 只要往床上一躺 Easy money lying on a bed. 反正他们看不见你心中的怒火

Just as well they never see the hate that’s in your head! 他们难道不知道 他们在和

Don’t they know they’re making love 一具行尸走肉做爱吗? To one already dead? 曾几何时 人们和颜悦色

There was a time when men were kind, 他们声音温柔

When their voices were soft 话语讨人欢喜

And their words inviting. 曾几何时 爱情无所禁忌

There was a time when love was blind 世界是一首歌

And the world was a song 歌声动人心弦
