
发布时间 : 星期六 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读


I will try… 在这张纸上 On this page


I write my last confession. 等我安息后 Read it well 再读吧

When I at last am sleeping. 在这个故事里 It’s the story


Of one who turned from hating 最终学会了去爱

A man who only learned to love

你的母亲为你献出生命 然后将你托付给我 When you were in his keeping. 跟我来

Come with me 到没有枷锁的地方

Where chains will never bind you 所有的苦难

All your grief 终于 终于已到尽头

At last,at last behind you 天上的主

Lord in heaven 慈悲地看着他吧

Look down on him in mercy- 宽恕我的罪过

Forgive me all my trespasses 领我进入你的荣光

And take me to your glory! 牵我的手

Take my hand 我来领你得到拯救

I’ll lead you to salvation 接受我的爱 Take my love 因为爱是永恒

For love is everlasting… 并且牢记

And remember


The truth that once was spoken: 唯有爱人者

To love another person is to see the face… 得见上帝真颜 of God…


Do you hear the people sing 黑夜幽谷 歌声回荡

Lost in the valley of the night? 那是一个民族欢呼 翻山越岭见光芒

It is the music of a people who are climbing to the light 人间困苦都尝遍 终得见希望

For the wretched of the earth there is a flame that never dies 漫漫长夜已落幕,也将升起太阳

Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. 他们将重生得自由 主的园中鲜花绽放

We will live again in freedom in the garden of the Lord 他们将携手驾起犁铧,把刀剑丢一旁

We will walk behind the ploughshare We will put away the sword 将枷锁全砸碎 人人都得奖赏

The chain will be broken and all men will have their reward! 谁要加入我们的征程?坚定地站在我身旁

Will you join in our crusade? Who ill be strong and stand with me? 跨过硝烟 越过街垒 新世界就在前方

Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? 你是否听见人们在歌唱,听见远方战鼓声声响

Do you hear the people sing? Say,do you hear the distant drums? 他们会捧出未来 且看明日曙光

This is the future that we bring when tomorrow comes! 谁要加入我们的征程?坚定地站在我身旁

Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? 跨过硝烟 越过街垒 新世界就在前方

Somewhere beyond the barricade is there a world you long to see? 听啊 人们在高唱 听远处战鼓声声响

Do you hear the people sing?Say,do you hear the distant drums? 他们会捧出未来 且看明日曙光

This is the future that we bring when tomorrow comes… 明日曙光!

Tomorrow comes!
