
发布时间 : 星期六 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读


His death is the sign we await! 葬礼那天人们会对他歌颂赞美

On his funeral day they will honour his name 叛逆如火花闪耀在眼中

With the light of rebellion ablaze in their eyes. 我们就让这星星之火燎原

From their candles of grief we will kindle our flame. 在拉马克的坟墓上筑起堡垒

On the tomb of Lamarque shall our barricades rise! 时机到了

The time is here!


Let us welcome it gladly with courage and cheer! 让我们走上街头抗争 以笃定的心

Let us take to the street with no doubt in our hearts - 欢呼一声! - 人们会一个个倒向我们

– But a jubilant shout! – They will come one and all! 人人都会响应我们的呼声

They will come when we call! 你找到他了么

Did you find her? 好奇怪

How strange-


This feeling that my life’s begun at last! 这种变化

This change-


Can people really fall in love so fast? 你这是怎么了 珂赛特?

What’s the matter with you,Cosette? 是一个人走得太久了吗?

Have you been too much on your own? 太多看不透的事

So many things unclear- 太多懵懂的未知

So many things unknown… 在我的生命中 In my life


There are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong. 在我的生命中 In my life


There are times when I catch in the silence the sigh of a faraway song 歌里唱着

And it sings


Of a world that I long to see- Out of reach 又近在咫尺,等着我靠近

Just a whisper away Waiting for me! 他知道我的存在吗 我怎么知道他是真的?

Does he know I’m alive? Do I know if he’s real? 他是否见我所见 是否与我心心相印?

Does he see what I see? Does he feel what I feel? 在我的生命中 In my life

我终于不再孤单 我生命中的真爱已如此之近

I’m no longer alone now the love in my life is so near… 快找到我吧!我就在这里! Find me now! Find me here! 亲爱的珂赛特 Dear Cosette, 你这孤独的孩子

You’re such a lonely child. 多么忧伤 满怀心事

How pensive,how sad you seem to me. 请相信,如果我能

Believe me,were it within my power 我会每时每刻

I’d fill each passing hour. 在这孤寂的时刻

How quiet it must be,I can see, 独自陪伴你

With only me for company. 我总是好奇 却又记不起

There’s so little I know That I’m longing to know 您多年以前的模样

Of the man that you were In a time long ago… 您总是不愿提起往事

There’s so little you say Of the life you have known, 为什么您孑然一身 为什么我们离群索居

Why you keep to yourself,Why we’re always alone. 无人知晓 深不见底

So dark! So dark and deep, 您严守的秘密

The secrets that you keep!

在我的生命中 In my life


Please forgive what I say You are loving and gentle and good. 但是爸爸,亲爱的爸爸 But papa,dear papa,


In your eyes I am still like that child who was lost in a wood. 别说了

No more words- 别说了,都是往事

No more words. It’s a time that is dead. 有些话

There are words


That are better unheard,Better unsaid. 在我的生命中 In my life

我不再是个孩子 我渴望您所知的真相

I’m no longer a child and I yearn for the truth that you know 多年前 多年前的真相

Of the years… Years ago! 你会知道的

You will learn.

真相由上帝揭示 时机自有天意

Truth is given by God to us all in our time,in our turn. 在我的生命中 In my life

她突然登场 像天使的乐章 太阳的光亮

She has burst like the music of angels the light of the sun! 我的人生似乎戛然而止

And my life seems to stop 旧日结束,新的又无法滋长

As if something is over And something has scarcely begun! 爱波宁,我的朋友 是你把我带到了这儿

Eponine,you’re the friend who has brought me here. 多谢你 我才得到主的恩宠 找到了天堂

Thanks to you I am one with the Gods and heaven is near! 让我在自由的新世界里飞翔

And I soar through a world that is new,that is free! 他说的每个字都刺在我心上

Every word that he says is a dagger in me! 在我的生命中 In my life


There’s been no one like him anywhere, 我愿追随他 天涯海角 Anywhere,where he is 只要他开口 我就归他所有 If he asked… I’d be his! 在我一生中 In my life


There is someone who touches my life- 就要到来

Waiting near! 静静等待

Waiting here! 一颗心溢满了爱

A heart full of love! 爱让我开口歌唱

A heart full of song! 我的世界一片混乱

I’m doing everything all wrong-

上帝啊 我真是羞愧难当——竟然不知道你的名字 Oh God,for shame-I do not even know your name. 亲爱的小姐啊

Dear Mad’moiselle, 你愿意讲吗

Won’t you say? 你会告诉我吗?? Will you tell? 一颗心溢满了爱

A heart full of love! 无畏无惧也不后悔 No fear,no regret! 我叫马吕斯·彭眉胥

My name is Marius Pontmercy. 我叫珂赛特

And mine’s Cosette. 珂赛特 我不知该说什么

Cosette… I don’t know what to say- 那就什么也不要讲 Then make no sound. 我迷失了 I am lost- 又再次被找到 I am found!
