
发布时间 : 星期六 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读


And that girl he trails behind him 被他从我身边偷走

She’s the child he stole from me! - 对,还有我 - 对,从我们俩身边偷走 – Yeah,and me. – Yeah both of us. 莫不是某个逃犯

Could it be he’s that old jailbird 又浮出了水面?

That the tide now washes in? 一听我名字便逃走

Heard my name and started running… 皮肤上烫着烙印

All the omens point to him. 既然没了受害者

In the absence of a victim, 亲爱的警官 我先撤啦?

Dear Inspector,may I go? 等你抓到他 别忘记

And remember when you’ve nicked him 是我给你提的醒

It was me what told you so. 让那老人继续逃窜

Let the old man keep on running 且看我捉拿他归案

I will run him off his feet! 各人都好自为之 散了吧 这些垃圾

Everyone about your business!Clear this garbage off the street! 是珂赛特!现在我想起来了 Cosette! Now I remember… 是珂赛特!这怎么可能呢? Cosette! How can it be? 我们小时候就在一起

We were children together. 看看我现在成了什么样子

Look what’s become of me. 爱波宁?那个女孩是谁?

Eponine! Who was that girl? 就是个普通的市民

That bourgeois two-a-penny thing! 爱波宁,替我找到她

Eponine,find her for me!

- 你会给我什么? - 什么都可以

– What will you give me? – Anything!


Got you all excited now,but 天知道你在她身上见到了啥

God knows what you see in her. 你现在开心了吗?不...

Aren’t you all delighted now? No… 不...先生我不要您的钱

No,I don’t want your money,sir. 爱波宁,为我做这件事吧 Eponine,do this for me, 找到她的住处

Discover where she lives. 注意掩饰你的行踪

But careful how you go- 别让你父亲知道

Don’t let your father know. 爱波宁!在找到她之前我会暂时消失

Eponine! I’m lost until she’s found. 看见没?我跟你说了! You see? I told you so! 我知道的事不少

There’s lots of things I know! 爱波宁 Eponine…


She knows her way around 时机近了

The time is near…

时不我待 它奋张着每一根血脉

So near it’s stirring the blood in their veins. 可要当心

And yet beware! 别让烈酒冲昏了脑袋

Don’t let the wine go to your brains. 我们还缺一个信号 We need a sign 用来召集人民

To rally the people 武装起来

To call them to arms 一致对外

To bring them in line! 马吕斯 清醒点 Marius,wake up!


What’s wrong today? 你像是撞见了幽灵一样

You look as if you’ve seen a ghost. 喝口酒 快些讲

Some wine,and say what’s going on! 你说幽灵 就算幽灵吧

A ghost,you say? A ghost maybe! 对我来说她就像个幽灵

She was like a ghost to me- 突然出现 又突然消失

One minute there- then she was gone! 我真是瞠目又结舌

I am agog! I am aghast! 马吕斯终于坠入了爱河?

Is Marius in love at last? 从没见他这么支支吾吾

I’ve never heard him Ooh and Aah. 你们研究怎么打胜仗

You talk of battles to be won 他像唐璜奔赴情场

And here he comes like Don Juan! 这可比歌剧还好看啊

It is better than an opera! 这是我们选择命运的时刻

It is time for us all to decide who we are. 要不要背水一战 赢回看歌剧的权利?

Do we fight for the right to a night at the opera now? 你可曾问过自己 愿拿什么来赌博

Have you asked of yourselves What’s the price you might pay? 还是把它当成一场富家子的玩乐?

Is this simply a game for a rich young boy to play? 世界的颜色 每天都在变幻

The colours of the world are changing day by day- 红 是愤怒的热血沸腾

Red- the blood of angry men! 黑 是被抛弃的蒙昧世界

Black- the dark of ages past! 红 是即将破晓的天空

Red- a world about to dawn! 黑 是长夜将尽的洪钟

Black- the night that ends at last! 如果今晚你也在那 也许能了解我的感受

Had you seen her today you might know how it feels

那让人窒息的 突如其来的悸动

To be struck to the bone by a moment of breathless delight! 如果今晚你也在那 也许还能明白

Had you been there today You might also have known 世界是怎样为一束光变得不同

How the world may be changed In just one burst of light 对错颠倒 是非迷离

And what was right seems wrong And what was wrong seems right! - 红 - 是我的灵魂在燃烧

– Red! – I feel my soul on fire! - 黑 - 没有她 我的世界也被掏空

– Black! – My world if she’s not there! - 红 - 是渴望的色彩

– Red! – The colour of desire! - 黑 - 是冰冷的绝望

– Black!– The colour of despair! 马吕斯 你不是孩子了

Marius,you’re no longer a child- 我不怀疑你是认真的

I do not doubt you mean it well 可更崇高的使命正在召唤

But now there is a higher call! 谁理会你的儿女情长?

Who cares about your lonely soul? 我们有了更宏伟的目标

We strive towards a larger goal- 在它面前 我们的性命都微不足道

Our little lives don’t count at all! - 红 - 是愤怒的热血沸腾

– Red! – The blood of angry men! - 黑 - 是被抛弃的蒙昧世界

– Black! – The dark of ages past! - 红 - 是即将破晓的天空

– Red- – a world about to dawn! - 黑 - 是长夜将尽的洪钟

- Black - the night that ends at last! 大家听我说!

Listen,everybody! 拉马克将军死了

General Lamarque is dead! 拉马克 他的死是天定的时机

Lamarque… His death is the hour of fate. 人民的将军

The people’s man…
