
发布时间 : 星期六 文章悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词更新完毕开始阅读

没什么好看 也没啥体面

Not much to look at– nothing posh! 说它凑合都还嫌亏心

Nothing that you’d call up to scratch. 这是我的学校 我的上流社会

This is my school,my high society! 就在圣米歇尔广场的贫民窟

Here in the slums of St.Michel. 靠一点可怜的善心过活

We live on crumbs of humble piety 每天裹紧肚皮 但管他妈的

Tough on the teeth- but what the hell! 觉得你贫穷? 觉得你自由?

Think you’re poor? Think you’re free? 跟我来 跟我来

Follow me! Follow me!

低头看 若你还有慈悲就拿出来

Look down and show some mercy if you can! 低头看 低头看 看看你的同胞

Look down,look down,upon your fellow man! 我们曾经把一位国王送上了断头台

There was a time we killed the King 我们改变这世界的脚步走得太快

We tried to change the world too fast. 现在我们有了新的王

Now we have got another King, 他比之前那人好不了多少

He is no better than the last. 我们曾在这土地上为自由而战

This is the land that fought for liberty- 现在我们为生存而战

Now when we fight we fight for bread! 那权利平等的事根本不值一提

Here is the thing about equality- 唯有死亡才是人人得以平等的归宿

Everyone’s equal when they’re dead. 并肩作战吧!伺机起义吧!

Take your place! Take your chance! 法兰西万岁!法兰西万岁!

Vive la France! Vive la France! 低头看 若你还有慈悲就拿出来

Look down and show some mercy if you can! 低头看 低头看 看看你的同胞

Look down,look down,upon your fellow man!

- 苦日子何时是个头? - 什么时候才能活得自由? – When’s it gonna end? – When we gonna live? - 有人要爆发 - 不然就灭亡

– Something’s gotta happen now! – Something’s gotta give! 快到了 快到了 快到了 快到了

It’ll come,it’ll come,it’ll come 这片土地的主人何在

Where are the leaders of the land 哪个国王管着这出大戏?

Where is the King who runs this show? 只有拉马克将军一人

Only one man,General Lamarque 还为这些草民说话

Speaks for the people here below! 拉马克病危 命在旦夕

Lamarque is ill and fading fast- 据说活不过这星期

Won’t last a week out,so they say. 看这遍地怒火

With all the anger in the land, 最终审判日还有多久才会来到?

How long before the Judgement Day? 还有多久能处置这些饕餮之辈?

Before we cut the fat ones down to size? - 处死国王! - 解放百姓!

– Death to the King!– Liberty for all! 还有多久能筑起街垒?

Before the barricades arise?


Courfeyrac,come tomorrow,we meet here and build the barricades. 带上你们的枪 Bring your gun.

拉马克将军万岁! 拉马克将军万岁!

Vive General Lamarque! Vive General Lamarque! - 马吕斯! - 爷爷!

– Marius! – Grand father.


Have you any idea of the shame you bring on your family! 耻辱啊!

It's a disgrace!

拉马克将军万岁! 拉马克将军万岁!

Vive General Lamarque! Vive General Lamarque! 法兰西万岁!法兰西万岁!法兰西万岁!法兰西万岁!

Vive la France! Vive la France!Vive la France!Vive la France!


Hey there Monsieur what’s new with you? 最近很少看见您

Haven’t seen much of you of late. 你还是装成个穷人样

You still pretending to be poor 得了吧,我知道你的祖父很有钱

Come on,I know your Grandpa’s rich 不是我挣的我一个子都不要

Won’t take a franc that I’ve not earned 我和家族的来往都已被切断

All of those bridges have been burned. 我喜欢您说话的方式

I like the way you talk Monsieur! 我喜欢你调情的方式

I like the way you always tease. 他什么都不知道 Little he knows- 什么都没看到 Little he sees. 爱波宁! Eponine!


Everyone here,you know your place- Brujon,Babet,Clacquesous 你,蒙帕尔纳斯,和爱波宁一起盯着条子,当心点

You,Montparnasse,watch for the law-With Eponine- take care. 你快装哭,别出差池,亲爱的

You turn on the tears! No mistakes,my dear! 先生,求您了,跟我来

Please,M’sieur,come this way. 这孩子饿了一天了

Here’s a child that ain’t eaten today. 打发一个苏的救命钱吧

Save a life,spare a sou! 行善积德 上帝会报偿您的

God rewards all the good that you do. 且慢 我认得那张脸

Wait a bit… Know that face! 风水轮流转 世界真奇妙

Ain’t the world a remarkable place! 我这种人 过目不忘

Men like me don’t forget- 就是你这混蛋借走了珂赖特

You’re the bastard who borrowed Colette!

- 是珂赛特 - 这不重要 – Cosette. – Whatever. 干什么? 你疯了吗?

What is this? Are you mad? 不 先生 你搞错了

No,Monsieur,you don’t know what you say! 你认得我 我认得你

You know me! I know you! 你得付我应得的钱

And you’ll pay what I’m due. 你最好多掏点钱

And you better dig deep! 她可不是什么便宜货

Cause she doesn't come cheap! 警察来了 躲起来 快跑 是沙威!

It’s the police! Disappear!Run for it! It’s Javert! 珂赛特,快走,走! Cosette! Go,go!

广场上又一场骚乱 又一阵恶臭扑鼻

Another brawl in the square!Another stink in the air! 有没有目击者? 让他向沙威答话

Was there a witness to this?Well,let him speak to Javert! 先生 街巷不安宁 这些害虫等着瞧

Monsieur,these streets are not safe.But let these vermin beware, 我们总要伸张正义

We’ll see that justice is done! 看这一块石头下

Look upon this fine collection 爬出的魑魅魍魉

Crawled from underneath a stone. 蛇虫鼠蚁

This swarm of worms and maggots 向人敲骨吸髓

Could have picked you to the bone! 我认得那个人 我知道他的帮派 营生

I know this man over here,I know his name and his trade. 只要你作证 先生 我就将他绳之以法

And on your witness,Monsieur,I’ll see him suitably paid. 可这位先生去哪了 他为何要逃跑?

But where’s the gentlemen gone?And why on earth would he run? 你可放跑了大鱼啦

You will have a job to find him! 他才是你该抓的人

He’s not all he seems to be-
