新人教版初中八年级下册英语Unit 5单元测试卷含听力材料及答案解析

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27. D 点评:根据答句中的“在冬天我们应该更小心”,可知“我父亲摔倒在结冰的路上”。只有D项icy“结冰的;冰冷的”与winter有关。故选D。 28.A 29. D 点评:beat against…意为“敲打在……”。

30. B 点评:句意为:——教室什么时候停电了?——今天上午,在我们上物理课的时候。根据问句中的“did”和语境可知,此处表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作,应用过去进行时。故选B。

31. B 点评:由本句中的“use it to water plants”可知,此处指“下大雨”,用heavily。故选B。

32. D 点评:句意:我买报纸时,妹妹在等火车。由于从句中的动作“bought”是短暂性动词,只能用when,而while中的谓语动作为延续性动作。故选D。

33. B 点评:A项意为“逃跑”;B项意为“发出响声”;C项意为“起飞;脱下”;D项意为“下车”。分析第二句句意:然而闹钟一响我就不得不起床。B项才符合题意。故选B。 34. D

35. D 点评:“What?”表示惊讶,所以空格表示“你在开玩笑吧”故选D。 Ⅵ.36~40:BCCAD 41~45:CBCAD

Ⅶ.46~50:AADCC 51~55:BCDAB 56~60:FEBAD Ⅷ.61.At around 6:20 p. m.

62. She was doing her homework in the classroom. 63. She is a barber. 64.His friends. 65.On a street. Ⅸ.66.to die down 67.fall asleep 68.take down 69. in silence 70.making their way Ⅹ.71.What did you do yesterday afternoon 72. What was she doing 73. What / How about her parents 74. What did you do there 75. When did you come back home Ⅺ.One possible version:

An Unforgettable Experience

In the summer of 2017, my family had a trip to Jiuzhaigou. I was lost myself in the colorful water.

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However, a terrible event happened. On the night of August 8, at about 9:20, suddenly there was an earthquake. At that time, my mother and I were watching the wonderful shows at Jiuzhaigou Art & Culture Square. My father was buying something in a store near the square. I felt very scared. Luckily, we saw my father and other visitors rush out safely. To my excitement, a lot of people took an active part in saving others.

I saw that people helped each other when the earthquake happened. I will never forget this trip. 资料来源于网络 仅供免费交流使用
