
发布时间 : 星期一 文章湖南省张家界市2016届中考英语试卷(解析版)更新完毕开始阅读

追梦家教工作室 编者:Diana

53.Did Peng begin her speech with a story of her father? Yes,she did . 54.Where did Peng's father grow up? In a small village .

55.What's Peng Liyuan's Chinese dream? Peng hopes that all children can have a good education .

【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读;P7:阅读表达;PB:文中细节. 【分析】全文大意:

中国第一夫人﹣﹣彭丽媛9月26日在联合国用英语做了一个演讲.她谈论了教育和世界分享了她的中国梦.彭丽媛用她父亲的一个故事开始了她的演讲.她的父亲生长在中国的一个小山村.在那时,很多村民不识字,所以她的父亲开办了一个夜校教村民识字.在他的帮助下,许多人第一次学会了写自己的名字、看报纸.很多妇女也能教自己的孩子读书了.彭丽媛父亲对教育的热爱深深地影响了她.她很幸运收到了良好的教育.后来她跟随父亲的脚步成为一名音乐教授.教育很重要,但是现在中国仍然有许多孩子不能上学.彭丽媛希望所有的孩子都能受到良好的教育,那就是她的中国梦. 【解答】答案:

51、In English 细节理解题 根据第一段Peng Liyuan.First Lady of China,made a speech in English at the United Nations on September 26可知中国第一夫人﹣﹣彭丽媛9月26日在联合国用英语做了一个演讲,故填In English 52、Education 细节理解题 根据第一段She talked about education and shared her Chinese dream with the world.\她谈论了教育和世界分享了她的中国梦\可知她的演讲是关于教育的,故填 Education

53、Yes,she did 细节理解题 根据第二段Peng began her speech with a story of her father可知彭丽媛用她父亲的一个故事开始了她的演讲,故做出肯定回答,故填Yes,she did

54、In a small village 细节理解题 根据第二段Her father grew up


追梦家教工作室 编者:Diana

in a small village in China.可知她的父亲生长在中国的一个小山村.故填 In a small village

55、Peng hopes that all children can have a good education 细节理解题 根据最后一段Peng hopes that all children can have a good education,and that is her Chinese dream.可知彭丽媛的中国梦是希望所有的孩子都能收到良好的教育,故填Peng hopes that all children can have a good education



56.(10分)(2016?张家界)A:Excuse me.sir?Where is the nearest bank? B:(56) Sorry,I don't know .You may ask that policeman over there. A:Thank you all the same.(The man goes to the policeman)Excuse me.(57) Is there a bank here ?

C:Yes,there is.It's on Bridge Street. A:(58) How far is it ? C:It's about three kilometers away. A:(59) How can I get there ? C:You can take a taxi. A:Thanks a lot!

C:(60) You are welcome .


【分析】A:打扰一下,先生,最近的银行在哪儿? B:对不起,我不知道,你可以问那边的那个警察.

A:同样谢谢你;(那个人向警察走去),打扰一下,这儿有银行吗? B:是的,有,它在大桥街上. A:它多远?


追梦家教工作室 编者:Diana

B:大约三公里远. A:我怎么能到哪儿? B:你可以乘出租车. A:多谢. B:不客气.

【解答】56答案:Sorry I don't know;该题考查英语交际;根据答语You may ask that policeman over there推测该句句意:对不起,我不知道;故填Sorry I don't know;

57答案:Is there a bank here?该题考查英语交际;there is.It's on 根据答语Yes,Bridge Street.结合语境Where is the nearest bank?可知上句是询问这儿有没有银行;故填Is there a bank here?

58答案:How far is it?该题考查英语交际;根据答语It's about three kilometers away可知上句是询问银行有多远;故填How far is it?

59答案:How can I get there?该题考查英语交际;根据答语You can take a taxi;推知上句是询问该怎样到银行;故填How can I get there?

60答案:You are welcome;该题考查英语交际;根据上句Thanks a lot!可知是表示感谢,当别人表示感谢时,对方的答语应是You are welcome;故填You are welcome.



61.(15分)(2016?张家界)紧张的毕业考试结束后,同学们将迎来轻松愉快的暑假.你的暑假计划是什么呢?假如你是Sandy,请你以\为题,写出你和你朋友Tony的暑假计划. 要求:

1)内容必须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥. 2)文中不能出现自己的真实姓名和学校名称. 3)不少于50词(文章开头己给出,不计入总词数)


追梦家教工作室 编者:Diana

Summer Plan Names Sandy Activities travel learn to dance/draw/… Tony volunteer learn to swim/play/basketball/… Reasons Open up my eyes relax get experience keep healthy Hi,I'm Sandy.Summer vacation is coming.What are you going to do this summer?My friend Tony and I have our summer plans. .



写作思路:考生需要首先审清主题,围绕主题展开作文. 其次考生可从以下几个方面展开作文,即本文的写作要点: 1.我;旅行,开阔眼界;学习跳舞,画画等,放松


常用到的重点短语: plan to do sth:计划做某事 open up one's eyes:开阔眼界 make sb+adj:让某人怎样 as well:也

help sb to do sth:帮助某人做某事 【高分句型】

1.I like dancing and I think①it can②make me relaxed. ①think后接省略了that的宾语从句. ②make sb+adj:让某人怎样

2.My friend Tony would like to volunteer in a hospital because he wants to be a


追梦家教工作室 编者:Diana



3.It can①help him to ②keep healthy. ①help sb to do sth:帮助某人做某事

②keep healthy保持健康.keep是系动词,加形容词构成系表结构.

【解答】Hi,I'm Sandy.Summer vacation is coming.What are you going to do this summer?My friend Tony and I have our summer plans.

I plan to visit Shanghai with my family.I want to open up my eyes.And I'm also going to learn to dance during the vacation.I like dancing and I think it can make me relaxed.【高分句型】(我的暑假计划及原因)

My friend Tony would like to volunteer in a hospital because he wants to be a doctor.【高分句型】He can get some experience from volunteering.He wants to learn to swim as well.It can help him to keep healthy.【高分句型】(Tony的暑假计划及原因)


