陈甜蜜特色案例 My birthday

发布时间 : 星期四 文章陈甜蜜特色案例 My birthday更新完毕开始阅读

2013年芜湖县中小学英语教学特色 案例评选

课题:My birthday

学 校:西河中心学校 授课人:陈 甜 蜜 时 间:2013年5月11日

My birthday

Teaching aims: Language knowledge:

Words: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

Sentences: When is your birthday? My birthday is in …. Language skills:

To listen, understand and say the words. To use the words in the dialogue. Emotion and Attitude:

Students are glad to talk about something in English. Encourage them to love their parents. Teaching key points: Main points:

To understand, read and say the words and sentences correctly. Difficult points:

To use the words and sentences fluently in their own conversations. Teaching tactics:

Let students learn English happily. Let them cooperate actively. Let them complete the tasks positively.


Learning tactics:

To learn by listening, watching, reading and acting. To learn in different kinds of activities.

Teaching materials: Multi-media, word cards, and an envelope. Teaching procedures and explanations: Step 1: Warm-up

1. Talk freely about daily life. (How are you? What day is it today? When do you get up on Thursday? What’s the weather like today? What season is it now?) 2. T: What’s your favourite season? I like spring because my birthday is in spring. And I’m going to have a birthday party. Can you sing the Happy Birthday song? Let’s listen and sing together.

3. T: Do you like the song? It’s about birthday. And we’re going to learn My Birthday.

4. Read the title after the teacher.

(设计意图:自由交流中,设计了有关时间的问题:When do you get up? 为本课要讨论的话题:When is your birthday? 作铺垫,通过问天气,再接着讨论最喜欢的季节,引出这句My favourite season is in spring because my birthday is in spring. 再引出一首熟悉的生日歌:Happy Birthday。听唱完这首歌之后,很自然、轻松地引出今天的课题:My birthday。)

(教学反思:通过与学生轻松交流日常生活,让他们放松了心情,并自然而然地进入了英语学习的氛围中。这些问题也是为本课知识点When is your birthday?的教学做准备的。他们非常熟悉那首生日歌,在播放的时候,每位


同学都热情地加入到听唱之中,营造了一个轻松欢快的学习氛围。这首歌也为接下来的新课呈现做好了铺垫。) Step2: Presentation


1. T: Look at the pictures. What season is it? (Spring.) There are three months in spring. What are they? Put the words in the pictures. Teach the words of the months: March, April and May.

2. Practice the words in the chant. Follow in the words and chant with the music.

(设计意图:教March, April, May时,在电子白板上向学生展示图片,从讨论季节入手,这样便于学生接受和理解这三个单词。之后,设计了一首chant巩固操练,在chant过程中先慢后快,步步深入,可以激发兴趣,避免单调说教。)

3. Show them two children drew on Waninboard. T: Are the children happy or sad? Why are they so happy? Draw a flag with the words: Happy Children’s Day! T: Because it’s Children’s Day. When is Children’s Day? Elicit June. Teach it. (设计意图:教June时,通过看电子白板上两个快乐的儿童的简笔画,让学生猜想他们为什么happy,接着用彩色画笔画出横幅Happy Children’s Day!并得出Because it’s Children’s Day. 再问When is Children’s Day? 由此会让学生想到在六月,引出单词June. 同时在chant:June, June, June, we like June中操练单词。)

