
发布时间 : 星期一 文章医学考博语法参考资料更新完毕开始阅读

35.Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholster ed furniture, ______ absorb sound.

A)which they all B)of them all C)all of which D)of all which

36.After the First World War, the author Anais Nin became interested in the art movement known as Surrealism and in psychoanalysis, both ______ her novels an d short stories. A)in which the influence B)of which influenced C)to have influence D)its influence in 37.That is one of the many tools ______.

A)which I find it hard to work B)which I find it hard to work with C)that I find it hard to work with D)with which I find it hard to work 38.I don't think the number of people ______ this happens is very large.

A)when B)to whom C)that D)of which

39.Anthony Jason, ______ Louis succeeded in the experiment, was a friend of mine. A)with the help from whom B)with whose help C)with the help of his D)with his help

40.He's written a book ______ the name I've completely forgotten.

A)whose B)which C)of which D)that

41.Watercolor provides a brilliant transparency and freshness, ______ it allows extraordinarily free brushwork.

A)that B)during C)which D)and

42.The meeting was postponed, ______ was exactly what I wanted. A)that B)which it C)and that D)this

43.Those guilty of a serious crime ______ refuse to reform must be severely punished. A)which B)whom C)when D)who

44.Mahalia Jackson, ______ combined powerful vitality with great dignity, was one of the best known gospel singers in the United States.

A)it was her singing B)which songs C)who sang D)whose singing

45.Yet no firm evidence had come to light ______ the men arrested were actually responsible.

A)which B)as C)what D)that

46.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ______ going in the world.

A)it is B)as is C)which is D)what is

47.Another food crop raised by Indians ______ strange to the European was called Indian corn

A)who were B)that were C)that was D)who was 48.They helped us time and again, ______ very kind of them.

A)who were B)which was C)that was D)which were 49.Mr. Jones, ______ John was working, was very generous about overtime payment. A)for whom B)for who C)whom D)for that 50.This is the faith ______ I come back.

A)in which B)with which C)on which D)in that


51.It was he ______ we had the greatest faith.

A)in whom B)that C)with whom D)who

52.Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman is the tragic story of a man destroyed by his own hollow values and those of the society ______.

A)he lives in which B)in which he lives

C)which in he lives D)in that he lives 53.In the United States, a primary election is a method ______ voters select the nominees for public office.

A)in that B)by which C)by those D)is that 54.Emily Dickinson's garden was a place ______ great inspiration for her poems. A)that she drew B)by drawing her C)from which she drew D)drawn from which

55.We moved to the new house in the suburbs so that the kids would have a garden ______. A)in which to play B)to play with

C)to play D)where to play

56.An evidence ______ life may have existed on earth 3 8 billions years ago has been discovered in these ancient rocks.

A)what B)that C)which D)whose

57.When reports came into London Zoo ______ a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.

A)what B)as C)which D)that

58.There is not much ______ can be done now.

A)that B)which C)who D)what 59.He showed me a book, ______ I could tell that it was pretty old. A)which cover B)of which cover

C)the cover which D)from the cover of which

60.This kind of solar cooker can be used only in the daytime ______ the sun is shining. A)when B)as C)while D)since

61.Solomon was diligent, responsible and hardworking, ______ he was promoted from a clerk to a manager.

A)for which B)which C)for D)that 62.What is ______ ordered the English book?

A)the lady's address in Beijing who B)the lady's address in Beijing which C)the address of the lady in Beijing who D)the address of the lady in Beijing that 63.There comes a time in every man's life ______.

A)then he has to think B)which he needs

C)when he has to think D)therefore he has to work hard 64.No sample ______ we have received is satisfactory.

A)which B)what C)that D)who 65.“Did the audience participate in the party?”

“Yes, the actors ______ to involve the audience were successful.”

A)whom it was the function B)of which the function was C)whose function it was D)whose were the function

66.Football and baseball ______ played in the United States today are basically


modifications of games that originated in England.

A)as B)are C)being D)that

67.We hope the measures to control prices ______ taken by the government will succeed. A)when B)as C)since D)after 68.The project requires more labor than ______ because it is extremely difficult. A)has been put in B)have been put in C)being put in D)to be put in

69.He often sat in a small bar drinking considerably more than ______. A)he was in good health B)his good health was C)his health was good D)was good for his health 70.The costs of distribution and sales make up a large part of prices that ______. A)all products are paid for B)are paid for all products

C)for all products paid D)for which all products paid

71.Without facts we can't form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge ______ our thinking.

A)upon which to base B)which to base upon

C)which to be based on D)to which to be based

72.His great grandmother was among the last to settle in ______ is now the famous mountain resort.

A)that B)where C)which D)what 73.More middle-aged persons suffer from heart trouble than ______.

A)it generally is realized B)is generally realized C)generally it is realized D)generally is realized

74.The Social Security Retirement Program is made up of two trust funds, ______ could go penniless by next year.

A)the larger one B)the larger of which C)the largest one D)the largest of which

75.Living the central Australian desert has its problems, ______ obtaining water is not the least.

A)of which B)for which C)as D)whose 76.Poverty is also threatening the company's most valuable resource, its staff, ______. A)who are increasingly being lured B)which is increasingly being lured C)lured increasingly D)to he increasingly lured

77.So quickly are science and technology advancing ______ is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.

A)which B)what C)that which D)that what 78.Most machines of this kind ______ manufactured for such purposes, are tightly packed. A)that are B)as are C)which is D)it is

79.______ is known to all, gases expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.

A)Which B)As C)That D)It

80.We begin to take note of whims, fancies, peculiarities on the part of the essayist ______ light up the prim, impeccable countenance of the oralist.

A)who B)which C)whom D)what


81.There was never any army ______ in better battle array.

A)had their men stand B)have their men stand C)to have their men stand D)their men stood

82.Obviously there was little certainty ______ the chairman would agree to this proposal. A)which B)why C)what D)that

83.“Do you like the book your father gave you?”

“Very much. It's exactly ______ I wanted.”

A)one which B)that C)one what D)the one 84.He never sells such books ______ are considered harmful to the readers. A)that B)as C)which D)what 85.This is the woman ______ artists said posed as a model for the painting. A)whose B)who C)which D)whom 86.He has made a discovery, ______ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.

A)I think which is B)which I think is C)which I think it is D)of which I think it is

87.Mosaic is the art of closely setting small, colored pieces, such as s tone or glass, into a surface ______.

A)and create a decorative design B)and a decorative design creates

C)to create a decorative design D)that a decorative design is created

88.Physics is the present day equivalent of ______ used to be called natural philosophy, ______ which most of present day science arose.

A)what...from B)that ...from C)which ...of D)what ...with 89.Many birds have feathers ______ with their surroundings.

A)colors blend B)that colors blend

C)whose colors blend D)of which the colors that blend 90.Civil rights are the freedoms and rights ______ as a member of a community, state, or nation.

A)may have a person B)a person who may have

C)a person may have D)and a person may have

91.The computer has dramatically affected ______ photographic lenses a re constructed. A)is the way B)that the way C)which way do D)the way

92.Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation, country music has certain common features ______ its own special character.

A)give it that B)that give it

C)that give D)that gives it to 93.Mango trees, ______ densely covered with glossy leaves and bear small fragrant flowers, grow rapidly and can attain heights of up to 90 feet.

A)whose B)which are

C)are when D)which

94.In the early twentieth century, the “Model T” automobile was mass produced and sold at a price ______ could afford.

