
发布时间 : 星期六 文章中考英语基础知识解析更新完毕开始阅读


Words and Expressions

1. Excuse, me. / I’m sorry.


1)Excuse me. 表示“劳驾”,“请问”,“请原谅”,“对不起”,“打扰一下”等意思,多用于句首,主要用于在请求别人帮忙时用。如:

Excuse me, is this watch yours?

Excuse me. How can I get to the station?

2)I’m sorry. 或Sorry. 一般用于听到别人的不幸或做了对不起别人的事情表示遗憾或向其道歉,或不能够给对方提供信息或帮助时的场合。如: I’m sorry I’m late.

I’m sorry to hear your mother is ill.

Sorry, I can’t go with you.

Sorry, I won’t do that again.

2. it’s / its

1)it’s是it is的缩写形式,意思是“那是”。

2) its是it的物主代词,具有形容词的性质,作定语,意思是“它的”。如:This is a bird. Its name is Polly. 这是一只鸟,它的名字叫波莉。It’s a cat. Can you spell its name? 那是一只猫,你能拼出它的名字吗?

3. listen/ hear

1)listen意为“听”,强调听的动作,当后接听的对象时要加to。如:Listen! Who is

talking? 听!谁在讲话?We’re listening to the teacher. 我们正在听老师讲课。

2)hear意为“听到”,强调听的结果。如:I’m listening to the teacher, but I can’t hear him. 我正在听老师讲课,但我听不见他讲的话。

4. not?at all/ Not at all

1) not?at all意为“根本不??,一点也不??”,not放在助动词之后。如:He doesn’t study hard at all. 他学习一点也不认真。

2) Not at all. 意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,回答对方的感谢、道歉时用语。如:“Thank you very much.” “Not at all.” “非常感谢。”“不用谢。”

5. speak/ say / tell/ talk


1)speak强调说话的能力和方式,后常接说的某种语言。如:Do you speak English? 你讲英语?

2)say强调说的内容。如:What is he saying? 他在说什么?

3)tell意为“告诉”,后常接双宾语或复合宾语。如:Let me tell you a story. 让我给你们讲个故事吧。 The teacher often tells us to study hard. 老师经常叫我们努力学习。

4)talk为不及物动词,构成短语talk with, talk to, talk about等。如:What are they talking about? 他们正在谈论什么?

6. old/ age

old(指年龄),表示“??岁的”意思,常和how 一起构成疑问句。如:How old are you? 你多大?

age是“年龄”的意思,通常和what一起构成特殊疑问句。如:What age is he? 或What’s his age? 他多大了?

Old people aged people


1.in+语言:表示用什么语言或用什么语言说(或写)。如:What’s this in English? He is writing a letter to his father in Chinese.

2.in pairs意为“成双地”,“成对地”,“两人一组”。如:Please ask and answer in pairs.

3.in the wall 表示在墙里面。如:There is a hole in the wall. 如果表示在墙的表面或墙上,用on the wall。如:She put a map of China on the wall.

4.at work意为“在工作”,work前不加the。类似这样的词组还有at home(在家),at school(上学),at table(就餐)等。


by bike= on the bike

by train= on the train, by boat= on the boat

by plane / air = on the plane, by ship/sea= on the ship

by car = in the car, by bus =in the bus等。

但:步行则用on foot来表达。

6.on one’s way?表示“在去??的途中”。如:

He found a dog walking in the street on his way home.

on one’s way to school 在某人上学的途中

on one’s way back 在某人返回的途中

7.on duty表示“值日”。如:Who’s on duty today? 今天谁值日?I am on duty. 我值日。




look after= take care of 照看,照料 look like 看上去像

look at? 看?? be worried about? 对??担忧

come from? =be from ? 来自??

get to? 到达?? work on? 从事,操作??

turn on(off)打开,(关掉) come into? 进入??



hand up 举起手来 put on 穿上;挂上(贴上) take off 脱掉 put away? 把??放好;把??收起来

There be和to have句型

这两个句型都表示“有”的意思。There be表示“存在”的关系,to have侧重“所属关
