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repaired anything in iron, and did other odd jobs such as shoeing horses; today, there are fewer than a thousand smiths working in Britain.

2 Meanwhile in the countryside, the rise of mechanized agriculture has led to a massive decline in the number of farm workers, especially those working with livestock. For example, just a handful of shepherds are left working today in the hills of northern England.

3 But jobs in towns have changed too. Nobody would argue that some of this is change for the better: Improved sanitary conditions mean less work for rat-catchers, and legislation about the minimum age for working has taken the shoeshine boys off the streets. But small one-person businesses, such as cobblers (who mend shoes) or watch repairers are hard to come by nowadays, and many small shopkeepers have had to close down because of the competition from supermarkets.

4 Twenty years or so ago the milkman was still a familiar sight in the early morning, delivering milk door to door on his

electrically-powered \demand has dropped by over 60 per cent. People who want milk delivered today can order it on the Internet with the rest of their groceries from the local supermarket. 5 Sometimes jobs disappear almost

overnight. A hundred years ago Britain was the largest producer of coal in the world, with 600,000 miners producing 200 million tons of coal per year. Then, in the 1980s, almost all the mines were closed, and most miners lost their jobs. But the \coal was expensive, and in recent years many people have opened up fireplaces which had been closed for years, to return to traditional fuels.

6 This, in turn, has led to the return of a


同时,乡村农业机械化的兴起使农夫的数量急剧减少,尤其是饲养牲口的人。 比如,现在仍在英格兰北部山区放牧的人也就剩下寥寥几个了。

城里的工作也发生了变化。 没人会去否认有些是变得更好了:卫生条件的改善使抓耗子的工作大量减少,关于最低工作年龄的立法使得擦鞋的童工从大街上迅速消失,但个体经营者,如补鞋的皮匠或修理手表的表匠如今也很难看到了。许多小商贩也因难敌超市的竞争不得不关门大吉。

大约20年前,每天清晨还能见到送奶工熟悉的身影,他们骑着小电瓶车挨家挨户送奶。 从那时到现在,需求已经下降了60%。 如今订奶的人可以在网上下单,当地超市会把牛奶连同其他商品一起送到家门口。

有时某些职业几乎在一夜之间就消失了。 一百年前,英国是世界上最大的产煤国,60万名矿工每年生产两亿吨煤。 到了20世纪80年代,几乎所有的煤矿都关闭了,大多数矿工失去了工作。 可是因为取代煤炭的“清洁燃料”太贵了,近年来有很多人重新启用尘封多年的壁炉,并回归到传统的燃料上来。


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profession which most people had thought was extinct: the chimney sweep, whose job is to clean chimneys. Once the symbol of a traditional and dangerous job in a bygone 失的一个职业——烟囱清扫工——又有活干了。 清扫烟囱在那个逝去的年代里曾是传统的危险工作的代名词,现在又有了需求。age, the chimney sweep is now back in demand, and (judging by some of the websites advertising their services) technological too.


Dinner at Joanne's

1 It was snowing heavily, and although every true New Yorker looks forward to a white Christmas, the shoppers on Fifth Avenue were in a hurry, not just to track down the last-minute presents, but to escape the bitter cold and get home with their families for Christmas Eve.

2 Josh Lester turned into 46th Street. He was not yet enjoying the Christmas spirit, because he was still at work, albeit a working dinner at Joanne's. Josh was black, in his early thirties, and an agreeable-looking person, dressed

smartly but not expensively. He was from a hard-working family in upstate Virginia, and was probably happiest back home in his parents' house. But his demeanor concealed a Harvard law degree and an internship in DC with a congressman, a junior partnership in a New York law firm, along with a razor-sharp intellect and an ability to think on his feet. Josh was very smart.

3 The appointment meant Josh

wouldn't get home until after Christmas. He was not, however, unhappy. He was meeting Jo Rogers, the senior senator for Connecticut, and one of the best-known faces in the US. Senator Rogers was a Democrat in her third term of office, who knew Capitol Hill inside out but who had nevertheless managed to keep her

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乔希 ? 莱斯特拐进了第四十六街。 他还没来得及享受圣诞的气氛,因为他仍在工作着,虽说是要在乔安妮餐厅吃一顿工作餐。 乔希是黑人,三十出头,长得平易近人,穿着时髦得体,却不华贵。 他来自弗吉尼亚州北部,父母都是辛勤工作的人,或许只有回到父母家里才最让他感到幸福。 单从他的行为举止,别人看不出他拥有一个哈佛法学院的学位,一段在华盛顿特区跟从国会议员实习的经历,还有纽约一家律师事务所初级合伙人的身份。他才华横溢,思维敏捷,聪明过人。

这次会面意味着乔希要过了圣诞夜才能回家了。 他并没有因此而不高兴,因为他要见的人是康涅狄格州的资深参议员乔 ? 罗杰斯,此人是全美曝光率最高的名人之一。 参议员罗杰斯是民主党人,现在是她的第三个任期,对于国会山的一切她了如指掌,尽管如此,她还是尽力维持住了在她的支持者心中作为一位华


credibility with her voters as a Washington 盛顿局外人的信誉。 她支持堕胎,outsider. She was pro-abortion, 反对腐败,支持减少二氧化碳排量,anti-corruption, pro-low carbon emissions 反对死刑,可以说是大西洋的这一边and anti-capital punishment, as fine a 能找到的最完美的进步自由派人士。 progressive liberal as you could find this 脱口秀主持人们称呼她“诚实的参议side of the Atlantic. Talk show hosts called 员乔”,几年前《时代周刊》提名她her Honest Senator Jo, and a couple of 参加年度女性的角逐。 明年就是选years ago, Time magazine had her in the 举年了,有消息称她将参加民主党内running for Woman of the Year. It was 总统提名的竞选。 罗杰斯在华盛顿election time in the following year, and 见过乔希,她觉得乔希很有才干,于the word was she was going to run for the 是就邀他共进晚餐。 Democratic nomination. Rogers had met Josh in DC, thought him highly competent, and had invited him to dinner. 4 Josh shivered as he checked the 乔希打了个冷战,他打开手里的address on the slip of paper in his hand. 纸条核对了一下地址。 之前他没来He'd never been to Joanne's, but knew it 过乔安妮餐厅,但对于它的鼎鼎大名by reputation, not because of its food, 却早有耳闻,倒不是因为这里的饭菜which had often been maligned, or its jazz 有多美味,其实这里的菜品屡遭恶orchestra, which had a guest slot for a 评,也不是因为这里的爵士管弦乐队well-known movie director who played 有一位知名电影导演客串吹小号,而trumpet, but because of the stellar quality 是因为这里汇集了有头有脸的宾客,of its sophisticated guests: politicians, 可以说是星光璀璨,他们中有政客、diplomats, movie actors, hall-of-fame 外交家、电影明星、载入名人堂的体athletes, journalists, writers, rock stars and 育明星、记者、作家、摇滚明星、诺Nobel Prize winners—in short, anyone 贝尔奖得主等等——总之,这里的who was anyone in this city of power 每一位客人都是这座权力之城里的brokers. 一个人物。 5 Inside, the restaurant was heaving 餐厅里面人头攒动。 乔希走进with people. The head waiter at the front 来时前台的领班一直盯着他看。 desk looked at Josh as he came in. 6 \ “您需要帮忙吗?” 7 Josh replied, \ 乔希回答说:“是的,我有一8 \个……”

interrupted as two guests arrived. \ “对不起,先生……”看见有两evening Miss Bacall, good evening Mr 位客人走了进来,领班打断了他的Hanks,\summon 话。 “晚上好,巴考尔小姐,晚上another waiter to show them to their 好,汉克斯先生。”接着他打了个响table. 指招呼服务生带他们入座。 9 \“好吧,先生,请问您预定座位do you have a reservation?\shrugged 了吗?”领班耸了耸肩,说道,“您his shoulders. \也看见了,我们没有空余的座位。” whatsoever, as you can see.\

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10 \ “我今天晚上要在这儿和一位tonight.\ 名叫罗杰斯的女士会面。” 11 The head waiter looked at Josh up 领班把乔希从头到脚打量了一and down, and asked, \番,然后说“请问您怎么称呼?” name?\ 12 Josh told him, and although the 乔希向他报了姓名,虽然领班好waiter refrained from curling his lip, he 不容易才忍住没撇嘴,但他还是鼓了managed to show both disdain and 鼓鼻翼,显示出了他的不屑以及自然effortless superiority with a simple flaring 而然的优越感。 of his nostrils. “让我想想。”领班说道。 “哦,13 \对了,我们的确为一位罗杰斯女士预\留了一张桌子,可是她马上就到Rogers, but will she be arriving soon?\ 吗?”

14 Josh had encountered this doubtful 乔希过去也有过被人怀疑的经treatment before but was not intimidated. 历,但他没有被吓到。

15 \ “我肯定她很快就到。 能烦请you please show me to her table?\ 你带我去她的座位吗?”乔希说。 16 \ “那这边走,先生。” 领班把led Josh through the restaurant to a table 乔希领到餐厅靠里处,指了指一张桌at the back, and pointed. 子。 17 \ “谢谢,请给我来一杯马丁尼,”Martini, please?\乔希说。 可那位领班还没等他说完waiter was impatient to go back into the 就迫不及待地要回到纽约上层社会heady swirl of New York society, everyone 那令人陶醉的纷乱中去,至少在他看clamoring, or so it appeared to him, for his 来,那里的每一个人都在召唤着他,attention. 希望得到他的注意。 18 The table was close to the bathroom 这张桌子离卫生间很近,还紧挨and right by a half-opened window, 着一扇半开的窗户,好像从五大湖刮apparently positioned where an icy breeze 来的刺骨寒风正好沿着哈得孙峡谷from the Great Lakes, passing down the 吹进来,在这儿结束了它的旅程。 Hudson Valley, would end its journey. 19 Suddenly there was a moment's 突然间,餐厅安静了片刻,紧接silence in the restaurant, only for the noise 着又响起了一阵热烈的窃窃语声。 to resume as intense whispering. 20 \ “罗杰斯参议员!”领班喊道,waiter. \“能在乔安妮再次见到您真是太荣at Joanne's again!\ 幸了!” 21 \Alberto. I'm dining “晚上好,阿尔贝托。 我要和with a young man, name of Lester.\ 一位年青人吃饭,他叫莱斯特。” 22 The head waiter blinked, and 领班慌得直眨眼,还咽了咽口swallowed hard. 水。 23 \“好的,参议员,您这边走。” and as Senator Rogers passed through the 当罗杰斯参议员穿过拥挤的餐厅时,

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