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levels of meanings and questions. The fact that a single painting can generate a thoroughly rewarding novel and a well-composed film demonstrates our

fascination in the mystery of the Girl with a Pearl Earring.



The top five paintings in Western art

1 Which are the greatest paintings of all time? Everybody has their favourites, and choosing a short list from the huge array of masterpieces in Western art is likely to be a frustrating—and ultimately not very useful—task. But here are five paintings which would be high up on anybody's list. 2 Perhaps the most famous, and

instantly recognizable, of all is Leonardo's Mona Lisa, now in the Louvre in Paris. The longer you look at this painting, the more the mystery grows. Who is this person, whose eyes follow us wherever we are? As a famous critic once said, she seems older than the rocks among which she sits. 3 Las Meninas was painted in 1656 by Diego Velázquez. It hangs in the Prado Museum in Madrid, and is one of the most analyzed works in Western painting. Like a snapshot, it shows a large room in the palace of King Philip IV of Spain, and presents a number of people from the court: the king's daughter Margarita, surrounded by her maids, a bodyguard, two dwarfs and a dog. In the background is Velázquez himself, working on another painting and looking out towards the viewer. The picture seems to be telling us that art and life are an illusion.

4 The Starry Night is without question one of Vincent van Gogh's best-known paintings. It shows the view at night from the room in the mental hospital in Saint Rémy de Provence, in the south of France,


史上最伟大的画作有哪些?每个人都有他自己最喜爱的作品,但要从数不胜数的西方艺术精品中选出几幅最好的,可能是一件费力不讨好的事情。 不过,下面这五幅画可能在任何人的选单上都会高居榜首。

其中最有名的、一眼就能认出来的可能就会是列奥纳多的《蒙娜丽莎》,现藏于巴黎的卢浮宫。 你看着这幅画越久,它就变得越神秘。 这位目光始终追随着我们的画中人到底是谁?正如一位著名评论家所说的,她看上去比她坐着的石头还要古老。

《宫女》是迪戈 ? 贝拉斯克斯1656年绘制的作品,它悬挂在马德里普拉多美术馆中。它是西方绘画史上被分析得最多的画作之一。 这幅画像一张快照,展示了西班牙腓力四世皇宫里的一间大屋子,还有屋里的许多宫廷人物:有国王的女儿玛格丽塔,簇拥着她的一群宫女,一名护卫,两个侏儒和一条狗。 后面是贝拉斯克斯本人,他正在画另一个作品,他把目光投向了观众。 这幅画好像在告诉我们,艺术和生活不过是一种幻觉。

《星夜》无疑是文森特 ? 凡 ? 高最著名的画作之一。 它展现了从法国南部圣雷米普罗旺斯的一家精神病院的房间里看到的夜空景象,凡 ? 高在一次严重的精神崩溃后住

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where he was staying after a severe

breakdown. It also reflects something of the mental turmoil from which he was suffering at the time. It can be viewed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

5 Another well-known modern masterpiece is The Scream by the

Norwegian artist, Edvard Munch. It shows a figure in apparent agony in front of blood red sky. It's thought that he is not screaming himself, but protecting himself from a scream, struggling to keep out the distressing noise of nature. Some of this painting's notoriety is due to the number of times it has been stolen from its home in the Oslo National Gallery.

6 Last but not least, Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon was completed in 1907, and shows five prostitutes in a

brothel. Within the history of modern art, it's held to be one of the most influential, and a precursor of the Cubist style, which featured geometric shapes and a plural viewpoint of features on different planes and which would otherwise be invisible. It can now be seen in the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

在了那里。 这幅画也反映了他当时所经历的精神混乱。 目前在纽约的大都会艺术博物馆里可以看到这幅画。

另一幅著名的现代杰作是挪威艺术家爱华德 ? 蒙克所画的《呐喊》。 它展示了血红色的天空下一位痛苦异常的人。 有人认为他并不是在呐喊,而是捂着耳朵,保护自己不受到喊声的伤害,他极力把自然界令人痛苦的声音挡在耳外。 这幅画名声远扬,部分是缘自它从奥斯陆国家艺术馆被盗的次数。

最后一幅重要画作是毕加索的《阿维农少女》,该画完成于1907年,描绘了妓院里的五个妓女。 该画被誉为现代艺术史上最有影响力的作品,也是立体主义画派的先锋之作。立体主义画派的特点是运用许多几何图形和多重视点,使画里的人物处于多个平面之中,展现出在单一平面中无法看见的特征。 该画现藏于纽约现代艺术博物馆。


Work in corporate America

1 It is not surprising that modern

children tend to look blank and dispirited when informed that they will someday have to \The problem is that they cannot visualize what work is in corporate America.

2 Not so long ago, when a parent said he was off to work, the child knew very well what was about to happen. His parent was going to make something or fix something. The parent could take his offspring to his place of business and let

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现在的孩子要是有人跟他们说长大后要“去工作来谋生”,往往会表现出一脸的茫然和沮丧,这并不奇怪。 问题在于,他们想象不出美国的大公司里都有哪些工作。

不久以前,当家长说他要去工作了,孩子很清楚他去做什么。 他不是去做东西就是去修理东西。 父亲可能会带着孩子去他干活的地方,让他看着自己修马车,或是打桌子。


him watch while he repaired a buggy or built a table.

3 When a child asked, \work do you do, Daddy?\answer in terms that a child could come to grips with, such as \\

4 Well, a few fathers still fix steam

engines and build tables, but most do not. Nowadays, most fathers sit in glass

buildings doing things that are absolutely incomprehensible to children. The answers they give when asked, \do you do, Daddy?\mystifying to a child.

5 \\processor.\relations.\systems analyst.\explanations must seem nonsense to a child. How can he possibly envision

anyone analyzing a system or researching a market?

6 Even grown men who do market research have trouble visualizing what a public relations man does with his day, and it is a safe bet that the average

systems analyst is as baffled about what a space salesman does at the shop as the average space salesman is about the tools needed to analyze a system.

7 In the common everyday job, nothing is made any more. Things are now made by machines. Very little is repaired. The machines that make things make them in such a fashion that they will quickly fall apart in such a way that repairs will be prohibitively expensive. Thus the buyer is encouraged to throw the thing away and buy a new one. In effect, the machines are making junk.

8 The handful of people remotely associated with these machines can, of course, tell their inquisitive children


可是,现在修蒸汽机或是打桌子的父亲很少了,绝大多数人都不干这个了。 现在,大多数的父亲坐在有玻璃外墙的大楼里,做着孩子们根本理解不了的工作。 当被问道“爸爸,您做什么工作?”时,他们的回答往往让孩子大惑不解。

“我是楼盘顾问。” “我做市场研究的。” “我是数据处理员。” “我在公关部工作。” “我是系统分析师。” 这些解释对小孩子来说肯定是毫无意义的。 他怎么可能想象得出一个人是怎么去分析系统和研究市场的呢?


在普通的日常工作中,没有什么东西是手工制作出来的了。 现在什么东西都是机器生产的。 也极少有东西需要修理。 机器生产出来的东西很容易散架,而这样的东西要拿去修理的话费用非常高,不值得。 于是消费者被怂勇着把那东西扔了,再买个新的。 事实上,机器是在生产垃圾。

少数跟这些机器能搭上点关系的人当然可以对好追根究底的孩子说:“爸爸是制造垃圾的”。 但是,

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\大多数劳动者离生产垃圾的现场很workforce, however, is too remote from 远,根本感受不到自己对垃圾制造junk production to sense any contribution 业的贡献。 那这些人到底在做些什to the industry. What do these people do? 么呢? 9 Consider the typical 12-story glass 想想美国城市里一栋典型的12building in the typical American city. 层玻璃外墙的楼房吧。 在这栋楼Nothing is being made in this building and 里,没有什么被生产出来,也没有nothing is being repaired, including the 什么在被修理着,连楼房本身也用building itself. Constructed as a piece of 不着修。 这栋楼本来就是被当成一junk, the building will be discarded when it 件垃圾建造起来的,所以当大楼变wears out, and another piece of junk will 得破旧了,就会被当作垃圾扔掉,be set in its place. 在原地盖一栋新的垃圾楼。

10 Still, the building is filled with people 即便如此,大楼里仍然挤满了who think of themselves as working. At 自以为是在工作的人。 一天中任何any given moment during the day perhaps 一个时间里,大概会有三分之一的one-third of them will be talking into 人在打电话。 电话里说的大都与文telephones. Most of these conversations 件有关,因为整栋楼里几乎每一个will be about paper, for paper is what 人都在为文件而忙前忙后。 occupies nearly everyone in this building. 11 Some jobs in the building require 大楼里的有些工作需要有人在men to fill paper with words. There are 文件上写字。 有些人要把字工整地persons who type neatly on paper and 打成文件,有些人要看文件,并在persons who read paper and jot notes in 空白处作批注。 有的人要复印文the margins. Some persons make copies 件,有的则在递送文件。 有的人把of paper and other persons deliver paper. 文件存档,有的则往外取文件。 There are persons who file paper and persons who unfile paper. 12 Some persons mail paper. Some 有些人寄文件,有些则打电话persons telephone other persons and ask 让别人把文件送过来。 有的人打电that paper be sent to them. Others 话打听文件在哪儿,有的则在商讨telephone to ascertain the whereabouts of 文件。 在最豪华的办公室里,有的paper. Some persons confer about paper. 文件被审议通过了,有的则被驳回。 In the grandest offices, men approve of some paper and disapprove of other paper. 13 The elevators are filled throughout 电梯里从早到晚都挤满了把文the day with young men carrying paper 件从一层楼送到另一层楼的年轻from floor to floor and with vital men 人,以及拿着文件的重要人士,他carrying paper to be discussed with other 们正要和其他重要人士商讨文件。 vital men. 一个孩子怎么能理解这一切14 What is a child to make of all this? His 呢? 也许他父亲身居要职,午餐时father may be so eminent that he lunches 都要和别人讨论文件。 试想他带着with other men about paper. Suppose he 儿子来上班,让孩子对他的工作有

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