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becoming the foremost advocate for human rights the world over. Named as the first chairman of the UN Human Rights Commission, Roosevelt oversaw the two-year process of drafting and securing passage of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Additionally, her clashes with

representatives of the Soviet Union led one Republican to lean forward in his chair and state—he wouldn't allow his name to be used for fear of being labeled as a Democratic supporter—\want to know what I think about Mrs Roosevelt, she is tuh-riffic! Mrs Roosevelt is unique in her capacity to create an understanding of our position in the minds of the delegates of other countries. Her performance is so

superlative that it is rather unexpected to be asked to evaluate her in ordinary terms.\

6 By the time she resigned from her UN post in 1952, Roosevelt had become the \India that same year she was greeted by throngs of admirers and introduced to the Indian Parliament by Pandit Nehru as \resurgent humanity\As she traveled around the cities and slums of that country she often spoke with young women about the challenges they faced. \be said, 'It's so bad that so and so failed.' But if a woman fails they will say, 'So you see, a woman is incapable of holding jobs.' Women have to run on a par with men.\on a par, she set the pace.

7 Even at 77 she was still going strong, appointed again to the UN by President Kennedy in 1961, and host of her own panel discussion television show,

人权委员会的首任主席,罗斯福监督了《世界人权宣言》历时两年的起草和通过的全过程。 此外,她和苏联代表的交锋让一位共和党人从椅子上朝前探过身来,说出了下面一番话——因为怕被当成是民主党的支持者,他不愿意透露自己的姓名——“如果你想知道我对罗斯福夫人的看法,那我会说她真是了不起!罗斯福夫人有一种独特的能力,能让其他国家的代表清楚地了解我们的立场。 要用平常的语言来评价她高超的外交手腕,一时间还真不知道该怎么说。”

1952年,当她从联合国代表的位置上卸任时,罗斯福夫人已经是“世界的第一夫人”了。 同年去印度访问时,她受到了大批崇拜者的欢迎,潘迪特 ? 尼赫鲁向议会介绍她时,说她是“重获新生的人性的杰出代表”。 她去了印度的各大城市,造访了贫民窟,期间她经常和年轻妇女们探讨女性所面临的挑战。 她说:“如果一个男人失败了,人们只会说:‘某某失败了,真是令人遗憾。’ 但是如果一个女人失败了,他们会说:‘你看,女人就是干不成什么事。’ 女人不应该比男人逊色。” 安娜 ? 埃莉诺 ? 罗斯福从来不满足于同男人并驾齐驱,她要当那个领跑的人。

即使到了77岁的高龄,她的风头依然不减当年。 1961年,她受肯尼迪总统的任命,再次出任联合国代表,同时她还主持着自己的一档电视

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Prospects of Mankind. \

节目《人类的前途》。 在一期节目中,

thing that a great many women are 她对肯尼迪总统说:“很多女性都对interested in,\一个问题感兴趣,那就是为什么在我one of her broadcasts. \们这个国家女性没有能够在政府中担this country we have not managed to put 任更高级别的职务呢?” them into higher positions of power?\ 8 Please join Life magazine as we 《生活》杂志已经把安娜 ? 埃莉honor the power and humanity of Anna 诺 ? 罗斯福列入英雄殿堂,愿您同我Eleanor Roosevelt by inducting her into 们一起来缅怀她非凡的才智和人性的the Hall of Heroes. 光辉。


Heroes in Western Literature

1 Every culture has its heroes. The earliest heroes inhabit the shadowy area of mythology, occupying a middle space between human experience and

superhuman power and knowledge. They were considered neither human nor divine, and the Greek word from which hero derives actually means \demigod\refers to someone one of whose parents was a god, the other a human being. Often, in the oldest mythologies, the hero succeeded in changing the world, by discovery, invention, or trickery—for

example by discovering or inventing fire, or tricking the gods into giving it to humans. 2 In Western culture, however, and

particularly in Western literature, heroes are traditionally recognized by their bravery, their selflessness, and their ability to rise to the occasion in a desperate or dangerous situation. But they are human, not

superhuman, and it is the fact that they are \to identify with them; this is a point made more than two thousand years ago by the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his definition of \tragic hero\

3 Since then, the adventures of heroes have filled the pages of countless plays and novels; in fact, one of the definitions of the

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每个文化都有自己的英雄。 最早的英雄朦胧出现在神话中,本领介于人类和具备超人类力量与认识的神灵之间。 那个时候的英雄既非凡人,也非神灵,而“英雄”这个词来自古希腊语,在希腊语中的意思是“半神”,指的是那些父母中一方是神灵,另一方是凡人的人。 在那些最古老的神话中,英雄常常是通过自己的发现、创造或者是谋略——比如发现了火,或者是诱骗神把火种给了人类,从而改变了世界的面貌。

但是在西方文化中,尤其是西方文学中,英雄之所以成为英雄,传统意义上是因为他们勇敢、无私,能够在绝境或是险境中应付自如。 但他们毕竟是凡人,不是超人,也正因为这一点,我们才会对他们产生认同感;两千多年前,希腊哲学家亚里士多德在定义“悲剧英雄”时就已经作出了这样的阐释。

