
发布时间 : 星期三 文章广西南宁市第三中学2017-2018学年高二第一学期期末考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读

Text 1

M: I recently started drinking tea. It’s great, and I have a taste for it now. W: Well, I still drink regular coffee with a lot of milk and sugar. I know you don’t like it that way, but it tastes good to me! Text 2

W: I need you to help me with the chores when you get home from school. M: Okay, Mom. What should I do? I cleaned my room yesterday.

W: If you can take out the trash, that would be so helpful. I’ll wash the clothes and dishes. Text 3

M: Do you think school will be canceled tomorrow, Mom? The snow is coming down pretty heavily.

W: I don’t know, but we can keep checking the news on TV. They’ll announce the school closing if necessary. Text 4

W: I’m so excited to see this movie! I’ve never been to a midnight opening. M: You haven’t? I love them. It feels special, because it’s the middle of the week and late at night. And the only people here are really big fans of this film. Text 5

W: Hey, Josh, will you take Pepper for a walk with me?

M: Sure! Let’s take her to the park. We should have time to play there and still make it back for dinner, so we don’t get in trouble with mom and dad. W: Good idea. Text 6

M: I’ve counted this money three times, but I can’t get the right amount. W: Well, what did you start with, Fred? $120? M: Yes. We have two fifties, a ten, and two fives.

W: OK, and you sold a key chain — that’s five dollars…and two notebooks — that’s another two dollars, right?

M: Yes, that’s right. But no matter what I do, I always have an extra dollar.

W: Well, we can’t close the store until the numbers are right. Let me have a look. M: Be my guest, Stephanie. Text 7

M: Let’s go buy a new sofa. Ours is getting pretty rough-looking. I think it’s time to get rid of this one.

W: Okay! What kind of sofa do you think we should get?

M: Hmm, let’s see… First of all, we need to make sure that it’s big enough for one of our friends to sleep on, since we always have someone visiting us. And it has to be comfortable, too…so no leather!

W: But it has to look pretty. That means no silly flowers or a boring color! M: Okay. I’d like to get a good deal for our money as well.

W: Wow. I guess we know exactly what we need! Let’s head to the store. Text 8

W: I’d like to plant some flowers and bushes in the front and back yards. I noticed the other day that we are the only people on our street that don’t have a garden. M: Well, I’m not sure. It will cost a lot of money and take a lot of time. Are you doing it just to fit in with everyone else?

W: No, that’s not the reason. I think their houses look nice with gardens. And I think ours would look better, too.

M: Okay. If that’s how you feel, we can go down to the local garden center and pick out some things. What kind of flowers would you like to plant? I like yellow ones and purple ones.

W: I’m not quite sure. I’d like to look at some different kinds. I love pink, so I’d want to choose some flowers in that color. I’m determined to make our home look pretty. Text 9

W: I can’t wait until summer vacation! What are you doing this summer? M: Well, my family is going to the beach for half a month. W: Do you rent a few hotel rooms or something?

M: No, we stay at my uncle’s house every summer in Destin, Florida. It’s my favorite

time of the year!

W: Oh, cool! That sounds great! What do you do there?

M: Well, we hang out at the beach a lot, of course. My mom and my sister like to lie out on the beach, but my father and I usually surf or play beach volleyball with whoever is nearby.

W: That sounds like a lot of fun! What else do you do?

M: Let’s see… We go out to dinner some nights. Sometimes we pick up fresh seafood from the local grocery store and cook together at home. Those are my favorite times, just spending nights together as a family. Sometimes we watch movies or play card games. You know, we never really do things like that back at home. W: It sounds like you will stay at the beach all the time! M: You said it! That sure would be nice. Text 10

Ladies and gentlemen, we have an announcement for all passengers leaving for Western Europe. All flights have been canceled because of a large cloud of smoke that has traveled from a volcano. If you were planning to fly to Northern Europe today, please check with your airline to see if your flight is still scheduled to take off. We aren’t sure when the planes to Western Europe will be rescheduled. There is no rain in the forecast right now, but there is a chance that some strong winds from the east will clear the skies tomorrow. We apologize for this delay. Unfortunately, the airlines cannot provide you with a hotel for the evening, but we hope you’ll be comfortable in our airport. There are small cupboards with locks just outside each security check. You can store your luggage safely and freely. There is a quiet zone on the third floor with chairs that open out to make small beds. If you’re from the Dallas area, please pay special attention to your cellphone. You will receive a message from your airline if your flight gets scheduled to leave.
