
发布时间 : 星期日 文章(英语试卷合集)广西南宁市2018年八年级上学期期末英语试卷(19份合集)更新完毕开始阅读



1—10 DABBC CBBAD 11—20 CADAA BADAB 二、(每小题2分,共20分) DCABA BBADC 三、(每小题2分,共30分)CBDDB ABCDA BCDCA 四、(每小题2分,共10分)

46.If there was no money, he couldn’t buy delicious food or beautiful clothes. 47. He got worse. (He had a fever and his body was sore). 48.他每天服药三次。49. F 50. health 五、(每小题1分,共10分)

1. somewhere quiet 2. grow up 3. the richest 4. old enough 5. make bed 6. was born 7. How off 8. Cut up 9. good at 10 as famous 六、(每小题1分,共10分)

1. comfortable 2. mine 3. feeding 4. lake 5.turn on 6. stop 7. national 8. became 9.end 10. both 七、A (每小题1分,共5分)

1. The boy started going to school last year. 2. He is going to work harder this term. 3. Could I use your computer?

4.Her home is about 10 kilometers from school. 5.It’s not easy to learn Chinese well.


I’m fourteen years old. Next Sunday is my birthday. I’m going to have a birthday party. For my party, my mother is going to make a wonderful dinner and I will make a banana milk shake. I invited my friends to my birthday party. All of them would love to come, but Han Meimei can’t. Her mother is ill, and her father is out. She has to look after her mother. We all hope that her mother will be better soon and she can come to my birthday party next year.



( )1. What is he going to ______ when he ______ up? —He’s going to be a doctor. A. do, grow A. less, fewer

B. does, grows B. fewer, less

C. be, grows C. less, more C. How often

( )2. I think there will be _____ people and ______pollution. ( )3. - ______________ do you exercise? - twice a week. A.How far B. How long A. How, think of

( )4. -.\ \

B. What, like of C. What, think of

( )5.- —Is there________ in today's newspaper? —No,there isn't. A.anything special A. How much; a few A. stays

B.special anything C.something special B. How many; a little B. stayed

C. How much; a little C.to stay

( )6.—_____cheese do we need?—Only_________. ( )7. His mother wants him _______at home today.

( )8.It’s good for you ____healthy food and _____more exercise. A. to eat; taking B. to eat; take A.faster

C. eating; take

( )9.My sister can run as as me.

B. the fastest

C. fast

( )10.He is a very ____student. He does homework _______in our class.

A. careful; carefully B. careful; the most carefully C. carefully; careful ( )11. .We’re going to buy a new car_____ _two years. A .in A.really

B .after

C. for C.always.

( )12.Pass my glasses to me. I can ________read the words in the newspaper.


( )13. The story is very , I’m very in them. A. interesting, interested B. interested, interested ( )14.He is a ________ boy。 A. thirteen-year-old A.cut it up A. quieter

B. thirteen-years-old B. cut up it B. quiet

C. thirteen years old C.cut up them C. the quietest

( )15.The apple is too big .you should __________. ( )16.---Who’s ______, Tom or Tim? ---Tom is. ( )17.--- I’m going to Sanya for vacation. ---______! A. Have a good time

B. Best wishes to you C. I’m sorry to hear that

C. interested, interesting

( )18. Her younger brother is _____young ______ go to school.

A. so; to

B. very; too

C. too; to

( )19. ---Could you please ______me ______the room?

A. help; cleaning B. to help; clean C. help; clean

( )20. What________if I ______my homework. Tommorw.

A. will happen; don’t finish B. will happen; won’t finish C.happens; don’t finish 二.完形填空(共20分)选择一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填在相应的位置。


My mother told me good friends 21 a mirror. I’m quieter and more serious than most kids.That’s 22 I like reading books and I study harder in class. My best friends Yuan Li is quiet , 23 , so we 24 studying together.I’m shy ,so it’s not easy for me to make friends.But I think friends are like books you don’t need them a lot 25 they are good.

Huang Lei says it’s 26 to be the same .His best friends is quite different from him. He is taller and more outgoing.They 27 sports,but Larry plays tennis better, so he always 28 . However, Larry often helps Huang Lei to bring out the best in him.Larry is 29 hard-working,though.Huang Lei always gets better grades and he often helps him. Huang Lei’s favorite saying is,“A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your 30 . ( )21.A.like ( )22.A.why ( )23.A.also ( )24.A.always ( )25.A.as long as ( )26.A.important ( )27.A.all like ( )28.A.loses ( )29.A.many less ( )30.A.feet


C.are like

B.because B.either B.likes

C.what C.too C.enjoy

C.as good as

B.as well as


C.not necessary

C.both like

B.like both

B.wins B.much more

C.lose to C.many more




Life in the 22nd century (世纪)will be 31 from life in the 21st century, because many changes will take place in the new century. But what will the changes be?

The population(人口) is 32 fast. There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live 33 than before. __34___will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of 35 subjects at school.

People will work fewer hours than they __36___in the 21st century, and they will have more free time for sports, 37 TV and travelling. Traveling will be more convenient(便利的). And many more people will go to other countries ___38__ holidays. X k B 1 . c o m

More land will be used for building, new towns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. 39 no one will eat it every day, instead (代替)they eat more vegetables and fruit. People will be healthier than before.

Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots(机器人), 40 of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem. ( )31.A. same ( )32.A. making ( )33.A. longer ( )34.A. Trains

( )35.A. the most important ( )36.A. do

( )37.A. watch ( )38.A. to

( )39.A. Probably ( )40.A.Because


B. the same C. different B. growing C. running B. shorter

C. faster

B. Telephones

C. Computers

B. most important C. the more important B. does C. did B. to watch C. watching B. on C. for B. Maybe C. may be B. So

C. Although

