
发布时间 : 星期四 文章雅思考试宝典更新完毕开始阅读


eg. a. He is very ______ and makes friends easily.

b. Her research is centered on the _____effects of unemployment. c. Man is a ______ being.

d. Mrs Brown is known as a _______ climber Keys:

sociable/ social social social social

5. sensual 感官的,世俗的,肉欲的 sensible 明智的,合情理的,符合实际的 sensitive: 敏感的,灵敏的,易受伤害的 He is too ______to criticism.

The suggestion sounds very ______ to me, so I will take it.

Those who indulge themselves in ___ pleasure will achieve nothing (end in nothing) in the long run.

The substance is irritable (引起刺激的)to _______ skin. Keys : sensitive sensible sensual sensitive

6. imaginative 富于想象力的 imaginary 想象的,虚构的

imaginable 可想象的,可想到的 unimaginable 和imaginable 一样通常做后置定语 eg. a. All the characters in this book are ________.

b. Jack is a very _____ poet who has already published 50 poems this year. c. These technological developments were hardly _______ 30 years ago.

d. When climbing mountains in cold winter, we may come across a lot of difficulties un________.


e. Shakespeare was acclaimed (commended,praised) for his great _______ power. Keys: imaginary imaginative imaginable imaginable imaginative II. Translation 英译汉

I didn’t see the point of moving my family to London without any job security. 2. The company promotes women and minorities whenever possible.

3. Steve’s doing a sixty-hour work per week now—I never realized he could be such a workaholic.

4. The company looks for highly committed people, who are willing to study for further professional qualifications in free time.

5. We are a small enterprise, and we need to rationalize if we want to compete in this market.

6. Roberts replaces Jacob, who resigned from the firm last month. Keys to Translation:

我不明白为什么在没有任何工作保障的情况下咱们要举家搬到伦敦。 这家公司尽可能地提升妇女和少数民族的职位。



我们是一家小企业,如果想在市场上立足的话就需要裁员。 Robert 接替了Jacob,因为上个月Jacob从公司辞职了。 III. Translation 汉译英



有些人喜欢多姿多彩的工作与生活,因而往往有更多的变化和机遇。 正当、合法的竞争可以推动事业的进步。

通过作兼职工作学生可以掌握人际交往技巧,学会合作与让步,绝对是件好事。 Keys:

Frequent job-hopping is disadvantageous to / will do harm to both individuals and companies.

Some people welcome/ prefer/ favor variety in their work and life.

(Some people prefer colorful work and life.) Therefore, they always meet more changes and opportunities.

Proper and legal competitions could promote / boost / accelerate progress in our career. It is absolutely beneficial/ good for students to do part-time jobs, through which they could master/ grasp interpersonal skills/ techniques and learn to cooperate and compromise at the same time. IV. Proverbs 谚语部分

Many hands make light work. 众人拾柴火焰高 One swallow doesn’t make a summer.

A little leak will sink a great ship. 千里之堤溃于蚁穴 A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口

A friend is known till needed. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。 Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失

He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom. 千里之行始于足下 Time tries truth. 时间检验真理


The early bird catches the worm. 捷足先登

A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力老大徒伤悲

Lecture Five I. Words Distinction (出选择题)

respectable 可敬的,高尚的,得体的 respectful 表示尊敬的,有礼貌的 respective 各自的,分别的

eg. a. Mr Smith is a ____ teacher in our village who has been teaching our kids English for about 40 years.

We kept ____ silence when Lucy was speaking though we didn’t agree with her drastic idea (过激的想法).

Her six sons were quite successful in their ____ fields. Keys: respectable respectful respective

2. considerable 可观的,大量的 considerate 考虑周到的,殷勤的 eg. a. It’s very ___ of you to give me such a nice trunk (旅行箱)for my travel. b. The new TV series has received ____ acclaim (评价).

C. The villa (别墅)must have cost him a ____sum / amount of money. Keys: considerate considerable considerable

3. sufficient 足够的 insufficient, deficient (ante.) efficient 效率高的,胜任的 proficient 熟练的,精通的

eg. a. The new secretary is quick and ____, so I’m quite satisfied with her. b. A ____ surgeon is the product of lengthy training and rich experience. c. My parents have _____ income for a comfortable retirement (退休生活).

