
发布时间 : 星期一 文章书面表达句子写作训练(2016改编版)更新完毕开始阅读

B 即时演练 连句成段

1. 你最好找一些同龄人交朋友。拥有朋友意味着你将不会感到孤独和抑郁。 2. 当然,我进行阅读是为了消遣,也是为了获取知识。如有可能,我也将参加一些社会活动,以便更多地了解社会。

3. 我们的宾馆位于距白山人口处500米开外的地方。宾馆里面有20个单人房间和15个双人房间,每个房间都配有热水淋浴。

4. 要想学好课程,你必须先理解。为了帮助学生更好地理解课程,老师应该偶尔使用汉语。

5. 大学毕业后,她就成了一家报社的记者。从那时候起,她帮助了许多上当受骗的人。

6. 事实上,我喜欢认识新的人并享受和他们交谈。相信我们之间都需要彼此的帮助,我感激朋友的帮助,我也乐章帮助任何需要帮助的人。

7. 可能你厌倦了携带装备,然而,通过使用这款智能手机,你可以管理你繁忙的生活。而且,它设计精巧、轻便,待机时间长达四天之久。 8. 出于对环境问题和资源浪费的担心,中国将禁止免费使用塑料袋。

9. 因为有你的帮助,我的英语水平大大提高了。然而,考试的压力、过多的作业与更高的期望值一度使我很抑郁。

10. 谢谢你的鼓励。要不然,我不会实现自己的梦想。 B即时演练 连句成段

1. You had better make some friends of your age. Having friends means that you won’t feel lonely and depressed.

2. Of course, I do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. If possible, I’ll take part in some social activities so that I can know more about society.

3. Our hotel stands 500 meters away from the entrance to Baishan Mountain. It has 20 single rooms and 15 double rooms, all with hot showers.

4. To learn the course well, you have to understand it first. To help the students understand the course better, the teacher should use Chinese from time to time.

5. After graduating from university, she became a reporter for a newspaper. Since then, she has helped lots of people cheated.

6. In fact, I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them. Believing we all need help from each other, I appreciate friends’ help, and I am willing to help anyone in need.

7. Maybe you have got tired of carrying devices. However, by using the smartphone, you can manage your busy life. What’s more, it is of delicate design and porable, with enough electricity powering the cellphone battery for about four days.

8. Worrying about environmental issues and a severe waste of resources, China will ban the free use of plastic bags.

9. My English has been greatly improved because of your help. However, at one time, the pressure of exams, too much homework and the higher expectation made me depressed.

10. Thank you for your encouragement. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have realized my dream.

书面表达句子写训练(2016改编版) 45

第十一节 精彩句式仿写

1. “形容词/副词+enough to do sth.”表示“够??去做某事”。 示例:

The boy is old enough to go tto school.


_________________________________________________________________ (2)只要你足够好奇以一种新的方式看待事物,你就会成功。


2. “as+形容词/副词原级+as, if not+比较级+than”表示“就算不比??更??也和??一样”。


Tom is as clever as, if not cleverer than, his brother. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)她的发音就算不比老师好,也与老师的发音一样好。

_________________________________________________________________ 3. “not/no/never/nothing+比较级”表示“没有比??更??”,即用比较级表达最高级概念。


There is nothing more interesting than the film I have ever seen in the past years. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)我爷爷对家乡的历史最为了解。

_________________________________________________________________ (3)他度过了最令人担忧的一天。



1. 仿写句子

(1)If we are strong enough to forgive others, we will be thought to be very great. (2)You will succeed so long as, if not better than, her teacher’s. 2, 仿写句子

(1)Teaching is as much an art as it is a science.

(2)Her pronunciation is as good as, if not better than, her teacher’s. 3. 仿写句子

(1)I couldn’t be in worse temper recently.

(2)No one knows more about the history of my hometown than my grandpa. (3)He had never spent a more worrying day.

书面表达句子写训练(2016改编版) 46

4. “比较级+than any other+单鴳可数名词”表示最高级概念,也可以表达为“比较级+than the other+名词复数/the others”或“比较级+than anyone(anybody)else”。但是,如果比较的对象不在同一个范围之内,则用“比较级+than+单数名词”。


He works harder than other student in his class. China is larger than any country in Africa. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)长江是中国最长的河流。

_________________________________________________________________ 5. “the+比较级+of”表示“两个中较??的一个”。 仿写句子: 示例:

He works the harder of the two workers.


_________________________________________________________________ (2)这两个栏目中,我将选择更受大家欢迎的那一个。

_________________________________________________________________ 6. “as+形容词/副词原级(+a/an)+名词+as”表示“和??一样??” 示例:

He is as good a player as his sister. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)他和他弟弟一样都是著名的科学家。


4. 仿写句子

(1)Jimmy is the oldest boy and is taller than any other boy in the class.

(2)The Changjiang river/The Yangtse River is longer than any other river in China.

5. 仿写句子

(1)Which do you think is the more exciting of the two sports, basketball or football?

(2)I will choose the more popular of the two columns.. 6. 仿写句子

(1)Our friends are as important as our cellphones. (2)He is as famous a scientist as his younger brother.

书面表达句子写训练(2016改编版) 47

7. “the+形容词/副词比较级,the+形容词/副词比较级”表示“越??就越??”,表示一个方面的程度随着另一方面的程度平行增进或递减。

示例: 示例:

The more you eat, the father you’ll be. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)温度越高,水变成蒸汽的速度越快。

_________________________________________________________________ (3)他越是紧张,面试结果就会越差。

_________________________________________________________________ 8. “the same+名词+as”表示“和??一样??” 示例:

The rope is the same length as that one. He is not the same man as he used to be. I shall do it in the same way as you did. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________ (2)我将用和你同样的方法去解决问题。


9. 倍数+比较级+than…,倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as…, 倍数+the size/height/length/weight/width…+of


The room is twice larger than that one.

=The room is three times as large as that one. =The room is three times the size of that one. 仿写句子:


_________________________________________________________________7. 仿写句子

(1)The harder you work, the better result you’ll get.

(2)The higher the temperature is, the faster water turns into steam. (3)The more nervous he is, the worse the result of the interview will be. 8. 仿写句子

(1)China is no longer the same country as it used to be. (2)I will take the same measure as you do to solve the problem. 9. 仿写句子

This river is three times as long as that one./This river is three times the length of that one.

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