
发布时间 : 星期二 文章(word完整版)人教版四年级英语上册期末试题(共五套)更新完毕开始阅读

A.Happy birthday. B.Merry Christmas. ( )5.你肚子饿了,你会说:

A. I’m hungry. B. Help yourself.

( )6. 请求别人递叉子给你的时候,你应该有礼貌地说:

A. Give me a fork. B. Pass me the fork,please. ( )7. 你想知道教室里有什么,你应该说:

A. What’s in the classroom? B. Where’s in the classroom?

( )8. 你爸爸是做什么的用英语怎么说?

A. Who’s your father? B. What’s your father? ( )9. 当别人问:“Is she in the kitchen?”时,你回答说:

A. Yes, it is. B. No, she isn’t. ( )10. 如果你想看电视,你会:

A. Go to the living room. B. Go to the bathroom.

( )11. 当你向别人介绍照片上的人是你的老师时,应说:

A.This is my teacher. B.She is my teacher.

( )12.当你同意别人用你的东西时,你会说:

A.Thanks. B.Here you are.

( )13.如果你想叫别人开门,可以这样说:

A.Open the door,please. B.Close the door,please. ( )14.当你想知道对方家里有多少人时,应说:

A.How many people are there in your family? B.How many people do you have?

( )15.当你想知道你的笔友你们有了新教室的时候,你应该说:

A.We have a new classroom? B.What’s in the classroom?


( )1.Is this mother?

A.you B.your C.my

( )2. is your sister’s job ?

A. Where B. Who C.What

( )3. — his name? —His name is Zhang Peng.

A. Who’s B. What’s C. Who

( )4.Go to the to read books.

A. fridge B. study C. Door ( )5.Here you are . --- .


A.Thank you B.No,thanks C.OK

( )6. He has hair.

A. short B. big C. quiet

( )7.My glasses near the phone.

A.am B.is C.are

( )8.Is this a bedroom? —

A. No, it is. B. No, they aren’t. C. No, it isn’t. ( )9.There a dog in our classroom。

A.is B.am C.are

( )10.Where are my keys?---They’re the door

A.in B.on C.under

六.情景搭配,请从B 栏中选出A栏的正确答案。 A ( ) 1. What’s in your schoolbag? ( ) 2. Is she in the study? ( ) 3. Are they on the table? ( ) 5. What’s your father? 七.连词成句

1. What job your aunt’s is ?

. 2. in kitchen the is She

. 3. What’s your in case pencil ?

. 4. a friend new I have ?

. 5. like would What you ?



B A. He’s a teacher. B. Yes, they are. C. I would like some fish, please. E. 5 books and 3 pencils. ( ) 4. What would you like for lunch? D. Yes, she is. 八.阅读理解。根据短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F。

My classroom is nice and big . The wall is white and the floor is black. There

are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two boards on the wall. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has ten lights and five fans. What colour are the fans? They are blue. Beside the teacher’s desk, there is a shelf. Many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.

This is my classroom. It is very nice. We like it very much. ( )1、My classroom is nice and small.

( )2、There are thirty desks and chairs in the classroom. ( )3、There are three pictures on the wall. ( )4、The five fans are blue.

( )5、I don’t like the books very much.



一、写出相应的字母。(10分) 1、写出所缺的大写或者小写字母。

(1)____ b (2)_____ u (3) Y _____ (4) K_______ (5) X_________


(1) Cc______ Ee (2)______Ll_______ (3)_______Qq_________ 二、请按正确拼写重组单词。(10分) byo gril firend rluer pencil-csae

三、完成单词并将单词与相应的图片连线。(10分) 1.te__cher 2.b__d 3.brea____ 4.doo___ 5.ch___cken 门 鸡肉 教师 床 面包 a. b. c. d. e


beef , fish ,book ,kitchen, mother, sister, living room , bag , rice , study 1.family member(家庭成员):__________ ___________ 2.food (食品): ________ _________ __________ 3.school things (学习用品): ______ _______ 4.room(房间):_______ ________



1.What’s your father? A. Sure, here you are. 2.How many books do you have? B. Yes, she is. 3.May I have a look? C. I have 3. 4.What would you like? D. He is a doctor. 5.Is she in the study? E. I’d like some beef. 六、选出正确的英文释义。(5分) ( )1、你叔叔是做什么的?

A. What’s your uncle? B. Who’s your uncle? ( )2、你想要什么?

A. What do you like? B. What would you like? ( )3、晚饭吃什么?

A. What’s for dinner? B. What’s dinner? ( )4、我的笔记本在哪里?

A. Where is my Chinese book? B. Where is my notebook? ( )5、这位司机在书房里。

A. The driver is in the study. B. The teacher is in the kitchen. 七、连词组句。(10分) 1. your, What’s , father?

__________________________________ 2.classroom? , in, the, What’s

__________________________________ 3.would, like? , you, What

___________________________________ 4.study? , Are, in, the, they

___________________________________ 5. books, many, How, you , do, have?


八、阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误,在括号内打“√ ”或“× ”。(5分)

I’m Tom. I’m eleven years old. I live near the school. I go to school every day. In my family there are three people. My mother, my father and I. My father is a bus driver. He is friendly(友好).He has a lot of friends. My mother is a teacher. She works at my school. She does housework every day. I love them. ( )1.Tom is ten years old.

( )2.There are three people in his family. ( )3.His father is a teacher.

( )4.Tom does housework every day. ( )5.Tom’s father has a lot of friends.

