新视野大学英语第三版电子教案Book 3 unit 5讲课稿

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Meaning: The difference labor and work has no connection with the difference between a manual and mental job or between jobs which get low or high respect and admiration.

★correlate: v. (~with) if two or more facts, ideas, etc. correlate or you correlate them, they are closely connected to each other or one causes the other(使)相互关联 Rising temperatures and the associated earlier spring snowmelt with increasing amounts and size of wildfires in the western United States.


★ esteem:

n. [U]a feeling of respect for sb., or a good opinion of sb.尊敬; 敬重 He is held in high esteem by colleague in the construction industry. 他受到建筑业同行的高度尊重。

vt. (fml.) respect and admire sb. or sth. 尊敬; 敬重

Employee qualities such as being cooperative and industrious are often esteemed by managers.


9 Workers are therefore more prone to dedicate more time to working, taking too little leisure rather than too much. (Para.4)

Meaning: Workers are therefore more likely to spend more time in working, and they will spend extremely little amount of time on relaxation.

★prone:a. likely to do sth. or suffer from sth., esp. sth. bad or harmful易于发生某事(尤指不好或有害的事)的;很可能?的;有?倾向的 Most children are prone to junk food. 多数孩子喜欢吃垃圾食品。

★dedicate vt.

1) use a place, time, money, etc. only for a particular purpose(为某一目的而)使用 The newspaper dedicated three whole pages to pictures of the princess. 报纸用了三个整版刊登王妃的照片。

2) give all your attention and effort to one particular thing 致力于; 献身于

The new president said she would dedicate herself protecting the rights of children, the old and the homeless.


10 To laborers, on the other hand, leisure means autonomy from compulsion, so it is natural for them to imagine that the fewer hours they have to spend laboring, and the more hours they have free for play, the better. (Para.4)



Meaning: To labors, on the other hand, leisure means complete freedom from what they are forced to do or what they have to do; so, it is natural for them to think that it is better if they spend less time on labor and more time on play.


1) the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else自主能力; 自主

Genetic engineering may threaten privacy, kill autonomy, make society look and be alike, and destroy the concept of human nature.

基因工程可能威胁隐私,扼杀自主权,使社会千篇一律,并且破坏人性这一观念。 2) freedom that a place or an organization has to g overn or control itself自治; 自治权

They are willing to give this district more autonomy, but not independence. 他们愿意给该地区更多的自治权,但不会让其独立。

Note compulsion: n.[sing.,U] the act of forcing or influencing sb. to do sth. they do not want to do, or the situation of being forced or influenced (被)强制;(被)强迫 Who would undertake such a difficult task without compulsion? 如果不是强制性的,谁会去承担这样—项困难的任务?

11 They will also work with more diligence and precision because they have fostered a sense of personal pride in their jobs. (Para.5)

Meaning: They will also work harder and more accurately because they have developed a sense of personal pride in their jobs.

★precision: n.[U]the quality of being very exact or correct 精确(性); 准确(性) To improve the precision of gene testing, scientist needed to spell out the actual DNA sequence of disease-fostering genes.


★foster: vt. heIp a skill, felling, idea, etc. develop over a period of time促进; 培养;助长

All classroom practice will be geared to encouraging and fostering not only students’ learning habits but also students’ creativity.


12 On the other hand, laborers, whose sole incentive is earning their livelihood, feel that the time they spend on the daily grind is wasted and doesn’t contribute to their happiness. (Para, 5)

Meaning: On the other hand, laborers, whose only motive is making a living, feel that the time they spend on the boring daily work is wasted and doesn’t bring them happiness.



★incentive: n .[C,U] sth. that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc.刺激;动力;鼓励

My girlfriend’s interest in my job gave me an incentive, so I worked twice as hard. 女友对我工作的兴趣给了我动力,因此我加倍努力。

★livelihood: n . [C,U]the way you earn money in order to live生计

It was the lack of a basic livelihood that compelled the oppressed to fight for their survival.


13 Instead of valuing all hours of their day as enjoyable and productive hours, they gauge only the time spent in leisure and play as meaning. (Para.5)

Meaning: Instead of regarding all 24 hours of their day as enjoyable and productive hours, they believe that only the time that they spend in leisure and play is meaningful.

★gauge: vt. make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have (根据所掌握的信息)估计,判断

If you want to gauge public opinion about the war, look at the local media coverage concerning the deaths of the soldiers.

如果你想判断舆论对这场战争的看法,看看当地媒体有关士兵牺牲的报道吧。 n. [C] an instrument for measuring the size or amount of sth.测量仪器; 计量器; 量规

A gasoline gauge shows the amount of gasoline left in a car. 油表显示汽车剩余的油量。

14 Unfortunately, laborers are all too commonplace, and only a small percentage of the population is in the lucky position of being workers. (Para.5)

Meaning: Unfortunately, laborers are so common that they can be seen almost everywhere, and only a small percentage of the population is lucky to be workers.

★Commonplace: a. happening or existing in many places, and therefore not special or unusual平常的;平凡的;不足为奇的

Paid vacations of two weeks or longer are a commonplace benefit in many companies.


15 In recent decades,technological innovation and the division of labor have caused major economic changes by eliminating the need for special strength or skill in many fields and have turned many paid occupations with enjoyable work into boring labor.(Para, 6)



Meaning: In recent decades, the improvements in technology and the division of labor have caused great economic changes. People do not need special strength or skill any more in many fields. Many paid jobs with enjoyable work have become boring labor routine.

★innovation: n.

1)[U] the introduction of new ideas or methods 革新;创新

The duty of every teacher is to encourage creativity and innovation in the classroom. 每个老师在课堂上的职责都是鼓励创新。

2)[C] a new idea, method, or invention 新观念;新方法

Those well-meaning people who have tried to introduce innovations in schools have come up with against considerable resistance from teachers, students and parents alike.

那些善意的人们尽力将一些新观念引入学校, 但在老师、学生和家长中都遇到了相当大的阻力。

16 Increasing productivity with automated machines, such as robots, has reduced the number of necessary laboring hours. (Para.6)

Meaning: With the use of machines which can automatically do the work for people, such as robots, productivity has increased and the number of necessary laboring hours has accordingly decreased.

★automate: vt. start using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people使自动化

The engineer used a computer program he had created to automate downloading of program updates.


★automated: a. using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people自动化的

One proposed solution to the growing problem of accidents caused by tired truck, may perhaps be an automated highway system.


17 It is possible to imagine an upcoming society in which the majority of the

population will have almost as much leisure time as in earlier times was enjoyed by the medieval aristocracy. (Para.6)

Meaning: It is possible to imagine that in a society of the near future, most of the people will have a lot of spare time, which would be similar to the amount of time for play enjoyed by aristocrats in medieval times.

