
发布时间 : 星期六 文章高考复习(句子成分,简单句,并列句)更新完毕开始阅读


衡南九中 殷老师编制


1.熟记简单句的五种基本句型 2.会判断简单句的五种基本句型 3.了解英语句子的分类方法



课前热身 Ⅰ、划分句子成分并判断这些句子的类型

1. She is a very good girl . (

(__语) (__词) (___语)

2. The girl is very good. (

(__语) (__词) (___语)

3. They ‖ laughed. ( (__语) (__词)

4. The kites ‖ fly in the sky. (

(__语) (__词)

5. I ‖ bought a new bike. (

(__语) (__词) (__语)

6. He ‖ plays volleyball. (

(__语) (__词) (__语)

7. She ‖ told me a story. (

(__语) (__词) (__语) (__语)

8. He ‖ gave me a good book. (

(__语) (__词) (__语) (__语)

9.He ‖ asked me to help him. (

(__语) (__词) (__语) (__语)

10.He ‖ made me happy. (

(__语) (__词) (__语) (__语)


) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 英语五种基本句型列式如下: 基本句型一 基本句型二 基本句型三 基本句型四 基本句型五 S.+V. (主+谓) S.+V.+P. (主+系+表) S.+V.+O. (主+谓+宾) S.+V.+I.O.+D.O. (主+谓+间宾+直宾) S.+V.+O.C. (主+谓+宾+宾补) 一、S.+V. (主语+谓语) 请看下列例句并仿照划分句子成分 1.The sun was shining. 2.We all breathe, eat, and drink. 3.Who cares?

4. What he said does not matter. 5.They talked for half an hour. 6.The pen writes smoothly.

此句型的句子有一个共同特点,即句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意思。 这类动词叫做不及物动词,后面可以跟副词、介词短语、状语从句等。

(1)这些动词常见的有:take place,happen,break out,appear,disappear,apologize,arrive,come,die,exist,fall,rise,hang(可作及物动词或不及物动词)等。

(2)有些动词如wash,sell,burn,write,clean,draw,cook,read等可以在后面加副词表示主语的性质。 知识点2

二、S.+V.+P. (主语+系动词+表语)

请看下列例句并仿照划开句子成分 1.This is an English-Chinese dictionary. 2.The dinner smells good. 3.He fell in love.

4.Everything looks different. 5.He is growing tall and strong.

6.The trouble is that they are short of money. 7.Our well has gone dry. 8.His face turned red.



(2)表示转变或结果的系动词。这些词有:become,get,grow,turn,go,come,prove等。 知识点3

三、S.+V.+O. (主语+谓语+宾语)

请看下列例句并仿照划分句子成分 1.Who knows the answer? 2.She smiled her thanks. 3.He has refused to help them. 4.He enjoys reading. 5.They ate what was left over. 6.He said “Good morning.” 7.I want to have a cup of tea. 8.He admits that he was mistaken.



跟动名词做宾语的动词和短语有:acknowledge(承认),admit,appreciate(感激),avoid,consider,delay,deny,dislike,prevent,enjoy,escape,finish,imagine,keep,mind,practice,quit(放弃),risk,(can't)stand,suggest,advise等;动词短语有:give up,put off,feel like,set about,insist on等。


请看下列例句并仿照划分句子成分 1.She ordered herself a new dress. 2.She cooked her husband a delicious meal.

3.He bought you a dictionary./He bought a dictionary for you. 4.I showed him my pictures./I showed my pictures to him. 5.I gave my car a wash. 6.I told him that the bus was late. 7.He showed me how to run the machine.



(1)动词+宾语+for sb.(buy,provide)。

(2)动词+宾语+to sb.(give,offer,show,lend)。 知识点5

五、S.+V.+O.+O.C. (主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语)

请看下列例句并仿照划分句子成分 1.They appointed him manager. 2.They painted the door green. 3.This set them thinking. 4.They found the house deserted. 5.What makes him think so? 6.We saw him out.

7.He asked me to come back soon. 8.I saw them getting on the bus.



归纳总结 1.只有 动词后才会带宾语,双宾语是指 和 ,而复合宾语为 的结构

2.只有 动词后才会带表语,所以要牢记这些动词,不要只记得be

3. 复合宾语与双宾语的不同之处在于: 4.你能结合下列两个例句分析一下哪个是复合宾语结构吗? I gave my car a wash.

(提示:不能说“我的车子是一个澡”my car is a wash) I saw them getting on the bus.

(提示:可以说“他们正上车”They are getting on the bus ) 随堂演练 完成句子并写出句型代码。 1.他感到焦虑。

He worried.( ) 2.这孩子看起来像只猴子。

The child like a monkey.( ) 3.你必须保持健康。

You must .( ) 4.这种混合物味道太难尝了。

The mixture .( ) 5.他变得对科学感兴趣。 He in science.( ) 6.现在我的梦想实现了。

Now my dream has .( ) 7.昨晚他显得十分疲倦。

He last night.( )
